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Canadian PM Urged To Call Upon Turkey To Prevent Any Incursions Into

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  • Canadian PM Urged To Call Upon Turkey To Prevent Any Incursions Into


    14:50 25.03.2014

    Canada, Kessab, Syria

    Dr. Girair Basmadjian, President of the Armenian National Committee
    of Canada, has addressed a letter to Canada's Prime Minister Stephen
    Harper, regarding the situation in Kessab, Syria. The letter reads:

    "On behalf of the Armenian National Committee of Canada, and Canadians
    of Armenian origin, I would like to bring your attention an urgent
    matter concerning the Syrian Armenian community of Kassab. As you
    may be aware, the Armenian-populated region of Kassab has been the
    location of a recent attack in Syrian territory from Turkey by al
    Qaeda linked fighters.

    Kassab is the last remaining outpost of the medieval Armenian
    principality of Cilicia. Kassab has had a constant Armenian population
    for almost one thousand years. Although the area has been subject
    to many disputes between various countries seeking control and to
    significant persecution of its Armenian population during the Ottoman
    Empire (including massacres in 1909 and deportation of much of its
    population during the Armenian Genocide in 1915), until this week's
    evacuation, the Christian population has never had to completely flee
    the region.

    As we write, al Qaeda members roam the streets of Kassab and the
    surrounding Christian and Alawite villages. There are confirmed reports
    of armed men raising al Qaeda banners over Armenian churches and
    Alawite mosques and making threats to kill all Christians and Alawites
    found in those communities. Fortunately, the civilian population
    of Kassab was able to flee to Latakia prior to the arrival of these
    terrorist- attackers.

    This already dire situation is compounded by the fact that these
    fighters crossed into Kassab from Turkey and seem to have the tacit
    approval of Turkish authorities to carry out this attack. As you can
    appreciate, the Armenian population of Kassab, which suffered under
    the Ottoman Empire, is especially afraid that these attacks are an
    attempt by Turkey to displace the last elements of the indigenous
    Armenian population of Cilicia.

    We request a meeting to discuss this matter with you in person at
    your earliest convenience. In advance of this meeting, recognizing
    the urgency of the situation, we have set out our suggestions for
    ways in which Canada may act to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe
    and help to uphold the international laws of warfare.

    We ask that Canada call upon all sides to the conflict to immediately
    cease all hostilities in the region and allow the return of the
    civilian population. We would hope that this could serve as an example
    for the broader conflict as well and help to bring peace to Syria.

    Additionally, we ask that Canada call upon Turkey to take all
    steps necessary to secure its border and prevent any incursions
    into Syrian territory. We also ask Canada to request that Turkey
    explicitly disavow its support of all al Qaeda affiliated groups
    in the region and to ensure that these groups are expelled from its
    territory immediately. We believe that by depriving al Qaeda of its
    safe havens and removing the element of religious extremism and ethnic
    hatred from the conflict, the Syrian people can choose their destiny
    without fear that a change in government would lead to genocide of
    its Christian and Alawite population. The Armenian population of
    Syria has maintained its neutrality throughout the recent conflict,
    but has always made it clear that it can not accept a government
    whose stated goal is the elimination of all minorities from Syria.

    Finally, we ask that Canada direct a portion of the assistance
    allocated for Syrian assistance to the evacuated population of Kassab
    which is now living in difficult circumstances.

    We commend you for Canada's principled stand on the protection of the
    rights of minorities in Syria and for Canada's generous contributions
    to help Syria's civilian population and Syrian refugees. We believe
    that based on Canada's strong record in this area, Canada and its
    allies can play an important role in guaranteeing the safety of
    Syria's historically important Christian community and in making
    sure that non-combatants are not displaced from their homes by acts
    of terrorism contrary to any recognized law of war.

    Thank you for all that you have done for the Syrian people and the
    Armenian-Canadian community and we hope that you continue to come to
    the assistance of a people whose lives are under serious threat."
