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Arif Yunusov: One should be pragmatist but not theorist when settlin

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  • Arif Yunusov: One should be pragmatist but not theorist when settlin

    Arif Yunusov: One should be pragmatist but not theorist when settling conflicts

    Yunusov's interview with ArmInfo correspondent was ready to
    publication when the information about detaining Yunusov and his wife
    Leyla Yunus made us delay it, so that not to give another reason to
    the official Baku `to prove' its accusation in the so called
    `cooperation' with Armenia. Now, when the situation has been more or
    less clarified, the editor's office has decided to publish the

    by David Stepanyan
    Thursday, May 8, 13:36

    The name of the known human rights defender, conflictologist,
    analyst, the head of the Department of Conflictology and Migration
    Studies at the Baku-based Institute of Peace and Democracy, Arif
    Yunusov, has been circulating in mass media of Azerbaijan and Armenia.
    Among other our Baku counterparts, Yunusov is accused in espionage
    activity in favor of Armenian intelligence services, allegedly, as a
    result of his participation in the international conferences organized
    in Armenia. Yunusov's interview with ArmInfo correspondent was ready
    to publication when the information about detaining Yunusov and his
    wife Leyla Yunus made us delay it, so that not to give another reason
    to the official Baku `to prove' its accusation in the so called
    `cooperation' with Armenia. Now, when the situation has been more or
    less clarified, the editor's office has decided to publish the

    Certain circles in Armenia and Russia point at the Crimea like a
    precedent for Nagornyy Karabakh. What is the most possible motivation
    of that?

    By pointing at Crimea as a precedent for Karabakh, Moscow tries to
    exert pressure on Yerevan. This is just a message to Yerevan. In
    other words, it is just an element of a political game, which does not
    at all demonstrate that Russians are concerned over the fate of
    Karabakh people. The question is who is making such statements.
    Officials are responsible for their statements, especially given that
    their words may be misinterpreted by another party. For instance, some
    proposals have repeatedly been made in Armenia to recognize the
    independence of Karabakh and unite it with Armenia. It is noteworthy
    that the ruling party keeps making efforts to prevent it. It is clear
    that they do that not because they like or dislike the people of
    Karabakh, but because they realize that such steps will immediately
    affect the peace process and that Baku's response will create a new
    situation that will change the whole format of the peace process.

    I think that freer experts and journalists can afford more but the
    people bearing direct responsibility for the peace process cannot. In
    Azerbaijan the opposition experts' statements on Crimea are much freer
    than the careful response of the authorities who realize that the
    relations with Moscow may inevitably become tense. This is why
    whenever I hear that a particular conflict is a precedent for another
    conflict, I know that it first of all demonstrates that the conflict
    will not be resolved soon. To search for precedents means to lack the
    aspiration to resolve the conflict by the direct efforts of the
    conflicting parties, I believe that the parties to any conflict
    resolve the conflict by themselves if they want. If they have no
    desire to resolve it, they look for "elder brothers" and precedents.
    Besides the Crimea, both Kosovo and Eritrea could have been precedents
    for Karabakh. History has a plenty of examples. When resolving
    conflicts, one should be a pragmatist rather than a theorist .

    Armenia supported the right of the people of the Crimea for
    self-determination. Is such a stance of our leadership stemming only
    from the interest of the expected recognition of Nagornyy Karabakh?

    Intrinsically, none of the states, including the USA, which speaks
    of democracy so much, displays an approach meeting some international
    principles. The right to self-determination is a two-edged sword.
    Azerbaijan considers itself a victim of separatism and raises this
    issue in Iran, where Azeris live in the northern provinces. Turkey
    does the same in Cyprus. Europeans speak so much of democratic values
    but we perfectly see that they give high priority to the energy
    values. Europe blames Russia for using gas as a tool of blackmail and
    at the same time turns a blind eye to the similar actions of
    Azerbaijan. In the relations with Azerbaijan, Europe puts the
    democratic principles aside. In this light, I perceive such talks as
    diplomatic rhetoric. As regards pragmatism, it is restricted to
    Realpolitik which is far from all these principles.

    This is big geopolitical game, in which strong pressure is being
    exerted on Armenia and other countries. So, Russia badly needs its
    actions in Ukraine to be supported not only by its strategic allies,
    especially given Lukashenko's silence and the fact that initially
    Nazarbayev was totally against recognition of Crimea. Therefore, now
    Russia gives high priority to the response of Armenia, which kept
    silence in 2008. As for the West, it needs an absolutely different
    response from Yerevan. I think that the steps of small Armenia, which
    is swimming between the waves of pressure, should meet its own
    national interests. One should understand that the unresolved
    Karabakh problem dictates deliberation. A statement in Yerevan will
    inevitably be followed by a response in Baku. And it is still a big
    question who will benefit from the following developments.

    Ankara links its refusal to open the border to Armenia with
    Azerbaijan's pressure. Is it really so?

