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eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/06/2014

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  • eNewsletter of the Eastern Diocese - 11/06/2014

    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
    630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
    Contact: Chris Zakian
    Tel: (212) 686-0710 or (973) 943-8697
    E-mail: [email protected]

    ** TOP STORY November 6, 2014

    ** The Bodiless Powers
    Every year, a Saturday in early November brings us to one of the more
    unusual observances of the Armenian Church calendar: the feast day
    dedicated to the holy archangels Michael and Gabriel. We'll greet it
    again this weekend, on November 8.

    Angels in popular culture seem like benign, even childlike beings. But
    the Bible depicts them as something else entirely-something truly
    incomprehensible to the human mind. `Fear not!' is the characteristic
    greeting that issues from an angel when it is sent to converse with a
    human being-suggesting that there is something potentially terrifying
    in our encounters with them.

    The multitude of angels make up the `heavenly hosts'=80'the armies of
    God waging an invisible war against evil forces. The archangel Michael
    (whose name means `Who is equal to God?') is symbolically shown as a
    warrior who protects God's people and contends with Satan; Gabriel
    (`God is my strength') is best known as the messenger who announced
    Christ's impending birth to St. Mary.

    The Christian tradition regards the angels as `bodiless powers':
    thought without physicality; will without animal substance; beings of
    pure spirit, who do not occupy even a single point in space. The very
    possibility of such creatures opens up deep questions about our
    experience of the material universe-and about man himself. For
    example: Are our thoughts just chemical reactions, or is human
    intelligence itself a sign of something beyond and above physical

    In that sense, the idea of angels enriches our understanding of the
    universe that God has created, and of the place He has given to His
    human creations.

    Veterans Day
    Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima by Joe Rosenthal.

    ** Veterans Day
    Veterans Day first began as a commemoration of the end of World War I
    in 1918. `The Great War' came to a close on the eleventh hour of the
    eleventh day of the eleventh month, when an armistice went into effect
    between the Allied nations and Germany.

    In the ensuing decades, as American soldiers continued to be deployed
    overseas, November 11 became a day to pay tribute to American veterans
    of all wars for their patriotism, courage, and sacrifice.

    This Veterans Day, we offer a prayer known for centuries to those who
    have ever found themselves in harm's way. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to visit our blog, and to read Psalm 91=80'the `Soldier's Psalm.'

    ** Scripture of the Week

    Is 24:1-12
    Eph 5:15-33
    Lk 8:49-57

    ** Prayer of the Week

    O Lord our God, turn not your face from me. O beneficent Lord, I
    beseech you, be my helper. O Lord, despise me not and forsake me not,
    O God, my Savior. Amen.

    ** Upcoming Saints & Feasts

    8 November: Holy Archangels Gabriel and Michael

    His Holiness Karekin II and President of Armenia
    A procession to the Catherdal of Holy Etchmiadzin earlier this week.

    ** His Holiness Karekin II: 15 Years of Leadership
    On Tuesday, November 4, a special service was held at Holy Etchmiadzin
    in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the enthronement of His
    Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All

    Clergy and public officials gathered to take part in a special prayer
    for the Catholicos. Archbishop Barkev Martirossian, Primate of the
    Artsakh Diocese, officiated. At the conclusion of the service, His
    Holiness Karekin II extended his blessings to the faithful. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a video.

    Fifteen years ago, the National Ecclesiastical Assembly elected His
    Holiness Karekin II as the 132nd Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of
    All Armenians. His Holiness was consecrated and enthroned as the
    successor to St. Gregory the Illuminator in a majestic ceremony at the
    Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin on November 4, 1999.

    St. Garabed Church, Jordan
    The newly built St. Garabed Church in Jordan.

    ** A New Armenian Church in Jordan
    A new Armenian Church was consecrated in Jordan last month by
    Archbishop Nourhan Manougian, the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem.

    St. Garabed Church is located on the banks of the Jordan River, on
    land donated to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem by King
    Abdullah II of Jordan. Its construction was made possible through the
    generosity of Dr. Vicken Garabedian, who built the church in memory of
    his father, Dr. Garo Garabedian.

    Among those in attendance at the consecration service were Armenia's
    President Serge Sargsyan and Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian.

    WGCC Meeting

    ** Women's Guild Central Council Reviews Latest Activities
    The Women's Guild Central Council met via teleconference on Saturday,
    November 1. They heard a report from vice chair Hasmig Minassian on
    the Women's Retreat held in Dallas last month. Yn. Jennifer Karapetyan
    presented a review of survey responses regarding Saintly Women's Day,
    and Nancy Kassabian presented updates on the Vanadzor Old Age Home
    project and CASP, both of which are done jointly with the Fund for
    Armenian Relief. The Central Council also considered possibilities for
    expanding their public relations efforts and heard updates on parish

    The meeting continued with a discussion of plans for the next Women's
    Guild Assembly, which will be held concurrently with the Diocesan
    Assembly in Washington, DC, next May. In addition to the regular
    meetings and workshops, delegates will have the opportunity to take
    part in the program commemorating the 100th anniversary of the
    Armenian Genocide in the nation's capital.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to read the latest edition of the newsletter of the Women's Guild
    Central Council, `Hye Reflections.'

    Campers at the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory.

