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State Department 'Deeply Troubled by Kessab Attacks

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  • State Department 'Deeply Troubled by Kessab Attacks

    State Department 'Deeply Troubled by Kessab Attacks

    By Admin // March 29, 2014

    Fails To Condemn Turkey's Role In Anti-Armenian Incursion

    WASHINGTON--The State Department today announced that it was "deeply
    troubled" by the recent violence in the historically Armenian
    populated city of Kessab, Syria, but failed to condemn Turkey's role
    in facilitating the attacks by the al-Qaeda affiliated extremist
    forces, that have forced the Armenian and civilian populations to
    evacuate the region.

    "The ANCA welcomes this initial expression of U.S. Government concern,
    in the wake of our recent consultations with the State Department, and
    look forward to these words translating into concrete action in
    defense of Armenians, all Christians, and other at-risk minorities in
    Kessab, Aleppo, and throughout Syria," stated ANCA Chairman Ken
    Hachikian. "We remain troubled, however, by the Administration's
    silence - in the face of compelling evidence - on Turkey's role in
    facilitating the cross-border incursions by extremist forces and look
    to Secretary Kerry to send a strong message to the Erdogan
    Administration to end its complicity in these attacks."

    In a statement followed by an question and answer session during the
    daily State Department press briefing earlier today, State Department
    Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf began, "We are deeply troubled by
    recent fighting and violence that is endangering the Armenian
    community in Kasab, Syria and has forced many to flee. There are far
    too many innocent civilians suffering as a result of the war. All
    civilians, as well as their places of worship, must be protected."
    Harf continued to note, " We have long had concerns about the threat
    posed by violent extremists and this latest threat to the Armenian
    community in Syria only underscores this further."

    The complete State Department statement and the relevant question and
    answer session transcript are provided below.

    Just yesterday, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    joined a delegation of Armenian American community and religious
    representatives to forcefully urge the U.S. government to take
    immediate action to end the vicious onslaught on Kessab. During the
    meeting, the community representatives stressed, in urgent and frank
    terms, that "the United States has a unique responsibility to protect
    the citizens of Kessab especially since a large proportion of them
    have American families desperately seeking to provide protection and
    refuge for them." The representatives then outlined a series of
    requests, which are outlined in the ANCA Fact Sheet available here:

    Earlier this week, ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian sent a strongly worded
    letter to calling on President Obama to direct his Secretary of State,
    the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey, and his Ambassador to the United
    Nations to demand that Turkey halt the cross-border attacks on Kessab
    that have forced the immediate civilian evacuation of the area and led
    to the looting of properties and the desecration of churches.

    Over the past week, thousands of Armenian Americans have contacted
    President Obama and their Senators and Representatives urging
    immediate condemnation of the attacks against the civilian population
    of Kessab and, specifically, Turkey's role in facilitating those

    Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Brad Sherman (D-Calif.), Jim
    Costa (D-Calif.) and James McGovern (D-Mass.) have condemned the
    attacks and urged the State Department to investigate Turkey's
    involvement. In a joint letter to President Obama issued earlier
    today, Congressional Armenian Caucus co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-N.J.)
    and Michael Grimm (R-N.Y.) and Armenian Genocide Resolution
    (H.Res.227) lead authors David Valadao (R-Calif.) and Adam Schiff,
    commented on the Kessab attacks, noting " When coupled with a mass
    exodus of the Armenian community, these events are far too reminiscent
    of the early days of the Armenian Genocide, which took place nearly
    100 years ago in Ottoman Turkey under the cover of World War I." The
    letter goes on to note, "With the Christian Armenian community being
    uprooted from its homeland, yet again, we strongly urge you to take
    all necessary measures without delay to safeguard the Christian
    Armenian community of Kessab. We also believe that now is the time to
    redouble America's efforts to ensure that all minority communities at
    risk in the Middle East are afforded greater protection."

    Located in the northwestern corner of Syria, near the border with
    Turkey, Kessab had, until very recently, evaded major battles in the
    Syrian conflict. The local Armenian population had increased in
    recently years with the city serving as safe-haven for those fleeing
    from the war-torn cities of Yacubiye, Rakka and Aleppo. On the
    morning of March 21st, extremist foreign fighters launched a vicious
    attack on Kessab civilians, forcing them to flee neighboring Latakia
    and Bassit.


    State Department Daily News Briefing

    March 28, 2014

    State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf:

    [Questions and Comments Unrelated to Kessab have been omitted - ANCA]

    Well, happy Friday, everyone. Welcome to the daily briefing. I have a
    few items at the top and then we will open it up for questions.

