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Armenia MPs Meet With Syria President And Parliament Leader

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  • Armenia MPs Meet With Syria President And Parliament Leader


    March 27, 2014 | 14:17

    DAMASCUS. - The Armenian National Assembly (NA) delegation, which
    has traveled to Syria, on Thursday met with Syrian President Bashar
    al-Assad, to discuss the problems of Syrian Armenians and the future
    of Syria's predominantly Armenian-populated town of Kessab.

    NA deputy and ruling Republican NA Faction member Levon Martirosyan,
    who is in Syria at present, told the aforesaid to Armenian

    He noted that the meeting was held in a cordial atmosphere.

    "Now, we are much better informed about the events unrolling in
    and around Syria. We exchanged views with the president. We reached
    an agreement that we will exchange the information we received to
    the Armenian body politic and, if possible, to the international
    community, too.

    "The Syrian government is determined to establish peace and to fight
    against those groups which have intruded [into Syria] from foreign
    countries, including Turkey.

    "The Syrian government does not differentiate between its citizens.

    Also, it will help the Armenian community return to Kessab. There
    is a very positive attitude [in Syria] toward the Armenians,"
    Martirosyan informed.

    The Armenian MPs had a warm meeting also with Speaker Mohammad Jihad
    al-Laham of the People's Council [parliament] of Syria.

    Martirosyan noted that they exchanged views on the regional
    developments. As per the Armenian MP, the head of the Syrian parliament
    noted that there are citizens of three countries, including Turkey
    and Azerbaijan, among the mercenaries who have infiltrated into Syria.

    In the early morning on March 21, armed militants from the Jabhat
    al-Nusra Islamic terrorist group infiltrated into northern Syria's
    Latakia Governorate, which is predominantly inhabited by Armenians
    and Alawites, from four directions. Two large groups of terrorists
    had launched the attack from Turkey. About 600 Kessab-Armenian
    families are currently sheltered in Latakia city. On March 23, Turkish
    fighter planes downed a Syrian military aircraft that was conducting a
    mission against the Islamic terrorists in Kessab. On Monday, a group
    of Armenia parliament members headed to Syria to assess the situation
    in the country.
