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ANKARA: A French missionary's notes of his travels in Mesopotamia

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  • ANKARA: A French missionary's notes of his travels in Mesopotamia

    World Bulletin, Turkey
    Mrarch 29 2014

    A French missionary's notes of his travels in Mesopotamia

    In the springtime of 1860 was the period in which his journey began
    from the docks of Iskenderuntaking route through the well-known cities
    of Antakya, Aleppo, Urfa and Antep. During his journey he recorded
    important information about the relationships between communities,
    living conditions and its geography.

    Omer Aymali / World Bulletin / History

    For hundreds of years, thousands of Christian missionaries studied in
    various regions for the purpose of spreading their religion to all
    walks of life. Since the 16th century, these people learned to
    specialized in diverse fields such as teaching and medics, and began
    nourishing their new goals to be able to influence every society in
    which they entered into. As well as working out the ways to spread
    their influence to the local people of foreign lands, they also spent
    of their riches to strengthen the colonialist cause.

    As such, the missionaries' works within Ottoman lands seems fitting in
    this perspective. The initial aim was to spread the religion of
    Christianity and form connections, elongate and improve relations with
    Christians living in Ottoman territory. With the Ottoman Empire losing
    power, the aim was also to determine their weak points and acquire
    privileges. In turn, the Ottoman Christian elements would serve their
    aims to connect them with European societies.

    In every period, missionary activities within Ottoman lands was used
    in an influential manner. The first step of these activities was to
    roam the land as individuals or as a group to establish connections
    with Christian populations. The second step was to compete and make
    lasting the providing of various privileges, permanently placing
    European culture, language and religion among the Ottoman Christians.
    An unfounded opportunity for the missionaries was the confessional
    community's `personal law' system, which the Ottoman Empire would
    implement for its minorities. The Ottoman Empire would give rights to
    those who belonged to different cultures and religious groups,
    allowing them to practice and preserve their own culture and beliefs.
    This situation made it easier for the missionaries to work more
    effectively. Like this, the missionary travellers found helpful allies
    every where they went.

    Victor Chapod was one of the missionaries who embarked on important
    travels in Ottoman regions. Chapod, an important member of the French
    Catholic missionary academy, was famous amongst the Catholic
    communities living in Anatolian lands. He travelled in the lands of
    the Mediterranean, North Africa and the Middle East, where French
    missionary activities took place. Chapod also gained a doctorate in
    social sciences from the French School in Athens due to some of his

    His journey began in the spring of 1860 from the docks of
    Alexandretta, taking route through the well-known cities of Antioch,
    Aleppo, Urfa and Antep. During his journey he recorded important
    information about the relationships between communities, living
    conditions and its geography. Even if the information on the notes
    isn't objective enough, it gives us an important understanding of the
    area and the community.

    The observation of exit and entry into the Alexandrian docks:

    The travels which I did in this area, did not contain the intent of
    pleasure or tourism. The main purpose of the travel in this area was
    to expose the traces of Greece, Rome and the Byzantine. Also it was to
    identify just how much these traces had been wiped out or disappeared.
    I travelled with an Austrian ship via Izmir-Rodos route and my Western
    Mesopotamia journey started with my ship casting anchor at the docks
    of Iskenderun. By looking from sea, from the first light of dawn, in
    an image that reminds the cold weather and the pollution, was what
    could be seen of a small, desolated and old city whose straight back
    has leant itself on the mountains. This gloomy city which gives one
    negative feelings, only made the two factories which were situated in
    the middle of this port city make the houses around seem small.

