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ANTELIAS: HH Aram I briefs the Exec Committee on situation in Kessab

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  • ANTELIAS: HH Aram I briefs the Exec Committee on situation in Kessab

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
    Communication and Information Department
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    PO Box 70 317

    His Holiness Aram I briefs the Executive Committee of the Catholicosate on
    the situation in Kessab

    Antelias - Following the assault on Kessab during the weekend, the
    Executive Committee of the Catholicosate held an extraordinary meeting and
    moved to help the displaced Armenian population of Kessab and called upon
    all Armenians to them at this tragic time.

    At the conclusion of the meeting, His Holiness Aram I announced that all
    Armenians whether in Armenia or the Diaspora have decided to help the
    displaced population of Kessab. He said, "This shows once more our unity as
    people wherever we are in the world. Turkey is behind the destruction of
    Kessab and the displacement of its population, and our people should not
    remain silent but draw the attention of the international community to this
    new genocidal act of Turkey against our people."

    The Catholicos then announced that for the second time he was sending
    funds to the emergency committee of the community in Latakia with a group of
    priests who would also tend to the spiritual needs of the people now living
    in the Church and school compound in Latakia.

    We shall overcome the current crisis in Kessab through our unity in faith
    and solidarity as a community,
    Said His Holiness Aram I

    Antelias - 26 March 2014. On Wednesday Catholicos Aram I, accompanied by
    clergy and the seminary students, attended the Lenten Sunrise Service
    (Arevakal) at the St. Nishan Church in Beirut upon the invitation of the
    Prelate and the Church Council.

    After giving thanks for the invitation, Catholicos Aram I addressed the
    faithful, quoting the Biblical text spoken by Jesus, "Don't be afraid, only
    believe" (Luke 8:50). He then said that Jesus not only spoke of the power of
    faith but also demonstrated it though his life from Bethlehem to Golgotha.
    He continued, "Through the centuries, our people have survived persecutions
    and difficulties, yet always rebuilt our Church and homeland. We lost
    one-and-a-half million people during the Genocide and we resurrected." He
    then described the situation of the Armenian community in Syria and the
    recently displaced people from Kessab, and said, "Irrespective of all
    difficulties, our people remain attached to their country. Ideologies and
    political systems of governances are temporary. People and their land are
    permanent." The Catholicos then added, for the third time, Turkey has
    uprooted our people from their homes. We cannot keep silent." The Catholicos
    then concluded, "The Catholicosate of Cilicia will respond to the needs of
    our displaced people of Kessab in the same way that it has protected the
    survivors of the Genocide since 1915."

    His Holiness Pope Tawadros II the Head of the Coptic Orthodox Church
    visits His Holiness Aram I

    Antelias - 26 March 2014. Yesterday evening, His Holiness Aram I received
    His Holiness Pope Tawadros II who was accompanied by a delegation of Bishops
    and laity. Catholicos Aram I and the clergy accompanied the delegation to
    the Cathedral for Canonical prayers. After prayers they met at the Main Hall
    of the Residence of the Catholicos where His Holiness Aram I welcomed the
    guests, spoke of the close relations between the two Churches and the
    centuries-long unity in their faith that has held them together. He then
    stated that today, those old links should be translated into strong
    cooperation at all levels of the life of their people. He then spoke of the
    current difficulties of the Coptic Christians in Egypt and emphasized the
    strong need to strengthen Christian unity in the region.

    Patriarch Tawadros II expressed his dearest hope that they continue the
    close and warm cooperation that existed between Pope Shenoda III and His
    Holiness Aram I. He then said that he is committed to strengthening further
    the relationship between the two churches.

    The visit ended with a reception and a private conversation between Pope
    Tawadros II and Catholicos Aram I.
