Business 2 Community
March 30 2014
#SaveKessab Campaign Gathers Pace as Blink 182ēs Travis Barker Gives Support
By Duncan Riley
The campaign to save the Syrian Armenian town of Kessab gathered pace
today as Blink 182ēs Travis Barker gave support.
Along with posting a #SaveKessab picture to his Instagram account, Barker wrote:
#StopGenocide #SaveKessab I have a lot of Armenian friends I love &
support that are like #FAMILY to me@mrfamouscheese @r_men818
Campaign supporters have been targeting celebrities and politicians
alike on Twitter in an attempt to get the word out about a story most
of the mainstream media is ignoring.
As we wrote yesterday, the town was over run by Al-Qaeda aligned
militants on March 21st.
Reports are mixed on how many people were killed, with the most common
number quoted being 80. The town has been looted, along with Christian
churches being desecrated and destroyed.
The town of Kessab has a strong historical significance for Armenians
worldwide as the town was a center of forced deportation during
Turkish Armenian genocide of 1915. The town was also part of the
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia in the 11th century.
To join the campaign tweet the hashtag #savekessab on Twitter.!BZoIh
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March 30 2014
#SaveKessab Campaign Gathers Pace as Blink 182ēs Travis Barker Gives Support
By Duncan Riley
The campaign to save the Syrian Armenian town of Kessab gathered pace
today as Blink 182ēs Travis Barker gave support.
Along with posting a #SaveKessab picture to his Instagram account, Barker wrote:
#StopGenocide #SaveKessab I have a lot of Armenian friends I love &
support that are like #FAMILY to me@mrfamouscheese @r_men818
Campaign supporters have been targeting celebrities and politicians
alike on Twitter in an attempt to get the word out about a story most
of the mainstream media is ignoring.
As we wrote yesterday, the town was over run by Al-Qaeda aligned
militants on March 21st.
Reports are mixed on how many people were killed, with the most common
number quoted being 80. The town has been looted, along with Christian
churches being desecrated and destroyed.
The town of Kessab has a strong historical significance for Armenians
worldwide as the town was a center of forced deportation during
Turkish Armenian genocide of 1915. The town was also part of the
Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia in the 11th century.
To join the campaign tweet the hashtag #savekessab on Twitter.!BZoIh
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