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Turks, Armenians And Europeans Commemorate Armenian Genocide Togethe

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  • Turks, Armenians And Europeans Commemorate Armenian Genocide Togethe


    12:37 24/03/2014 >> SOCIETY

    In 1915, the implementation of a methodical and premeditated plan
    led to the extermination of one and a half million Armenians in the
    Ottoman Empire, in an attempt to destroy an entire civilization and to
    "Turkify" Anatolia, says an article in Indiegogo.


    The successive governments of the Turkish Republic have since fought
    to deny the dark side of the history of their country. Genocide
    denial has encouraged racism and hatred against Armenians and other
    non-Muslim minorities.

    For some years now, some in Turkish civil society have courageously
    organized commemorations of the Armenian genocide. A circle of truth
    and righteousness has gradually widened, as more and more voices
    joined in a humane and moving effort to confront the official discourse
    of genocide-denial.

    This year, on April 24 2014, united in Turkey and across Europe by a
    common desire to see the truth finally recognized, we will commemorate
    the Armenian Genocide in Turkey.

    Many have already joined the movement but we need your support. Help
    us break the deadly silence by signing onto the appeal, joining in
    April 24 commemorations or by donating to the project.

    The issue of the Genocide being a very hot topic, our efforts towards
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide are difficult to finance
    through traditional channels.

    Your contribution will help us to:

    Organize large commemorations of the Armenian Genocide on Taksim
    Square in Istanbul on April 24th 2014.

    Build a large delegation of leaders from the Armenian Diaspora as
    well as European civil society leaders to attend the commemorations
    and therefore support and protect the event.

    Make a step forward towards the recognition of the Genocide in Turkey

    Donate here and sign the Petition:

    Follow us on Facebook:

    This campaign is supported by:

    Charles Aznavour, Singer (France), Bernard Henri Levy, Philosopher
    (France), Abdullah Demirbas, Mayor of Sur district of Diyarbakir
    (Turkey), Ara Toranian, Co-President of "Coordination Council of
    Armenian Organizations in France" (CCAF), Serge Klarsfeld, President
    of "Sons and Daughters of Deported Jews from France" (France), Murat
    Timur, President of the Van Bar Association (Turkey), Bernard Kouchner,
    former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Founder of Doctors Without
    Borders and Doctors of the World, Adam Michnik, Historian, journalist,
    essayist and former leader of Solidarnosk (Poland), Ragip Zarakolu,
    Writer (Turkey), Roni Margulies, Journalist and poet (Turkey),
    Jovan Divjak, Former Commanding General of Yugoslav Army, Defender
    of besieged Sarajevo (Bosnia), Omer Laciner, Writer (Turkey), Tahar
    Ben Jelloun, Writer and poet (Morocco), Dario Fo, Writer, Nobel Prize
    for literature (Italy), Ferhat Kentel, Sociologist (Turkey), Andre
    Glucksmann, Philosopher (France), Murat Celikkan, Journalist (Turkey),
    Korhan Gumus, Architect (Turkey), Richard Prasquier, Vice-President
    of Shoah Foundation (France), Dr. Sinan Ozbek, Professor (Turkey),
    Dr. Gencay Gursoy, Professor (Turkey), Edward Mier-Jedrzejowicz,
    Chairman, Foundation Marie Clementine Tyszkiewiczow Krolikiewicz
    (Poland), Oliviero Toscani, Photographer (Italy), Yann Moix, Writer
    (France) and many more leaders of the European Civil Society.

    It is a unique initiative of:

    DurDe !: Founded in 2007 right after the murder of Armenian journalist
    Hrant Dink, is a Turkish network combating against racism, nationalism
    and hate crimes in Turkey. It has been organising Commemorations of
    the Armenian Genocide on Taksim Square in Istanbul since 2010.

    AGBU Europe: The Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) is the
    world's largest non-profit organisation devoted to preserving and
    promoting the Armenian identity and heritage through educational,
    cultural and humanitarian programs.

    EGAM: The European Grassroots Antiracist Movement (EGAM) gathers the
    main antiracist NGOs from 30 countries in Europe in order to structure
    the fight against racism, antisemitism, racial discrimination and
    genocide denial at a truly European level.
