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Vache Kahramanian Announces Run For Local Australian Council

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  • Vache Kahramanian Announces Run For Local Australian Council


    May 8, 2014

    Vache Kahramanian

    WILLOUGHBY, Australia--Lifelong Willoughby resident, accountant and
    human rights lobbyist, Vache Kahramanian has announced that he will
    contest the vacant Willoughby City Council seat in the electorate's
    Sailors Bay ward.

    Kahramanian, 28, aims to bring "fiscal professionalism" and "youthful
    dynamism" to Willoughby City Council if elected on Saturday, 14th
    June 2014. The election is a by-election for the sole available seat
    on Council, which opened up when Councilor Gail Giles-Gidney was
    elected Mayor to replace the late Pat Riley.

    The Sailors Bay ward encompasses Castlecrag, Northbridge and South
    Willoughby; all areas well known to Kahramanian, who said: "Willoughby
    is the only City I've known. I was a Willoughby son, a Willoughby
    student, a Willoughby professional, and now a Willoughby husband,
    a Willoughby ratepayer, a Willoughby shopper and a Willoughby diner."

    Kahramanian is a certified practicing accountant (CPA), who has
    worked for global firms including PricewaterhouseCoopers and CoverMore
    Travel Insurance.

    "We have all read about the concerns Willoughby residents have about
    the state of the City's finances, especially since the development of
    The Concourse," he said. "I, for one, will feel a lot more comfortable
    if at least one of my Councilors was an accountant. I intend to be
    your fiscal professional in Council."

    Kahramanian, who also holds a Graduate Diploma in International Law
    and International Relations from the University of New South Wales,
    currently heads the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC
    Australia); an advocacy group that lobbies all levels of government
    for its community's local, national and international interests.

    "I know how politics works," Kahramanian continued. "I know my way
    around the Parliament Houses in Canberra and on Macquarie Street. I
    have legislative runs on the board, having led the passage of multiple
    motions in the NSW and South Australian governments, among others."

    On local issues, Kahramanian said he intends to be a politician in
    the word's "purest definition", explaining: "If elected as councilor,
    I will always default to what the majority of my constituents demand,
    while always trying to represent and incorporate the minority view."

    He did outline his positions on key local issues, though.

    On rate increases, Kahramanian says: "At my core, I am against
    increasing rates, or increases on any types of taxes for that matter.

    That is the easy way out. It should always be the very last resort,
    and even then, it should be taken to an election."

    On traffic congestion and overdevelopment, he says: "Overdevelopment
    is unacceptable to me. Willoughby needs to remain pure and only grow
    to the extent that its roads and infrastructure allows."

    On the Willoughby Leisure Centre, Kahramanian says: "The Willoughby
    Leisure Centre is where I learned to swim, and watched many games
    of basketball. It is tired and needs to be redeveloped in one swoop,
    as quickly as possible."

    On the divisive issues surrounding Northbridge Plaza, he says: "The
    Northbridge Plaza expansion-slash-carpark situation is problematic. I
    understand the corporate realities of operating a mall, while I also
    realise that expansion could mean hell for traffic, and hell for
    other smaller shopping villages and businesses. The end resolution
    must be to the benefit of the community."

    And on the unique Haven Amphitheatre, he states: "The Haven
    Amphitheatre is an area close to my heart, having performed on that
    stage as a student at Willoughby Public School. I'll work with all
    stakeholders to find the best solution to ensure that the amphitheatre
    is reopened so that generations to come can enjoy this unique space."

    Kahramanian also plans to ensure that more of the local community is
    able to make use of The Concourse, which is a world class entertainment
    venue developed by Council and managed by a private firm.

    Kahramanian said: "The Concourse is the greatest infrastructure project
    in our great City's recent history, but unfortunately many groups have
    been priced out of using this venue. I'll fight to ensure fairer use
    of The Concourse for all."

    Vache Kahramanian has taken leave from his duties as the Executive
    Director of ANC Australia while he runs his Willoughby City Council

    From: A. Papazian