Catholic World Report
May 23 2014
May 23, 2014 12:11 EST
By Michael J. Miller
(Gènethique, May 22, 2014) Between June 2012 and January 2013 a
survey was conducted in Armenia concerning sex-selective abortion
and the reasons for it. Since it has become a common practice in
recent years, the Minister of Health is preparing draft legislation
to forbid elective abortion on account of the child's sex.
The topic of the imbalance of births in Eastern Europe had already been
the subject of a study by the Institut National Etudes Demographiques
[French National Institute for Demographic Studies] last December. The
Armenian survey confirms this trend: in 2012 there were 100 girls born
for every 114 boys, whereas the normal ratio is around 102 girls born
for every 106 boys.
The Director of the Department for Maternal and Reproductive Health
within the Ministry of Health in Armenia opined that "We cannot blame
anyone for wanting a male child, but that must not be accomplished
through the elimination of healthy girls."
Gènethique is an online review of bioethics news published by in
French the Fondation Jerôme Lejeune.
From: A. Papazian
Catholic World Report
May 23 2014
May 23, 2014 12:11 EST
By Michael J. Miller
(Gènethique, May 22, 2014) Between June 2012 and January 2013 a
survey was conducted in Armenia concerning sex-selective abortion
and the reasons for it. Since it has become a common practice in
recent years, the Minister of Health is preparing draft legislation
to forbid elective abortion on account of the child's sex.
The topic of the imbalance of births in Eastern Europe had already been
the subject of a study by the Institut National Etudes Demographiques
[French National Institute for Demographic Studies] last December. The
Armenian survey confirms this trend: in 2012 there were 100 girls born
for every 114 boys, whereas the normal ratio is around 102 girls born
for every 106 boys.
The Director of the Department for Maternal and Reproductive Health
within the Ministry of Health in Armenia opined that "We cannot blame
anyone for wanting a male child, but that must not be accomplished
through the elimination of healthy girls."
Gènethique is an online review of bioethics news published by in
French the Fondation Jerôme Lejeune.
From: A. Papazian