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Armenian And Kurdish Towns Under Terror

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  • Armenian And Kurdish Towns Under Terror



    Armenians and Kurds urge the international community to make pressure
    on Turkey to stop the Al Qaida terrorist groups in Syria.Kurdish
    city Kobani is surrounded by Al Qaida extremists while the Armenian
    population is forced to leave their historical town.

    Armenians and Kurds urge the international community:

    Stop the Al Qaida terror against minorities in Syria !

    By Roni Alasor / Lorin Sarkisian

    Brussels, 25 March 2014 - Ararat News (ANP) - Al Qaida supported
    fanatic organizations attack and terrorize ethnic and religious
    minorities in Syria. The Kurdish city of Kobane has been surrounded
    and heavily attacked by terrorists in the last four days, while the
    Armenian population in Kesab (Kessab) has been forced with terror to
    leave the city. Kurds and Armenians call the international community,
    UN, US, EU and Russia to fulfil its obligations and to protect the
    civil population and the ethnic and religious groups in Syria.

    In Hague in Nederland, the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan expressed
    his deep concern over the developments in the Armenian town Kesab: "I
    have already instructed the diplomatic missions at the UN Headquarters
    in New York and Geneva to raise the issue of ensuring the security
    of the Armenians in Kesab and their safe return to their permanent
    places of residence at the structures dealing with human rights and
    ethnic minority rights issues."

    The Armenian National Committee-International (ANC-I) also strongly
    condemned the terror attacks against Armenians.

    The Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria and Kurdistan
    National Congress (KNK) also called the international community
    for immediate reaction against the terrorists' attacks in Kobane,
    one of the three cantons declared autonomous by the Kurds in
    Southwest Kurdistan - Rojava (Syria). "We call upon all international
    organisations including the European Union and the United Nations to
    take a stance. We call on these organisations to stand by the Kurdish
    people. We also call upon all human rights activists, civil societies
    and democratic institutions of the world to be in solidarity with
    the Kurdish people", noted the KNK statement.

    The Kurdish organisations underline the role of Turkey in the recent
    events: "It is a well known fact that these terrorists' gangs are
    receiving military and logistical support through the Akcakale border
    crossing at the Turkish-Syrian border from the Turkish state. It is
    incomprehensible that the international arena can remain silent in
    the face of these events."

    Kurds believe that the last weeks closer cooperation between Turkey
    and Iranian regime against Kurds has activated the terrorist groups.

    Speaking to Ararat News (ANP), PYD Coordinator in the European Union
    (EU) Abdulselam Mustafa said that the Kurdish city Kobani has been
    actually surrounded in the last three months, but the attacks became
    heavier in the last four days when thousands of terrorists approached
    the city with heavy guns. Over 150 Al Qaida supporters have been
    killed since the Kurdish New Year Newroz (21 March) until now. The
    bodies of 28 of them are in the hands of the Kurdish military forces
    YPG. Over 15 Kurdish fighters also lost their lives.

    Thousands of Christians terrorized and forced to flee

    Since the beginning of the civil war and terror in Syria, thousands
    of Armenians, Assyrians and Syriacs Christians have been forced by
    the Al-Qaida supporters to leave their homes.

    Armenian National Committee-International (ANC-I) also condemned the
    attacks and Turkey's active role in supporting extremist groups in
    their targeted attacks against religious and minority groups in Syria.

    "For months, we have warned the international community of the
    imminent threat posed by extremist foreign fighters against the
    Christian minority population in Syria," says the ANC-I statement.

    "These vicious and unprompted attacks against the Armenian-populated
    town and villages of Kesab are the latest examples of this violence,
    actively encouraged by neighbouring Turkey. We call upon all states
    with any influence in the Syrian conflict to use all available means to
    stop these attacks against the peaceful civilian population of Kesab,
    to allow them to return to their homes in safety and security.

    In the last one hundred years, this is the third time that the
    Armenians are being forced to leave Kesab and in all three cases,
    Turkey is the aggressor or on the side of the aggressors", concludes

    Kesab is historical town with ancient Armenian and Greek/Roman
    presence. It is located in the west corner of the northern Syria,
    near the Mediterranean Sea, on the slope of Mount Casius (Aqraa)
    in the Turkish-Syrian border. Mount Casius was divided by France,
    which gave half to Turkey and half to Syria, as they did with Ararat
    Mountain dividing it between Turkey and Armenia.

    Kesab is situated about 180 km from Aleppo. Today the town and the
    surrounding villages are mainly populated by Armenians with around
    3000 people population. The town has Armenian Orthodox, Evangelist
    and Catholic churches. It is just 42 km from the only Armenian village
    in Turkey, Vakifli Koyu in Samandagi / Antakya.



    From: Baghdasarian