by Nana Martirosyan
Wednesday, May 28, 00:50
Moscow will strive to transform thye frozen conflict in Karabakh
into a real war, writes Richard Giragosian, Head of the Center for
Regional Studies, in his item.
According to Giragosian, Russia may start increasing and expanding
its power and influence in the South Caucasus. In this light, the
political scientist believes that Nagorno Karabakh may turn into an
attractive instrument. This way may conceal a dangerous aspiration for
big, in not risky, dividends. Entering that way, Moscow will seek to
transform the frozen conflict in Karabakh into a real war, in which
only Russia and its peacekeepers may make a direct intervention,
Giragosian writes. He thinks such scenario will recreate the levers
of influence Russia had before the August 2008 War against Georgia.
The expert writes that Armenia may occur even in more dangerous
situation than Georgia did in 2008. Supporting Russia's stance on
Crimea, Yerevan became a hostage to partnership with Moscow.
Considering that the West is going to impose more serious sanctions on
Russia, Yerevan with the wrong historical position it has taken, may
find itself even in deeper isolation, Giragosian writes. According to
him, Armenia may occur behind the Iron Curtain that Russian President
Vladimir Putin, probably, wants to recreate within the borders of
the former Soviet Union.
by Nana Martirosyan
Wednesday, May 28, 00:50
Moscow will strive to transform thye frozen conflict in Karabakh
into a real war, writes Richard Giragosian, Head of the Center for
Regional Studies, in his item.
According to Giragosian, Russia may start increasing and expanding
its power and influence in the South Caucasus. In this light, the
political scientist believes that Nagorno Karabakh may turn into an
attractive instrument. This way may conceal a dangerous aspiration for
big, in not risky, dividends. Entering that way, Moscow will seek to
transform the frozen conflict in Karabakh into a real war, in which
only Russia and its peacekeepers may make a direct intervention,
Giragosian writes. He thinks such scenario will recreate the levers
of influence Russia had before the August 2008 War against Georgia.
The expert writes that Armenia may occur even in more dangerous
situation than Georgia did in 2008. Supporting Russia's stance on
Crimea, Yerevan became a hostage to partnership with Moscow.
Considering that the West is going to impose more serious sanctions on
Russia, Yerevan with the wrong historical position it has taken, may
find itself even in deeper isolation, Giragosian writes. According to
him, Armenia may occur behind the Iron Curtain that Russian President
Vladimir Putin, probably, wants to recreate within the borders of
the former Soviet Union.