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Pope Tells Armenian Patriarch That The "Ecumenism Of Suffering And M

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  • Pope Tells Armenian Patriarch That The "Ecumenism Of Suffering And M


    AsiaNews, Italy
    May 8 2014

    "In truth, the number of disciples who shed their blood for Christ
    in the tragic events of the last century is certainly superior to
    that of the martyrs of the first centuries, and in this martyrology,
    the children of the Armenian nation have a place of honour," the
    Holy Father said. Their testimony, at once high and tragic, must not
    be forgotten."

    Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "As in the ancient Church, the blood of the
    martyrs became the seed of new Christians," said Pope Francis, "so
    in our day the blood of many Christians has become the seed of unity".

    Indeed, "The ecumenism of suffering and the ecumenism of martyrdom"
    was the main point Pope Francis mentioned during his meeting with
    Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians.

    In speaking to the leader of about 10 million Armenians, whom he had
    previously met when he was still a cardinal, the Pope spoke about
    "the tragic testimony" given by the Armenians to their faith, a clear
    reference to the genocide that was inflicted on that people during
    the First World War.

    The Holy Father went on to mention Catholicos Karekin's participation
    in the Jubilee year commemoration of the Witnesses to the Faith of
    the 20th century.

    "In truth," the Pontiff said, "the number of disciples who shed
    their blood for Christ in the tragic events of the last century is
    certainly superior to that of the martyrs of the first centuries,
    and in this martyrology, the children of the Armenian nation have a
    place of honour."

    Indeed, "The mystery of the Cross, Holiness, so dear to the memory
    of your people, represented in the splendid stone crosses that adorn
    every corner of your land, has been lived by countless of your children
    as a direct participation in the chalice of the Passion. [. .

    .] Their testimony," he continued, "at once high and tragic, must
    not be forgotten."

    "The suffering of Christians in recent decades have also brought a
    unique and invaluable contribution to the cause of unity among Christ's
    disciples. As in the ancient Church, the blood of the martyrs became
    the seed of new Christians," Pope Francis explained, "so in our day
    the blood of many Christians has become the seed of unity."

    "The ecumenism of suffering and the ecumenism of martyrdom, the
    ecumenism of blood is a powerful call to journey along the road of
    reconciliation among the Churches, with decision and with trusting
    abandonment to the action of the Spirit. We feel the duty to go down
    this road of fraternity, also because of the debt of gratitude we owe
    to the suffering of our brothers, which has become salvific because
    it has been united to the passion of Christ."

    In addition, Pope Francis noted that "the links between the Armenian
    Apostolic Church with the Church of Rome have been consolidated in
    recent years, thanks to events that remain etched in our memory,
    such as the journey of my holy Predecessor John Paul II in Armenia,
    in 2001, and the welcome presence of Your Holiness in the Vatican for
    many occasions of special importance, including the official visit
    to Pope Benedict XVI in 2008, and the celebration of the beginning
    of my ministry as Bishop of Rome, last year."

    "In this regard, I wish to thank Your Holiness for the effective
    support he gave to ecumenical dialogue, particularly the work of
    the Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic
    Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches, and for the qualified
    theological contribution offered in that venue by representatives of
    the Catholicosate of All Armenians. "

    "May the Holy Spirit enlighten us and guide us towards longed-for
    day in which we may share in the Eucharist," the pope said. Equally,
    "Let us praise the Lord with the words of Saint Gregory of Narek:
    'Accept the hymn of blessing from our lips / and deign to grant this
    Church / the gifts and graces of Zion / and Bethlehem, / so that we
    may be worthy / to partake of salvation'. May your All Holy Mother
    of God, intercede for the Armenian people, now and forever!"
