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US Pressure On Armenia To Become Ally Against Russia Fails

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  • US Pressure On Armenia To Become Ally Against Russia Fails


    The Voice of Russia
    March 28 2014

    The US policy on Armenia has resulted in a break-up of Armenia's once
    powerful light industry, in lopsided reforms and the ensuing economic
    and social problems. According to experts, the US long-term plans to
    make Armenia distance itself from Russia are hardly feasible today,
    just as they were unfeasible 20 years ago. Americans have to take
    into account the historical and political realities of the region.

    The US has never cherished illusions about the post-Soviet Armenia.

    Washington has conversely been and will remain suspicious of Yerevan,
    for Armenia is Russia's strategic partner, a member state of the
    Collective Security Treaty Organization and has friendly relations with
    Iran despite the geographical and geopolitical realities. And yet, the
    US seeks to play an active role in the Trans-Caucasus. The US has for
    example tried to ensure that Armenia and Turkey will open their border,
    one that's been closed since 1993 at the insistence of Ankara. The US
    thus sought to bolster its ally Turkey's position in the region. But
    the diplomatic effort of 2010 yielded no specific result. The US plan
    failed. This is what Director of the Institute for Caucasus Studies,
    political analyst Alexander Iskandaryan, says about it in a comment.

    "The US has clearly miscalculated. The moment the Armenian-Turkish
    factor became a factor in Turkey's home policy, the US pressure proved
    insufficient. There is a world of a difference between pressurizing
    Turkey in Zurich and doing the same thing in Ankara. Besides, the US
    badly needs Turkey; it needs the crazy house that's emerged in the
    Middle East in recent years. Ankara is perfectly aware of that. So, it
    was the US miscalculation and also the drastically changed situation,
    I mean the Arab Spring, etc. In short, the US efforts failed".

    Yet another factor in the US attempted boosting of influence on Armenia
    over the past 20 years have been all sorts of grant programmes, the
    loan financing of government and central bank programmes, and also
    support for numerous nongovernmental public organizations that have
    initiated most protest actions in Armenia.

    According to experts and analysts, the US is thus trying to create
    financial dependence and pro-western sentiment of the local elite. But
    according to an Armenian political analyst and spin doctor Vigen
    Akopyan, the Americans failed to ensure an alternative to Russia in
    such important areas as military and economic security.

    "Security is of paramount importance to Armenia. If Armenia has strong
    armed forces, it will be able to settle the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh,
    and will also manage to settle economic problems. Transfers are
    also very important. A transfer is Armenia's second budget. Some 2.5
    billion dollars are transferred to Armenia officially every year.

    Russia accounts for some 86% of that amount. Americans have failed
    to offer alternatives to these important factors".

    Experts also point out that the US has never tried to stage a coup
    in Armenia, like the one in Georgia, because of Armenia's obvious
    orientation towards Russia. An increasingly great number of experts
    agree that to weaken Russia's influence on the region will soon
    become next to impossible, given Armenia's forthcoming joining of
    the Customs Union.