    Certainly, Azerbaijan uses all its possibilities to exert pressure on
    Ankara in order to prevent it from unblocking the Turkish-Armenian
    border. Nevertheless, if we take a pragmatic view of this issue, it
    becomes clear that small Azerbaijan is unable to dictate Turkey's
    foreign political agenda. And of Turkey decides to open
    Turkish-Armenian border, it will not even take Azerbaijan's stance
    into account. So, if Turkey takes such a decision tomorrow, it will
    not even take into account Azerbaijan's stance. Neither does Turkey
    give much importance to the Armenian Cause, which is so important to
    Armenia. Most Turks do not even know what happened in 1915. Turkey
    gives high priority to the relations with the West, with the European
    Union. Turks are imperial people and in this context they can be
    compared with Russians. Armenians, Azeris, Georgians are small
    nations, which are constantly looking for "elder brothers'.

    In the meantime, Russians and Turks have an absolutely different
    psychology. In fact, Russians do not care for Georgia or Armenia.
    Russians demand respect from the United States and Europe. The same
    can be said about Turks, who are eager to join the European Union.
    But when they throw sand in the wheels of Turks and demand normalizing
    relations with Armenia, Turks understand that after normalizing
    relations with Armenia they will be forced to improve relations with
    Kurds and so on and so forth. Therefore, Turkey perceives the Armenian
    Cause as an element of big geopolitics in relations with Europe, which
    does not want to admit Turkey to its Christian club - European Union.
    So, if Turkey understands that it really has the prospects to join the
    EU, it will immediately open the Turkish-Armenian border even without
    taking into account the stance of Azerbaijan.

    What is the key motivation of the USA demanding from Turkey to unblock
    the border to Armenia?

    The USA remembers about the shut down border from time to time
    especially before the elections, taking into consideration the role,
    authority and the votes of the Armenian Diaspora. But in general, not
    so much Armenians as Russia is important for the USA. That is to say,
    everything is again returning to the course of the big geo-political
    game, the part of which is confrontation between the USA and Russia
    for controlling the South Caucasus, the Azerbaijani political expert.

    The improvement of relations between Turkey and Armenia will cast
    doubt upon Russia's influence in Armenia and the necessity of its
    military base deployment in Armenia. That is to say. much will
    change. This is the reason, why I have never believed that Moscow is
    really striving to settle the Karabakh conflict. If the conflict is
    settled suddenly and normal relations are established between Armenia
    and Azerbaijan, the problems between Armenia and Turkey will be
    automatically removed. In that case a question will arise - who will
    the Russian base protect Armenia from? Iran?

    Meanwhile, though it is paradoxical. but today the pro-Western moods
    are stronger in Armenia than in Azerbaijan. Who knows, what will
    happen tomorrow after settlement of the Karabakh conflict. I think
    that the Karabakh conflict is like a punching ball for Russia, which
    the latter uses from time to time for imposing pressure either upon
    Armenia or Azerbaijan. From time to time, Russia promises to help
    either Baku or Yerevan to settle the Karabakh conflict, according to
    the principle "if you behave well". Actually, they will never help
    either Azerbaijan or Armenia. Karabakh should hang thick in the air
    and Armenia and Azerbaijan remain tied to Karabakh. Just for this
    reason, Americans are so much hurry to settle the Karabakh conflict
    and to open the border between Armenia and Turkey. This will make it
    possible to withdraw Russia from the region. Not the American altruism
    is the reason of that, but the struggle for the influence in the

    The Iranian counterparts have been traditionally blaming the USA and
    Israel for the tense relationas between Iran and Azerbaijan. What is
    your point of view on thematter?

    When my Iranian counterparts traditionally blame the USA and Israel
    for the tense Iran-Azerbaijan relations, I want to ask them. Why does
    Iran hinder restoration and enhancing of the Azerbaijan-Israel
    relations? We have Israel's Embassy in Baku, but despite availability
    of a big Azerbaijani community in Israel, we do not have Azerbaijan's
    Embassy in Tel-Aviv. The reason of it is that Iran is absolutely
    against normalization of relations between our countries. For this
    reason, Iran is the third party in the relations between Azerbaijan
    and Israel. Meanwhile, the Azerbaijani society remembers very well
    Iran's stance in the Karabakh conflict and thinks it is not impartial,
    although Iran does not think so. Certainly, there is misunderstanding,
    weak contacts and the role of the third countries in the relations
    between Baku and Teheran. The point is, in what assembly to revise all
    this. I think that undoubtedly the problem of Islam is the main
    thunder for Azerbaijan from the Iranian party as well as the policy of
    Iran regarding the national minorities of Azerbaijan: the Talish and
    Tat nations. So, if in its relations with Azerbaijan Russia uses the
    problem of the Lezgins and naturally the Karabakh conflict, just the
    same way, Iran uses the national minorities in its own interests. The
    "Seher-2" TV channel is an anti-Azerbaijani one, which broadcasts
    anti-Azerbaijani propaganda in Azerbaijani language every day.
    Naturally, the small Azerbaijan does not like it, as it has its own
    phobias regarding Iran. Incidentally, for its part, Iran scares an
    independent Azerbaijan which promotes separatist moods in its northern
