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French President Hollande Visits Caucasus Amid Ukranian Crisis

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  • French President Hollande Visits Caucasus Amid Ukranian Crisis


    World Socialist Web Site
    May 16 2014

    By Kumaran Ira
    16 May 2014

    On May 11-13, French President Francois Hollande visited the ex-Soviet
    republics of Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. His visit, coming as
    Washington, Berlin and Paris escalate a confrontation with Russia
    over nearby Ukraine, aimed to strengthen France's economic ties with
    the oil-rich region, while deepening the Western powers' military
    and diplomatic encirclement of Russia.

    Hollande's visit began as pro-Russian activists hostile to the
    Western-backed, far-right regime in Kiev voted overwhelmingly in
    favor of greater autonomy for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of
    Ukraine and petitioned Moscow for its incorporation into Russia.

    Arriving in Azerbaijan, Hollande denounced the referendum in eastern
    Ukraine as "null and void." He said the votes in Donetsk and Luhansk
    made "no sense," and that only the Ukrainian presidential vote
    scheduled by the Kiev regime on May 25 mattered.

    Hollande cynically claimed that European Union (EU) plans for an
    "eastern partnership" were not aimed at Russia. He said, "These
    are processes, these tours are not directed against anyone but aim
    to strengthen ties between Europe, France and partners who are now
    independent and concerned about their development."

    Hollande's visit also underscores Paris's moves to secure vital energy
    resources from Azerbaijan as the EU and Washington threaten to cut
    off energy purchases from Russia, a key gas exporter to Europe,
    over the Ukraine crisis.

    Azerbaijan is the Caspian region's most important strategic export
    openings to the West and one of the main gas exporters to many European
    nations. Hollande said that Azerbaijan is important for France's
    "energy security," adding: "Our goal is to support the development
    of the Azeri economy, in particular the energy sector."

    Hollande also promoted French corporate interests in Azerbaijan.

    France is the fifth largest foreign investor in Azerbaijan with
    holdings of about $2.4 billion, including nearly $1 billion in the
    energy sector. French energy firms like Total and GDF-Suez are to take
    part in exploring and developing the Absheron gas field. After Hollande
    visited a May 12 Azeri-French business forum, French companies signed
    $2.5 billion in business contracts, including for building Baku's
    subway system and the sale of 50 Alstom freight trains.

    Azeri President Ilham Aliyev said that his country closely cooperates
    with the EU on energy security. He stressed, "Azerbaijan makes efforts
    to support Europe's energy security. The documents signed late last
    year will help to deliver Azerbaijan's gas to Europe and I am sure
    our relations with Europe will be even closer after realization of
    this project."

    Citing major infrastructure projects including the Shah Deniz
    field--one of the world's largest natural gas and condensate
    fields--Aliyev noted that the investments represent about $45 billion.

    Assuring the EU powers that they can rely on Azerbaijan's oil and gas
    resources as an alternative to Russia's, Aliyev called Azerbaijan
    the leader of the Caspian Sea region in delivering energy to world
    markets. "Azerbaijan's rich oil and gas resources, the existing
    transport infrastructure and the one that is being created have
    greatly changed Europe's energy map," he said.

    Hollande's trip underscored the bitter struggle for influence and
    commercial advantage waged between the NATO imperialist powers and
    Russia throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. The
    reactionary character of the NATO powers' intervention finds highest
    expression in their campaign for regime change in Ukraine, backing
    fascist forces that led a putsch that toppled pro-Russian President
    Viktor Yanukovych in February.

    The NATO intervention extends into the Caucasus, a strategically
    critical region bordering war-torn areas of southern Russia, the
    oil-rich Caspian Sea region of Central Asia, Turkey, and Iran. The
    three ex-Soviet republics of the South Caucasus are seeking to closer
    ties with Western imperialism, with Georgia going as far as trying
    to join the NATO military alliance.

    While his government foments ethnic tensions in Ukraine by denouncing
    pro-Russian protesters opposed to the pro-Western regime in Kiev,
    Hollande hypocritically claimed that France will do "all it can" to
    help Azerbaijan and Armenia. He said the two countries, which descended
    into an armed conflict over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh
    at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, can "live in peace."

    Visiting Armenia on Monday, Hollande urged the EU to enter into an
    Association Agreement with Armenia--a move aimed at lessening Russia's
    substantial influence in Armenia, which plans to join a Russian-led
    Customs Union currently including Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

    Hollande said: "Europe must accept that an agreement about an
    association with Armenia can go with a trade-commercial union with

    Perhaps the most potentially explosive visit was Hollande's final
    stop on Tuesday in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. Hollande was greeted
    by Georgian Foreign Minister Maia Panjikidze, who praised Hollande's
    visit as an expression of EU support. Georgia is to sign an Association
    Agreement with the EU by the end of next month.

    "Especially now when we are closer to the signing date of the
    Association Agreement," she said, "the French president's visit is
    a special event in Georgia's foreign policy history."

    Hollande said that his trip to Georgia expressed his support for
    Georgia's decision to sign an Association Agreement with the EU,
    and for Georgia's territorial integrity.

    This statement was implicitly a promise of diplomatic and military
    assistance in the case of future conflict with Russia. In 2008,
    Washington backed Tbilisi as it attacked Russian peacekeepers in the
    breakaway region of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, mounting air and land
    attacks in an attempt to grab the regions.

    In exchange, the Georgian regime agreed to support French imperialism's
    wars in Africa. Hollande praised Tbilisi's decision to participate
    in the French intervention in the Central African Republic (CAR),
    calling Tbilisi's move to provide cannon fodder for Paris's wars a
    good example of what Georgia can do as an EU partner now and as a EU
    member state in the future.
