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Kasab Crossing ... Illusion Of Victory, Liberation

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  • Kasab Crossing ... Illusion Of Victory, Liberation


    Ibrahim Aabdollah

    After the consecutive victories of the resistance's axis in the
    region, the elements of the international plot against Syria have
    decided to move the battlefield from its southern to its northern
    borders in order to secure 'Israel' and to involve Turkey.

    The clashes in Kasab will not lead to a strategic victory for
    the militant groups as the city of Kasab itself is not strategic,
    political researcher Taleb Ibrahim told Al-Manar website.

    Ibrahim added that the militant groups in Syria are trying to attain
    a moral victory after the consecutive defeats that they have suffered

    Strategic expert Dr. Hasan Hasan told Al-Manar website that the media
    circulation of the "South's Battle" aimed at drawing the attentions
    away from the plan of Kasab's battle.

    The Turkish PM Recep Tayyeb Erdogan is clashing with the president
    Abdollah Gul and other Turkish factions, including the secularists
    and the army that started to regain a political influence in the
    light of releasing General Alger Bashkorg who was accused of a case
    of inversion.

    Erdogan considers that he would be the scapegoat of the Syrian crisis
    as he encounters internal political defeats.

    Scandals of corruption have deteriorated Erdogan's political position
    before the municipal elections. As a result, he wanted to involve the
    Turkish army in a direct clash with the Syrian army in an attempt
    to set an emergency case in his country so that he could cancel
    the elections.

    'Israel' is completely convinced that any insane aggression against
    Syria will be fiercely encountered by the axis of resistance, Turkey is
    trying to play the Israeli role by inflaming Latakia's Front instead
    of the Southern one.

    Ibrahim considered that the Russian military existence at the
    Mediterranean will prevent Turkey from attaining any victory in Kasab.

    Dr. Hasan also considered that Turkey is in complete coordination with
    'Israel' in this step as launching this attack is considered as one
    of the last plots that international war against Syria can set.

    The conflict between Russia and the NATO has intensified, especially
    in Crimea and Syria. Thus, the relation between the two files is
    direct and clear.

    The NATO aggression in Kasab comes in the context of the American
    response to the Russian persistence on approving Crimea annexation.

    Moscow considers that Syrian resistance in facing the international
    plot has founded new international balances which along with the
    Russian military deployment at the Syrian coast enhanced the recurrence
    of Russia's strategic role in the world.

    In a different context, Ibrahim pointed out that the city of Yabroud in
    Qalamoun used to be a main Mossad stronghold before it was liberated
    by the Syrian army and that Erdogan's direct intervention in the
    Syrian war reflects his desire to fight in the behalf of the Israelis.

    Dr. Hasan Hasan also noted that the Israelis utilized the strategic
    position of Yabroud to be a the separation wall between the elements
    of the resistance's axis from Iran to Palestine.

    He added that Yabroud's liberation will enhance that of the entire
    Qalamoun and the Golan Heights.

    Translated by Mohamed Salami

    Source: Al-Manar Website

    27-03-2014 - 21:50 Last updated 27-03-2014 - 21:54 | 561 View
