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BAKU: European Commission Publishes Progress Report On Azerbaijan

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  • BAKU: European Commission Publishes Progress Report On Azerbaijan


    Trend, Azerbaijan
    March 27 2014

    Baku, Azerbaijan, March 27

    By Sabina Ahmadova - Trend:

    European Commission has published progress report on Azerbaijan within
    the frameworks of the 'Neighbourhood Package'.

    "The report on Azerbaijan underlines key/main developments and reform
    efforts in 2013 and makes recommendations for the year to come,"
    according to the official website of European Union.

    European Commission said 2013 was a decisive year in the EU-Azerbaijani
    bilateral relations.

    "Azerbaijan's participation in the Eastern Partnership Summit in
    Vilnius, which coincided with the signing of the Visa Facilitation
    Agreement and the Mobility Partnership, underlined the potential to
    further develop EU/Azerbaijani relations. Negotiations continued on the
    Association Agreement and on a Strategic Modernization Partnership,"
    according to the report. "On energy issues, the cooperation
    continued. The Strategic Energy Partnership with Azerbaijan was
    strengthened; steps were taken in view of the construction of the
    Southern Gas Corridor which should reinforce the European energy

    The report also touched upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It was
    noted that the stalemate in the Minsk Process aiming at settling the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict continued for most of 2013.

    "However, the presidents of the two countries reconvened in November
    2013 for the first time since January 2012 in a summit in Vienna,
    mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, at which they agreed to
    advance negotiations towards a peaceful settlement and to meet again
    in the months ahead," according to the report.

    It was also noted in the report that an upsurge of violence along the
    line of contact was witnessed in early 2014 and that the EU continued
    to give its full support to the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in their
    work to facilitate a lasting settlement.

    Azerbaijan took measures to fight corruption, following recommendations
    from the 2012 ENP Action Plan, according to the report.

    The European Commission also recommended Azerbaijan to:

    - ensure effective and comprehensive implementation of the January
    2013 resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
    on the honouring of obligations and commitments by Azerbaijan;

    - continue implementation of the human rights action plan adopted in
    December 2011;

    - continue the reform of the judiciary and adopt the Judiciary Reform
    Program 2014-2020;

    - continue the policy of economic diversification and development of
    the regions;

    - implement the actions scheduled for 2013-2014 under the Memorandum
    of Understanding in the field of energy;

    - step up efforts towards agreement on the Madrid Principles, as a
    basis for peace, in accordance with the commitments undertaken by
    the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia within the Minsk Group;
    refrain from actions and statements that could heighten tension and
    undermine the peace process;

    - promote an environment conducive to progress in the conflict
    settlement, encourage and support related peace-building activities.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress