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American Christians Pledge Solidarity With Persecuted Christians In

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  • American Christians Pledge Solidarity With Persecuted Christians In


    Assyrian International News Agency AINA
    May 7 2014

    By Nina Shea
    Fox News
    Posted 2014-05-07 18:05 GMT

    Orthodox Christian worshippers hold crosses as they take part in the
    Eastern and Orthodox Church's Good Friday procession along the Via
    Dolorosa in Jerusalem's Old City (photo: Reuters).On Wednesday, May 7,
    history is being made. On behalf of the suffering churches of Egypt,
    Iraq and Syria, a broad array of American Christians, with a degree
    of unity rarely seen since the Council of Nicaea in 325, have joined
    together in a "pledge of solidarity and call to action."

    In the "We the People" tradition, the pledge is a grass roots
    effort, with input from many sources. It is being released publicly
    on Wednesday morning by Reps. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) and Anna Eshoo
    (D-Calif.), but it does not have any particular institutional sponsor
    nor a political leader spearheading it.

    Over 100 Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox leaders have signed on --
    from Catholic Cardinal Wuerl, to National Association of Evangelicals'
    chair Leith Anderson, to Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of
    the Episcopal Church, to Secretary General Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe
    of the United Methodists, to Armenian Orthodox Archbishop Oshagan

    They include many lay civic society leaders, including Robert George
    of Princeton University, Jim Wallis of Sojourners, George Weigel
    of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, journalist Kirsten Powers,
    George Marlin, chair of Aid to the Church in Need-USA, and Lynne
    Hybels of Global Engagement of the Willow Creek Church.

    These Christian leaders have come together across faith traditions and
    political affiliations in response to the increasingly dire appeals
    from Middle Eastern Christians. As Baghdad's Catholic Chaldean
    Patriarch Louis Sako recently cried out: "We feel forgotten and
    isolated. We sometimes wonder, if they kill us all, what would be
    the reaction of Christians in the West? Would they do something then?"

    As the pledge recounts:

    "While Christians have been leaving the Middle East for many years,
    and, in these three countries, members of all communities--including
    smaller religious communities and Muslims--suffer from violence
    and political turmoil, the Egyptian, Iraqi and Syrian Christian
    communities, under the additional scourge of intensifying religious
    extremism, are experiencing a sudden, massive exodus of their members
    from the region."

    With the rise of Islamist extremists, this situation has become so
    acute that, regarding the Christians, it is not only individuals who
    are threatened. The presence of the entire Christian community in
    the region of its birth is at stake. The pledge emphasizes:

    "Since these communities account for most of the indigenous Christians
    in today's Middle East, the continued presence of Christians in the
    region where Christianity originated 2,000 years ago is threatened."

    The pledge states that Egypt, Iraq and Syria have seen "scores of
    churches deliberately destroyed, many clergy and laypeople targeted
    for death, kidnapping, intimidation and forcible conversion, and
    hundreds of thousands of believers driven from their countries."

    Specific patterns of attacks detailed in the pledge include:

    Christians, including some clergy, after being identified as such by
    their names, identity cards, or some other means, have been beheaded,
    shot execution-style or otherwise brutally murdered. Clergy have
    also been killed for their peace-making efforts or simply as
    personifications of the Christian faith.

    Untold numbers of Christians, including bishops, priests, pastors,
    and nuns, have been kidnapped and held for ransom.

    Young women have been abducted and forced to convert to Islam and
    marry their captors.

    In some instances, Christians have been told to convert to Islam or
    be killed; some have been forced to pay protection money.

    Muslim apostasy and blasphemy codes and standards for dress,
    occupation and social behavior are being enforced for Christians,
    as well as for Muslims, in some communities.

    The assaults continue despite rejection by the majority of Muslims
    and condemnation by prominent Muslim voices, such as Jordan's Prince
    Ghazi bin Mohammed and Iraq's Grand Ayatollah Sistani, as the pledge
    is clear in emphasizing.

    The American Christian leaders who signed the pledge commit to work
    within their congregations and communities to pray, educate and engage
    in foreign policy on behalf of these endangered fellow Christians
    and the other small religious groups who are similarly vulnerable.

    Asking "all people of good will" to join this effort, they also call
    on America's elected leaders to act to adopt three specific diplomatic
    and foreign and humanitarian aid steps.

    While promoting religious freedom is already a key objective of U.S.

    foreign policy, as the pledge concludes, "now, new action is
    desperately needed by our churches, our government and our civil
    society institutions here in the United States, and by all people of
    good will to make that objective a reality."

    Nina Shea is director of the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious
    Freedom. She is co-author of "Persecuted: The Global Assault on
    Christians" (Thomas Nelson 2013).

    From: Baghdasarian