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Economist: Azerbaijan And The Council Of Europe: Do As We Say, Not A

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  • Economist: Azerbaijan And The Council Of Europe: Do As We Say, Not A


    The Economist
    May 13 2014

    May 13th 2014, 17:24 by G.E. | BAKU

    Few people worry about which country chairs the committee of ministers
    of the Council of Europe (CoE), a body of 47 European countries,
    committed to upholding human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

    But with Azerbaijan taking the helm on May 14th, perhaps more should.

    After all, few European governments have done more to undermine those
    standards than the regime in Baku.

    This is not the first time a repressive government has held the role.

    Russia's dismal human rights record did not prevent it from chairing
    the CoE in 2006, under the slogan "Towards a united Europe without
    dividing lines".

    Flush with oil and gas revenues, Azerbaijan's living standards have
    risen considerably in the last decade. GDP per capita has increased
    almost sevenfold since 2004, according to the World Bank, and Baku's
    glitzy skyline is a world away from the drab, post-Soviet city of
    the early 1990s. But material progress has come at a cost: rigged
    elections and suppression of internal dissent mean that Azerbaijan's
    democracy is little more than a sham.

    Europe and the United States, reliant on Azerbaijan's energy supplies,
    have largely looked the other way and Baku's "caviar diplomacy" has
    won it friends in western circles, not least in the CoE. Since Ilham
    Aliev, the country's president, is famously sensitive to criticism
    from abroad, western officials have learnt to pull their punches,
    despite occasional noises to the contrary.

    That is worrying on its own terms: after all, what is the point of a
    club if members can flout its rules with impunity? Far from tempering
    its behaviour, Baku has actually stepped up its suppression of internal
    dissent in recent weeks. Dozens of youth activists have been imprisoned
    since January, supposedly for illegal arms possession and plotting
    mass disorder. Last month eight of them went on a two-week hunger
    strike and the authorities also detained two prominent human rights
    defenders on bogus espionage charges.

    Recent events in Ukraine highlight the importance of the CoE's
    founding principles. As Carl Bildt, the Swedish foreign minister,
    noted in his recent statement at the CoE: "When Russia occupied and
    annexed Crimea, it of the very basic principles of
    the security and stability of our continent." But in practice, fear
    of overdependence on Russian oil and gas has increased Azerbaijan's
    value as an alternative energy conduit to Europe. Baku's free pass
    on human rights issues is likely to continue.

    Azerbaijan's relationship with Russia is far from trouble-free. With
    Armenian troops controlling Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding areas in
    Azerbaijan, the implication of Russia's actions - that borders can be
    easily redrawn - is deeply threatening to Baku. Yet wary of offending
    its powerful northern neighbour, Mr Aliev's regime has avoided any
    Russia-bashing over the last few months.

    Instead, the government says it will use its chairmanship to focus
    on human-rights education and corruption, among other things.

    Azerbaijan's imprisoned hunger strikers highlight the irony of this
    first goal. And despite its claims of recent success in fighting graft,
    Azerbaijan (alongside Russia) remains the most corrupt country in
    the CoE, according to Transparency International, a watchdog. That
    is no coincidence. As Azerbaijanis know all too well, corruption and
    political repression go hand in hand.