    In an instant the seaport moved with the ship casting anchor to it and
    then beggars and carriers began to approach the port which we were
    nearing. After the bargaining made by the experienced sailors, our
    luggage were brought and given to these carriers¦

    The moment I stepped foot onto dock, starting from the customs
    officers, many discontent eyes had set upon me. Due to these officers,
    from my clothes to my luggage, ever part of me and my provisions was
    thoroughly searched. Especially with the suspicion that I was carrying
    dynamite, the boxes where I put my photography machine and utensils
    drew attention and was also shown as much care. In this time the
    officials treated me like I was some spy. When they couldn't find a
    thing on me they let me go and I was taken by a guide to a hotel in
    what could be said was the cleanest area at the port. Immediately
    after settling in and taking a short rest at the hotel, myself and
    some others who were here for other purposes were taken to the
    authority in charge of the mobile security forces and responsible for
    the safety of the city. This mobile security force was strikingly
    disorganized, held weapons that didn't resemble each other's, wore
    diversely fashioned clothing and were far from being disciplined
    soldiers. I was questioned by their commanders. They took my
    valuables, in which was my photograph machine. The French Consulate of
    this city had to coerce and struggle in order to retrieve them.

    After this it was time to return to the city. Following a route that
    had turned to swamp we entered Iskenderun by tracking on foot for
    maybe 2, maybe 5 kilometres in rainy and very dull weather¦ They took
    me to a hotel which they told me was better. But it was far from every
    health and safety regulation, the salon was full of smoke and there
    was pots on top of fire which they grabbed the food with their bare
    hands from placing it onto the plate making it all an unforgettable
    scene for me. I couldn't stand the scene and smell of it all so I
    retreated to my room. The next day when I decided to go around the
    city to do some exploring I was shocked at what I saw because I wasn't
    expecting to see such a thing here. On the eve of Easter, the whole
    city was furnished with Spanish, Norway, Swedish and our flags and
    banners. Of course, the French governor who was protecting the
    Christian missionaries was acting as their leader.

    Two hours after we set travel for Iskenderun we arrived at a town
    named Belen. This place was like an eagle's nest or a summer
    sanatorium village. A little while after this we reached the Antakya
    Lake. This lake resembled a swamp more than anything. We suffered a
    lot from the drenched, awful road that forced us to pass through and
    in between the puddles that lead back into the lake. One day later at
    around noon we could finally see Antakya. We entered a dense green
    field that was soothing to our eyes. The entrance to the city
    contained houses with gardens and trimmed grass.

    Antakya maybe this geography's most beautiful Ottoman city, a wide
    oasis has been established here, it is for this reason that its open
    to strong winds but still due to their being a few hundred year old
    gigantic trees and forests it isn't affected as much from the winds.

    This city, throughout its history and even today holds an important
    place for being central for trade and education since the Hellenistic
    and Roman era. The old and new city is mixed within one another. But
    their still remains relics from history's old periods that is slowly
    decaying within the new Antakya. The history as a whole, even the
    graves are about to be lost. Our dinner was surprisingly modern and
    this area seemed unusual to me. Beautifully prepared with herbs was a
    lamb roast, and we were servedby waiters who somewhat copied the
    European style service and our environment was very peculiar in that
    it was illuminated by lanterns which gave it a dark lighting effect.

    We roamed around the streets of Antakya with Shakir the day after the
    enthusiastic Holiday celebrations. This travel made me feel emotions
    that resembled my last tour of Paris. The women were separated into
    two groups, veiled and non-veiled. The non-veiled women were the
    Christians and were well dressed, and using makeup. But everyone in
    this Muslim town was celebrating this Christian holiday with
    enthusiasm. The next day I went with my guide to the north of Antakya,
    at around four hours walking distance by foot there was a town that
    was built over old Byzantine remnants and this town's old name was
    `Soueidie' or now called Suadiye. The town locals were very welcoming
    to us. What took my attention was that this place had a wealthy
    community and that they were generally Arminian and Arab. When I was
    roaming around I saw two things which affected me deeply. The first
    was an old canal that passed through every residential area. I learnt
    that this canal which had 40 meter high walls, was used for
    transferring water. The second was a splendid rocky road that lead to
    the Christian cemetery. I learnt that both things were built by the

    The next day we started our trip from Antakya to Aleppo with the small
    group that I gathered. We started our journey on horse and foot, and
    continued on the old Roman road leaving the barren desert like land
    and the ocean line behind us. Five or six hours later we arrived to a
    residential area named `New City'. This place left me surprised right
    from the beginning. Iskenderun's repulsive and stuffy weather wasn't
    present here. Even though it appeared to be like an uninhabited place
    within the desert, there was wide spread and comfortable tents and
    less buildings. And as a hotel there was this type of tent pitched.

