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PM: Custons Union platform very close to Armenia's economy

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  • PM: Custons Union platform very close to Armenia's economy

    Tigran Sargsyan: Custons Union platform very close to Armenia's economy

    13:33 * 29.03.14

    The economic platform being developed on the Eurasian customs area is
    very close to Armenia's economic system, the prime minister has said,
    introducing the economic advantages of Eurasian integration.

    Speaking at a Yerevan-hosted forum devoted to the prospects and
    challenges of Eurasian integration, Tigran Sargsyan addressed the main
    motives behind Armenia's decision to join the Customs Union.

    "The [global economic] crisis demonstrated the strong and weak sides
    of the European Union, as well as the axis around which the European
    countries are united, and the basic trends of the Eastern Partnership
    program ... The Customs Union, which came into being over this period,
    managed to prove its viability. The CU economic area demonstrated the
    platform which is being developed here, and which is very close to our
    economic system and development level," he said.

    The premier stressed that Armenia cannot choose a new format of
    relations at the expense of Russia, which is its close strategic ally.

    "We denounce any relationship with any partner if that's going to be
    at the expense of the relations with another ally," he added.

    Sargsyan further stressed the importance of the CU role as a security guarantor.

    "Over the past five years, qualitative changes have taken place in the
    CSTO [Collective Security Treaty Organization] frameworks. The CSTO
    has made decisions which strengthen our security guarantees. This is
    an important component for our political decision," the premier

    As for the potential sovereignty loss linked to the membership in a
    supranational body, the premier assured that Armenia will be enjoy
    equal rights with the other member states and have an authority to
    pass decisions that will be powerful enough to affect a broader market
    with an estimated population of 170 million.

    He further referred to the IMF regional director's remark that
    Armenia's membership in the CU will be more positive rather than
    negative for the country's economy.

    "The first important factor, which will offer advantages to
    businesses, is the free entry of subjects into the consumer market.
    The formation of new regimes helps freely realize products and
    services in this new market," Sargsyan added.

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