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Crimea: Who Voted In Favor Of Russia At The UN Assembly-And Why

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  • Crimea: Who Voted In Favor Of Russia At The UN Assembly-And Why


    Liberty Voice
    March 28 2014

    Thursday a vote of 100 for-11 against, with 58 abstentions, showed
    general support for the resolution condemning the Crimean referendum.

    Eleven of 193 nations voted in favor of Russia and pro-Russian
    Crimeans: Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Nicaragua,
    Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe, Venezuela and Russia itself.

    Russia's ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, began by calling on all nations to
    "respect [the] voluntary choice" Crimea had made by reunifying with
    Russia after the referendum. Historical justice had been served,
    said Churkin, and the unnatural state of affairs, wherein Ukraine
    possessed Crimea by an arbitrary 1954 Soviet decision, had been
    righted-the Russian government could not refuse the Crimeans' right
    to self-determination.

    Churkin spoke against the militarized camp of Maidan protesters where,
    he said, law enforcement had been the target of violence and snipers
    had fired on police and demonstrators, trying to provoke a violent
    coup of the Ukrainian government, which succeeded. The government was
    then replaced by a "government of victors"-radical nationals who were
    racist, anti-Semitic, xenophobic and hated everything Russian, and
    who revoked the legal status of the Russian language in Ukraine. These
    were the reasons for Crimeans' decisions to join Russia, Churkin said.

    The Armenian representative, Garen Nasarian, said that Armenia took
    a "principled position on the promotion of democracy" and rights and
    freedoms, particularly the right of self-determination-a right embraced
    by the UN Assembly and the Charter. Armenia promoted democracy,
    decolonization and self-determination. The key, according to Nesarian,
    was to abide international law and seek peaceful resolutions through
    dialogue among all concerned parties.

    Belarusian Ambassador Evgeny Lazarev stated his support for mechanisms
    for bringing a peaceful resolution other than the General Assembly,
    such as the Observer Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine.

    Bolivian Ambassador Sach Sergio Lllorentty Soliz voted as a
    demonstration against major world powers who exercised double
    standards and threatened international security, such as the U.S.,
    who, Soliz said, was building a "unipolar world" through the use
    of its military and economic strength. Bolivia could not accept
    Ukraine's unconstitutional regime change-which occured through of a
    democratically elected government, Soliz said.

    Cuba's ambassador, Rodolfo Reyes Rodriguez stressed self-determination
    and the invalidity of Ukraine's unconstitutional government, which had
    been established through a violent overthrow. Cuba accused Western
    States of double standards and hypocrisy, and opposed sanctions
    against Russia. NATO, Rodriguez stated, endangered European peace
    and stability by trying to expand its treaty, and the U.S. and its
    allies threatened the sovereignty of other states with their military
    doctrines, violating international law.

    North Korea's representative, Ja Song Nam, blamed the U.S. and other
    Western nations for the crisis in Ukraine. North Korea recognized the
    legitimacy of the referendum, which had been conducted in accordance
    with the UN Charter, the ambassador said. Ja Song Nam asserted that
    the North Korean government opposed attempts to oust legitimate

    Nicaragua's representative stressed non-interference in the internal
    affairs of nations. Ambassador Maria Rubiales de Chamorro accused those
    who spoke of democracy at the Assembly of having used anti-democratic
    methods. Nicaragua supported self-determination through the ballot. The
    nation rejected unilateral methods, such as sanctions against Russia,
    which, Chamorro said, were illegal under international law. Chamorro
    also spoke of the danger of double standards, pointing to terrorist
    actions that had targeted countries which had ignored their interests
    and instead established new types of colonization and slavery.

    Venezuela Ambassador Samuel Moncada cited his government's opposition
    to Ukraine's ousting of its democratically elected president, Victor
    Yanukovich. Moncada emphasized the need for constitutional order to
    be reestablished in Ukraine. Moncada also spoke of a trend wherein
    extremists groups linked to foreign nations responsible for World
    War II had overthrown constitutional governments.

    Statements from the UN ambassadors of Sudan, Syria and Zimbabwe were
    not located.

    By Day Blakely Donaldson