    Our journey to Aleppo took two days and in the end we could finally
    see its grey hills. The first and most outstanding thing was the grey
    colour that dominated the surroundings.Other than the small patch of
    green field that could barely be seen, the city that attached itself
    around the magnificent Aleppo tower showed that this was one of
    Syria's biggest residential areas. Also the mosques thin long minarets
    within this crowded view added to the environment a striking feature
    and emphasized that this town had Muslim attributes.

    We entered Aleppo through a wide precinct and the first thing to come
    across us was the governor's mansion, the empire high school and the
    army barracks. After this the roads became like a maze. Everywhere had
    crowed markets and lots of people. When I compared this city to those
    I had visited before, for example Cairo, it was packed with
    provisions, and there was magnificent long thin minarets but had areas
    beneath in its shade people who were in all sorts of pain and

    Damascus was an important central and a city which had short levelled
    buildings that stopped the light from coming in. However Aleppo, to me
    seemed colder, grey and more serious than the others. Other than this,
    it had narrow roads between houses which were joint to one another,
    small windows and more of a commercial trade atmosphere, and for all
    this to be jammed into a narrow area gave a prison like feeling.

    Generally due to the outside climate being very hot the daily life
    stopped from ten in the morning until five in the evening. The city's
    community would withdraw to the shade of the straw rooftops and the
    women and men would smoke argyle. Army vehicles would constantly roam
    the streets, and was a city that was strikingly militant. This city
    had great importance for Istanbul, it is for this reason that every
    term a strong, energetic governor is appointed, additionally the
    number of soldiers of the garrison here would continuously be high.
    Because, I've been told that the governor's first task here is to
    secure the Sultan's authority.

    We left from Aleppo with seven people and eight horses, and started
    trailing a dusty and damaged road heading to the north-east. Our first
    stop was the residential area of Telafer. This place was most probably
    a Yezidi village. They told me that these people worshipped the devil.
    The thing that caught my attention most about this village was that it
    was very dirty everywhere and on one side had piles of bones and skin
    from various animals. Instead of houses, the locals were staying in
    shelters made from stone and mud that was amidst the filth of the

    Our hike which started again the next day, ended with our arrival to
    Nizip. From what I've been told, to the north of Aleppo, the next
    biggest residential region after Kilis was here and it was
    surprisingly lively. With commercial liveliness, cleanliness,
    orderliness and well maintained fruit gardens, I learnt that this was
    a real Turk town. This Turk town was stupendous. One of the most
    important attributes of this place was that Turks and Armenians lived
    together here.

    After roaming around here I understood that the Euphrates completely
    changed the geography here and created a living within the nature. Due
    to the water flowing from the Euphrates it was made use of by every
    living thing around the area. After following the Euphrates bank for a
    little longer we came across a place that allowed us to pass to the
    other side. This place was Birecik.

    The next day we ended our short trip in `Rakka' and set camp just
    outside the city. Rakka was an antique city left over from the Romans.
    The thing which caught my attention most was that the majority of its
    population were from Circassia. I must explain here the Circassians.
    They do not resemble the people of this area at all, they are of a
    completely different nature¦

    Although they are Muslims, they still don't resemble the Muslims,
    Kurds and Bedouins from other areas that I've travelled. Actually they
    are close to Turks but still possess a difference. Their houses are
    nice, they're attractive, clean and well maintained, they take care of
    their appearance and they certainly do not wear rags. They are
    migrants which fled from Caucasia and sought refuge with the Turks and
    were accepted. The empire allowed them to settle in this region. They
    produce quality leather. It's due to this that their boots and vests
    are made from leather and are generally black, they wear pants that
    stick to their figure and come over their knees, and this attire makes
    them look very courageousand gives them confidence.

