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Etched in stone: Never forget

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  • Etched in stone: Never forget

    Lowell Sun, MA
    May 11 2014

    Etched in stone: Never forget

    Armenians share pride as genocide memorial unveiled

    By Lyle Moran

    LOWELL -- When he was a child, Joseph Dagdigian's grandmother would
    have flashbacks at night to the days of the genocide the Ottoman Turks
    carried out against Armenians and others in the early 20th century.

    Dagdigian, who grew up in Lowell, said it was not until years later
    that he understood his grandmother's anguish about the slaughter, and
    why there is a strong push among Armenians for the events never to be

    To not acknowledge the killing of 1.5 million people from 1915 to 1923
    is to falsify his family's history, says Dagdigian, now in his 70s.

    On Saturday, Dagdigian proudly joined hundreds of others at City Hall
    as the Armenian Genocide Memorial was unveiled and dedicated to the
    right of the entrance to the building.

    The monument, titled "A Mother's Hands," is believed to be the first
    Armenian Genocide monument unveiled on the site of a government
    building in the U.S.

    "This is really amazing," said Dagdigian. "Years ago, I never would
    have expected to see something like this. This shows the government of
    Lowell acknowledges the Armenian genocide."

    The last known genocide survivor in the Merrimack Valley also attended
    the ceremony. Nellie Nazarian, 102, was a young child when her mother
    helped her escape and eventually make it to the U.S.

    Nazarian, of Methuen, was joined Saturday by her daughter, Marlene
    Aznoian, as well as some of her dozens of grandchildren and great
    grandchildren. She smiled for the camera when placed in her wheelchair
    next to the monument.

    "I'm just glad she is here for this," said Aznoian, 76, of Andover.
    "She went through a lot coming to this country. We are proud of her."

    The Lowell monument is made of bronze and granite. There are two
    three-dimensional hands at the top of the piece of art showing a
    mother's hands crocheting. The hands sit above a large cross.

    At the bottom of the structure is inscribed the words "In Memory" both
    in English and Armenian.

    "Knot by knot, her hands weave the history of her people," reads the monument.

    "The delicacy of the crochet integrated into this cross stone is
    symbolic of the beauty and strength of the Armenian heritage."

    The writing below the cross also states "that in spite of the pain and
    horror of the genocide, knot by knot, the Armenian People everywhere
    weave their hopes and dreams, as they bloom and prosper."

    The effort to make the monument a reality began in 2011 when members
    of the Armenian community approached then-Mayor James Milinazzo about
    the idea. Milinazzo, now a city councilor, helped launch the project
    and set aside a spot right outside City Hall.

    Members of the Merrimack Valley Armenian Genocide Monument Committee
    moved the project forward in the time since.

    They had support from hundreds of Armenians in the region, New
    England and beyond.

    Armen Jeknavorian, chairman of the committee, said the monument honors
    all those Armenians who came to Lowell before, during and after the
    genocide, including his father, who escaped from the genocide.

    During the years of the genocide, there were already enough Armenians
    in Lowell to start their own church on Lawrence Street and in the
    Merrimack Valley there are an estimated 2,500-3,000 families of
    Armenian descent today, said Jeknavorian.

    Middlesex County Sheriff Peter Koutoujian said those who supported the
    monument effort had helped the community secure a significant

    Koutoujian, whose grandparents survived the genocide, said the Lowell
    monument matches Armenian Heritage Park in Boston in its significance.

    "As we continue to seek recognition for our genocide, this is another
    step in that recognition," Koutoujian said. "The more people we
    educate about the genocide, the more people we teach about the
    genocide, the more people will know the truth of this matter."

    The monument, designed by Chelmsford artist Daniel Varoujan Hejinian,
    garnered high praise for its artistic merit.

    "Our instruction to him was we wanted this monument to be a work of
    art where someone would walk by and have to turn around to take
    another look," said Aram Jeknavorian of Lowell, a member of the
    monument committee and brother of Armen. "I think he has achieved

    Varoujan Hejinian said the stone and bronze of the statue coming
    together symbolize the body and soul coming together.

    Several speakers noted the symbolism of the dedication of a monument
    titled "A Mother's Hands" on Mother's Day weekend. Armen Jeknavorian
    said the Armenians have a Mother's Day saying that, "The earth's
    warmth is in the mother's hands."

    City officials and members of the city's Statehouse delegation were on
    hand for the unveiling and made clear they believe the Turks' killings
    of Armenians and others should not be forgotten.

    "Let us make no mistake, the atrocities committed against the Armenian
    people are a genocide, an organized killing of people for the express
    purpose of putting an end to their collective existence," said Mayor
    Rodney Elliott, who said he joined local Armenians in recalling the
    darkness of those days, while applauding the community's resilience.

    City Manager Kevin Murphy credited Koutoujian, his former colleague at
    the Statehouse, with helping him understand the significance of the
    genocide and remembering the victims.

    "You have my word as the city manager of Lowell this memorial will be
    maintained in a proper and honorable fashion for as long as I'm city
    manager," Murphy told the crowd.