    A quick travel update. Today, Secretary Kerry is in Riyadh, Saudi
    Arabia with President Obama. He has accompanied President Obama to his
    meeting with Saudi King Abdullah. I think -- I believe it just ended,
    and there will be more of a readout coming from the road.

    Second item at the top. We are deeply troubled by recent fighting and
    violence that is endangering the Armenian community in Kasab, Syria
    and has forced many to flee. There are far too many innocent civilians
    suffering as a result of the war. All civilians, as well as their
    places of worship, must be protected.

    As we have said throughout this conflict, we deplore continued threats
    against Christians and other minorities in Syria. And as you may have
    seen from the readout of President Obama's conversation with Pope
    Francis yesterday, they discussed, among other things, the plight of
    minorities, especially Christians, inside Syria today.

    We have seen some statements by groups fighting in Kasab saying they
    will not target civilians and will respect minorities and holy places.
    We expect those commitments to be upheld.

    The United States will continue its steadfast support to those
    affected by violence in Syria and throughout the region, including
    Syrian Armenians. We have long had concerns about the threat posed by
    violent extremists and this latest threat to the Armenian community in
    Syria only underscores this further.


    Regarding this statement that you made about the Syrian Armenians, I
    was just wondering if you have anything update about the situation. Or
    just -- is this a past tense? Did something happen? Or it's -- I think
    it's the ongoing...


    It's an ongoing issue, certainly, that we're concerned about.


    And then, how you...


    But there has -- as I noted in my statement, that there has been some
    recent fighting and increase in violence, which is why we wanted to
    note it specifically today.


    So they -- because there are some news reports from different sides
    regarding this issue either from the Armenians or from the Turks and
    from the Syrians in the same time.

    Are you following this story -- I mean, this case?


    Well, we are -- I don't know if you're referring to a specific case.
    We're certainly following the situation for Armenians inside Syria,
    for all minorities including Christians. And know that violent
    extremists, such as ISIL (ph) have targeted them among many people,
    but we're particularly concerned about these minority communities and
    want to make sure that their rights are protected.


    Besides being concerned -- because let me be specific about -- are you
    in touch with any of the governments including the Turkish government
    or other U.N. organization to figure out exactly, because it's some of
    their -- there is a deportation of people taking place in the last
    week, which is like starting from last week until now. Anything is
    going on in that regard?


    I can check and see who we're talking to. Obviously, we talk to a host
    of countries in the region -- Turkey and others -- about a wide range of
    issues, but I can check on that.


    So you don't have any -- you're -- what -- what we have is just like
    observation of what's going on, or you have information?


    Well, I think we have both.

    Right, we've seen reports, as I said, recent fighting, violence
    against the Syrian-Armenian community. We see the reports coming out
    of there. Obviously, we talk -- we try to get as much information from
    the ground as possible, as we do in all places in Syria, but it's hard
    to get. But, clearly there have been some very troubling trends


    Because, according to some reports that those people were Chabet (ph)
    and Nusra (ph) people. I'm not sure if you mentioned them in the
    statement or not?


    What I'm talking about is extremist groups like ISIL (ph) attacking
    innocent civilians, in this case the Syrian-Armenian community, a
    minority community, as they have with other minority communities,
    Christian communities and others inside Syria.

    So this is what I'm talking about, is those kinds of attacks. I know
    there are a lot of dynamics broadly in the Syrian conflict, but I was
    speaking to one specific dynamic.


    There is another thing which is (inaudible) about this. When you
    mentioned the president and he raised the issue with the Pope or the
    Pope has...


    They discussed it.



    Maybe, I'm not accurate. Is this issue is raised with the Syrian
    Opposition people? Because, you know, it's like sometimes they don't --
    according to what I heard last week from the Ambassador Ford -- that
    definitely they are usually avoiding to condemn publicly what's going
    on by Islamic groups or a jihadist group in Syria.


    Well, let's be clear when we're talking about the opposition -- have to
    be very clear that the violence I'm talking about is being perpetrated
    by groups like ISIL (ph). So not the moderate opposition, not the
    folks we work with repeatedly and consistently on things inside Syria.

    I think that the Opposition has been very clear in condemning
    extremism and saying that they will fight extremism inside Syria and
    that, that's something they're committed to, absolutely. They've said
    that for many, many months.


    On Syria.

    (inaudible) the foreign minister, Mr. (inaudible), (inaudible)
    provocated (inaudible) inside Syria so Turkey has the excuse to invade

    Do you want to comment on this?


    Are you referring to an alleged phone conversation?




    As I said yesterday, I don't have anything for you on alleged calls or
    conversations that are out there among Turkish officials.


    Yes, but this is...


    It's not for me to comment.



    (OFF-MIKE) Mr. (inaudible) said that the tape is genuine.


    Again, not for me to comment on those allegations that are out there.