    Swarms of Locust go around the area like black clouds, they destroyed
    critical water deposits along our path, so these people advised me to
    change my course. Due to this I needed a new route and guide. We
    changed our course to `RaÅ?-el Ain' and from their propositions of
    guides, I chose the region's best and most reliable, an old
    Circassian. After 20 Bedouins cut our path, under normal circumstances
    they would have attacked us, but when they saw a Circassian fighter
    next to us they just gave greetings and withdrew.

    Urfa in this region looked like a gleaming fortress city. A city that
    was surrounded by thick and high walls made it look like a big castle.
    When looked at from outside it was apparent that deeper inside Urfa
    split into two. At the front was the Prophet Abraham Lake, with
    sparkling waters and encircling it were great trees and green fields,
    giving it a spectacular appearance. The city starts from behind this.
    The city is generally like the others, tall and small windows and the
    grey colour is dominant, but with one difference, every house here
    resembles the Italian verandas with the houses being in the front and
    having gardens and entrances. And this creates an important
    difference. The work which caught my eyes attention most was the
    Abraham Mosque. The detailed minarets made from marble gave a majestic
    and attractive appearance, outside of the mosque there are two wide,
    and clean pools. It is all kept fancy and maintained well.

    We reached Antep. This city occupies an important area in the region.
    It doesn't look like remnants from the middle ages. It has illuminated
    and wide roads and can be easily understood from the surroundings that
    it has specifically professionalized in the painting industry. The
    city population is made up of Turks and Armenians. The Armenians
    however secluded themselves to the outer side of the city. When I get
    closer to them I encounter the same question constantly. `You
    travelled everywhere, do you like this place also?' This city has a
    live and active French school which the Armenians send their children
    to it. The Schoolbooks come from France¦

    I was told about the remnants of an old town near this city called
    `Cyrrhus'. Without wasting any time I quickly went there and came
    across an amazing scene. I saw the remains of a monument belonging to
    Theodaret from the 5th century. Encompassing it was a 400 metre
    fortress wall, at some points its height reached 50 metres. Later we
    left this beautiful city. With this route, our journey from the south
    towards Aleppo was quite active. It was very interesting seeing the
    stone bridges from the Roman period, groups of men and women wearing
    the same clothes, farms and working villagers. However the thing that
    gets ones attention most in this region was that everywhere women
    worked more. The men would either lay in a shade of a tree or sit down
    and smoke cigarettes.

    After two days of rest we left for our trip again. This time our goal
    was a monastery half a day's length from Aleppo. After an enjoyable
    hike I reached the Saint Simon Monastery. Out of all the places that I
    travelled in Syria this was definitely the most beautiful. For Europe
    to spread its religious beliefs and continue its existence this place
    is a protected and maintained, and an important political central.

    The priests were free to do any type of ritual and sermon within the
    church. Also there is a system here for it to maintain itself. Around
    the building that was made for worship are barns for stock animals, a
    school and a dormitory. We left here with very pleasant memories and
    again continuing our path we arrived at Islhiye. I learnt that this
    places historical name was `Nicopolis'. We found a large caravan area
    where we could eat our lunch. We received a lot of attention from the
    guests after they learnt we were foreign travellers and we spoke with
    them for a great while. This was my final stop on these lands. On my
    journey which lasted over four months I saw great and impressive
    hospitality and tolerance from the Turks. On my travel I also had the
    opportunity of getting to know the native people who lived in the
    areas of Mesopotamia and the Euphrates.

    Olcay Ozkaya Duman, Haktan Birsel
    Updates from A France missionary's notes of his Mesopotamian travels:
    >From Iskenderun to the Euphrates, North Syria-West Mesopotamia
