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Syrian Civil War Spreads To Israel, Turkey

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  • Syrian Civil War Spreads To Israel, Turkey


    Christian Broadcasting Network
    March 26 2014

    By Chris Mitchell and John Waage

    JERUSALEM, Israel - When the Syrian uprising turned into a civil
    war in 2011, most of the trouble stayed inside Syria's borders,
    but that's changing.

    This week armored personnel carriers rushed to Beirut, Lebanon, to
    prevent fighting between supporters and opponents of Syrian President
    Bashar al Assad. It's a sign the war has spread well beyond Syria's

    Another sign: at an election rally last Sunday, Turkish Prime Minister
    Tayyip Erdogan praised the Turkish air force for shooting down a
    Syrian plane after it violated Turkey's air space.

    "If you violate our border, our slap will be hard. Therefore, I
    congratulate firstly our chief of general staff, and our pilots,"
    Erdogan said.

    Also last week, Israeli warplanes struck Syrian military posts in the
    Golan Heights after a roadside bombing wounded four Israeli soldiers.

    It was some of the worst fighting on Israel's border with Syria
    in decades.

    Israel doesn't want a war with Syria, and Prime Minister Benjamin
    Netanyahu's government has tried to steer clear of the fight between
    Assad and his opposition. But the conflict is expanding anyway.

    "I think we can already consider now that the Israeli-Syria border is
    back, is a conflict border once again," Middle East expert Jonathan
    Spyer, with the Gloria Institute, said.

    "And what we're going to see I think as in common with Israel's other
    conflict borders -- for example vis-a-vis the Hamas statelet -- is
    that we will have periodic rounds of violence in which the Hezbollah
    or the Assad regime or whoever it is or perhaps in other sectors of
    the border the Sunni jihadists on the rebel side will try and redress
    the balance against Israel," he explained.

    Muslim rebel groups, some backed by al Qaeda, are gaining ground
    near the Turkish border. Recently, they entered a deserted Armenian
    Christian town.

    "Victory from God, we shall soon conquer!" they shouted.

    A short time later, they gained their first foothold on the shores
    of the Mediterranean.

    Meanwhile, Israel has been treating Syrians injured in the fighting.

    In February, Netanyahu visited a field hospital and met with some of
    the Syrian wounded. He also pointed to Iran as Assad's chief sponsor
    in the widening war.

    "Who is supplying these bombs? Who's supplying these weapons? Iran.

    Who's giving the instructions? Iran. Who's giving the backing for
    this butchery? Iran," the prime minister said.

    Middle East analysts like Spyer warn an Assad victory in Syria is a
    victory for Iran.

    "This would be an enormous victory for the Iran-led regional block. It
    would mean Iran then conclusively established of a single pro-Iranian
    block stretching effectively from western Afghanistan from the
    Iranian-Afghan border all the way to Mediterranean Sea," Spyer said.

    "This would be an immense victory for the Iranians, and therefore,
    an immense defeat for the U.S. interests, which sees, or at least
    ought to see - I'm not quite sure if the U.S. does right now see it
    this way - but ought to see the Iranian regional block as the most
    potent and powerful challenge to Western interests and Western allies
    in the Middle East," he warned.
