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Members of Congress condemn Kessab attacks

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  • Members of Congress condemn Kessab attacks

    Members of Congress condemn Kessab attacks

    13:54 29.03.2014

    Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez (D-NJ) was
    joined by Congressional Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
    and Michael Grimm (R-NY), Armenian Genocide Resolution Lead Sponsors
    David Valadao (R-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Representatives Brad
    Sherman (D-CA), Jim Costa (D-CA) and James McGovern (D-MA) in
    condemning the recent attacks against the historically Armenian city
    of Kessab, Syria, urging the State Department to investigate the
    incursion and take immediate action to safeguard the vulnerable
    population, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

    "We would like to thank Chairman Menendez and the many other
    Congressional defenders of human rights who have stepped forward to
    call the world's urgent attention to the attacks against the
    predominantly Armenian population of Kessab," said ANCA Executive
    Director Aram Hamparian. "We look forward to working with each of
    them to ensure that Turkey's role is explicitly condemned by our
    government, as we continue efforts to secure the safety and return of
    Kessab's civilian residents to their ancestral homes."

    In a letter to constituents, Chairman Menendez stated, "Like you, I am
    gravely concerned by reports of a March 21, 2014 attack on the
    predominantly Syrian Armenian town of Kessab, near the Turkish border,
    by al-Qaeda-linked terrorists based in Turkey. Attacks of this nature
    are another example of a dangerous new chapter in the violence now
    engulfing Syria; one where Syrian minorities are actively targeted by
    Islamic extremists because of their religion and ethnicity. I condemn
    all such attacks, including those on Armenian Christians."

    In a joint letter to President Obama, Representatives Pallone, Grimm,
    Valadao and Schiff echoed these concerns, noting "When coupled with a
    mass exodus of the Armenian community, these events are far too
    reminiscent of the early days of the Armenian Genocide, which took
    place nearly 100 years ago in Ottoman Turkey under the cover of World
    War I." The letter goes on to state, "With the Christian Armenian
    community being uprooted from its homeland, yet again, we strongly
    urge you to take all necessary measures without delay to safeguard the
    Christian Armenian community of Kessab. We also believe that now is
    the time to redouble America's efforts to ensure that all minority
    communities at risk in the Middle East are afforded greater

    Senior House Foreign Affairs Committee member Rep. Brad Sherman stated
    that he has "been in contact with the State Department and have urged
    them to take the necessary actions to assist the Armenians in Syria.
    Turkey must take immediate action to help prevent extremist attacks on
    Armenian civilians."

    Rep. James McGovern, Co-Chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights
    Commission, explained, "I strongly condemn the brutal attacks on the
    Armenian-populated town of Kessab by al-Qaeda affiliated armed bands."
    He went on to note that he is "deeply concerned by the reports that
    these attacks allegedly originated in Turkey and demand that the
    United States and international community conduct a thorough and
    critical investigation of these claims."

    Central California Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA), in a letter to his
    constituents, wrote, "As you may know, al Qaeda-linked terrorists
    attacked Armenians and other Christians in the Syrian town of Kessab,
    Syria six days ago. These attacks are deplorable, and I have made
    clear to the State Department that we must determine exactly what
    happened and continue to work with our allies to prevent such
    atrocities from happening again."
