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Russia, Crimea And The Rumble Of Sabers In The Caucasus

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  • Russia, Crimea And The Rumble Of Sabers In The Caucasus


    [ Part 2.2: "Attached Text" ]


    International Panorama
    Translated from Spanish

    When dropped the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine
    and the event was read both as a blow to the legs of the Kremlin as
    the threshold to a renewed partnership is with the West,circulated
    an intense rumor sabers and impending war in a region key Southeast

    The version that was much more than that and had not transpired so far,
    denounced a robust mobilization of troops and supplies from Azerbaijan
    oil state on the borders of Armenia.

    These two countries have a chronic dispute over the sovereignty of
    Nagorno-Karabakh, a territory of Armenian historical roots in times
    of the USSR, which integrated both the dictator Joseph Stalin will
    transfer to Azerbaijani regime. When the Soviet Union entered its
    cycle decomposition in the late 80s, the parliament of the autonomous
    region voted for reunification with Armenia which was ratified by a
    referendum, a similar cycle that just happened with Crimea.

    Azerbaijan did not accept this decision. The result was a bloody
    war fought between February 1988 and May 1994 and ended with a
    precarious ceasefire under international supervision. In the midst
    of this conflict, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and became the
    current enclave Boscosa Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, a wasteland
    of little over 4,500 km2 and 200,000 inhabitants recognized only by
    their motherland in Yerevan.

    The information circulated about this silent military offensive
    assault detailing a handful of days, bombing and artillery and that
    would settle with the destruction of the capital of the enclave,
    Stepanakert, the total or partial seizure of territory and a strong
    armed pressure on Armenia to detain.

    Those rumors and arrived vanished.

    All, however, makes sense in that sandbox.

    These disturbing reports were born simultaneously with the Russian
    crude reverse the loss of the puppet government that had mounted
    in Kiev. This result is considered it, perhaps with exaggerated
    impressionist fee, and the brake to the expansive ambitions of Moscow
    determined to start his own Eurasian market without Ukraine would
    lose much of its sustainability. When Moscow regained the initiative
    taking control of the pro-Russian province of Crimea on the Black Sea,
    the sandbox is rolling almost immediately runrunes and immediately
    went out offensive in the Caucasus.

    West, surprised by the Russian move, locked himself in denouncing the
    operation was illegal and in violation of territorial integrity pacts
    that the Kremlin had even signed with Ukraine itself. It is true.But
    Moscow, as analysts warned even in the U.S., never observed this
    conflict in legal, but geopolitical terms. They are not the same thing.

    Interestingly, in that sense what moves in the background of these war
    games. Azerbaijan is a state that has a turcofono carnal alliance with
    Turkey is the other regional power, which like Russia, achieved strong
    economic and political development over the past decade.Partnerships
    Turkey are sharp. It belongs to NATO and its port of Ceyhan is the
    end of a giant pipeline that is born in the Azeri-Chirag oil field in
    the Caspian Sea Guneshli, crossing Georgia passing over the northern
    border of Armenia to reach the Mediterranean.

    That product called BTC, the acronym of Baku, Azerbaijan's capital,
    Tbilisi, Georgia and the Ceyhan indicated, carries an extraordinary
    volume of crude oil to 1.5 barrels . That above all the daily
    production of Iran or slightly less than Venezuela, revealed by its
    size the political commitment to support that work flow. In literal
    termsis an authentic western border of the Kremlin's own beards.

    Moscow is a historic ally of Armenia whose government recently signed
    affiliation to future Eurasian market. A few hours ago Yerevan is also
    quick to recognize as legitimate the annexation of Crimea by Russia and
    disavowed any possibility that Ukraine and Georgia joining NATO. The
    gesture should be understood as a matter of basic loyaltiesrushed for
    self defense, but also because Armenia aspires to the same development
    of integration with your unredeemed enclave.

    The episode of saber rattling little known that we have here, is the
    importance of clearly exposing the delicate and sensitive tissue on
    the space that is developing this new conflict between Russia and the
    West . As a table with her legs loose, depending on where pressure
    is exerted will twist to one side or another, but the main challenge
    is to stay balanced. An example of the level of chaos reveals a
    fact that also had little consequence in this part of the world on
    Wednesday, a soldier of 20 years old Army Nagorno was shot dead by an
    Azerbaijani sniper shot him in the northern border enclave. Another,
    19, was seriously injured.

    So far the biggest crisis the Crimea, exhibits an unstable result
    tables.Russian President Vladimir Putin lost its influence in Ukraine,
    but appropriated the strategic peninsula. There, as is well known,
    lies the Russian war fleet Black Sea.

    There has also been a flowery sanctions crossing between the U.S.,
    its allies and Russia itself have been vetoed each entry visas for
    certain personalities. But nothing too radical. The strong data
    brought him the Turkish premier Recep Erdogan who took the lead and
    raised the possibility that his country no less than closing the
    Bosphorus, the door on the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. I would,
    threatened, whether any negative development occurred against the
    Tatars in Crimea Muslims living as an important anti Russian minority
    in that region. Ankara, in keeping with its allies, also defended the
    territorial integrity of Ukraine, rejected the referendum illegitimate
    used by the Kremlin to validate the annexation and threatened that if
    NATO takes any action, Turkey simply be there.What does it mean? In
    principle they are voices that warn that this story is just beginning.
