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AAA: Rep Schiff Says Attack on Armenians in Kessab "Beyond Appalling

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  • AAA: Rep Schiff Says Attack on Armenians in Kessab "Beyond Appalling

    Armenian Assembly of America News
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    Representative Adam Schiff Says Attack on Armenians in Kessab "Beyond Appalling"

    March 27, 2014
    By Taniel Koushakjian

    According to a press announcement from Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA),
    today he released the following statement "on the attacks by Al
    Qaeda-affiliated terrorists against Kessab Armenians and Christians:"

    "The vicious attacks by al Qaeda affiliated terrorists against Armenians
    and other Christians in the Syrian town of Kessab in northern Syria are
    beyond appalling. These attacks, which reportedly originated in Turkey,
    reflect the depth of the depravity to which the conflict in Syria has
    fallen. I have been in touch with the State Department and have been
    assured that we are working with Armenian, Syrian and Turkish officials to
    determine exactly what happened and how to prevent further acts of such

    "The Syrian civil war has been a disaster for all of Syria's people, but
    especially vulnerable minority populations. I have been working on
    multiple fronts to help Syrian Christians, including working to secure
    humanitarian parole for Syrians with approved immigrant petitions and to
    ensure that humanitarian relief is distributed to all of Syria's citizens."

    Yesterday, the Armenian Assembly of America released its statement
    condemning the attacks on Armenians in Syria. The Assembly also sent a
    letter to President Obama on Monday, March 24, urging him to "safeguard the
    Armenians of Kessab." "In addition, we urge President Obama to make it
    publicly clear that the United States will not tolerate its NATO ally's
    policy of providing support to extremist groups," the Assembly's letter to
    President Obama stated.

    The Assembly's letter to President Obama is available here:

    This article is available online here:

    The Armenian Assembly of America News Blog is an official product of the
    Armenian Assembly of America. Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of
    America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting
    public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a
    non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.