    ** Star-gazing in Byurakan
    Last month children in Armenia enjoyed a science camp at the Byurakan
    Astrophysical Observatory. The camp was sponsored by the Fund for
    Armenian Relief and the Hambardzumyan Charitable Foundation, which was
    founded by the family of the late astrophysicist Victor Hambardzumyan.

    School students between the ages of 12 and 15 attended lectures on
    astronomy, viewed films, toured the Byurakan Observatory and learned
    about its telescope, and visited the Victor Hambardzumyan
    house-museum. In the evenings, they gazed at the sky and recorded
    their observations. Other highlights included trips to Amberd,
    Oshakan, hikes in the Byurakan area, and a concert.

    The camp program was organized by the Byurakan Astrophysical
    Observatory, the Armenian Astronomical Society, and Armenia's Ministry
    of Education and Science and Ministry of the Diaspora.

    Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to read more on FAR's blog.

    Annual Appeal

    ** Support the Diocese's 2014 Annual Appeal
    The Eastern Diocese has launched its 2014 Annual Appeal-the only
    Diocesan-wide fundraiser conducted each year to help the Diocese
    undertake the many ministries, programs, and resources that enrich
    life in our parishes.

    Your thoughtful gift brings light to our local churches. It supports
    Christian education, Armenian language instruction, summer camps,
    youth programs, mission parish outreach, and the use of new
    communication technologies.

    To our past and prospective donors, we are deeply grateful for your
    support of the creative, educational, and inspirational programs that
    lift up Armenian communities throughout the Eastern Diocese.

    Please accept this invitation to strengthen our efforts. Your generous
    contribution to the 2014 Annual Appeal will help spread the good work
    of the Armenian Church across our local communities-and across the

    Follow this link to donate now
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to the 2014 Annual Appeal.

    Fr. Daniel Findikyan (left) and Fr. Krikor Sabounjian with Michael
    Sabounjian during the ordination service.

    ** A Deacon is Ordained in Framingham
    Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of America (Eastern), traveled to the Church of the Holy
    Translators in Framingham, MA, on Sunday, November 2, where he
    ordained Michael Sabounjian to the rank of deacon.

    Also present as Archbishop Barsamian celebrated the Divine Liturgy
    were the Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan and Rev. Fr. Mardiros
    Chevian. The Rev. Fr. Krikor Sabounjian, pastor of Holy Translators
    Church and Michael's father, looked on as his son accepted a new
    responsibility in the Armenian Church.

    A highlight of the service was the participation of the Boston College
    Liturgy Arts Group, a liturgical association of which Michael is a
    member. Among the hymns the group sang during the Divine Liturgy was
    the Nicene Creed arranged in English by Michael.
    At a reception following services, another Boston College group, The
    Bells, performed three hymns with hand bells.

    Click on the following links to read more
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    and to view photos
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    and a video
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)

    Holy Trinity, Cheltenham, PA

    ** Cheltenham Offers a Seminar for Moms
    On November 2, a group of mothers gathered at the Holy Trinity Church
    of Cheltenham, PA, for an event titled `Growing Children of Faith.'
    The hour-long seminar was led by the parish's Adult Christian
    Education director, Nancy Basmajian.

    Participants discussed the joys and challenges of fostering faith in
    their families, and the role that the church plays in that
    ministry. =80=9COur children are only at church an hour or two each
    week, so the church and home must work together in the formation of
    faith,' Ms. Basmajian explained. The group read Scriptural passages
    relating to the connection between faith and family, and considered
    how to apply such principals to motherhood.

    `It was helpful to hear the challenges that mothers of older children
    face,' said new mother Nadia Soghomonian. `Knowing that these
    challenges may enter my own life as my children grow up, I feel
    blessed to have this opportunity to learn from my peers.'

    Hye Pointe Church
    Fr. Vart Gyozalian (center) with Dn. Ivan Gyadayan (left) and
    Dn. Narek Garabedian.

    ** Seminarians Visit Hye Pointe Church
    On Sunday, October 26, two St. Nersess seminarians visited Hye Pointe
    Church in Haverhill, MA. Deacons Ivan Gyadayan and Narek Garabedian
    assisted the Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalian, parish pastor, on the
    altar. Deacon Ivan also delivered the day's sermon.

    A reception followed services. Dn. Narek spoke about the mission of
    St. Nersess Seminary and described its programs.

    Badarak for Children

    ** Badarak Hymns for Children
    Nvair Kadian Beylerian, creator of the `Hye Family' children's song
    series, and Andrea Arpiarian Carden, superintendent of the St. Leon
    Church Sunday School in Fair Lawn, NJ, have co-produced a new album of
    Divine Liturgy hymns for children.

    Titled `We Sing Armenian Church Songs (Badarak Hymns for Children),'
    the album features sacred music recorded in both Armenian and English,
    and includes liner notes explaining the significance of each hymn. The
    hymns are sung by the `Hye Family Children's Chorus,' which is mostly
    comprised of St. Leon Sunday School students.

    Beylerian and Carden said the new album can be used as a learning tool
    in Sunday School classrooms and at home. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to read more about the new album, or visit
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)

    Armenian Church of Jacksonville
    Fr. Tateos Abdalian blesses a parishioner in Jacksonville.

    ** Mission Parish Director Visits Jacksonville
    The Rev. Fr. Tateos Abdalian, director of the Diocese's Mission Parish
    Program, visited the Armenian community of Jacksonville, FL, last

    On Saturday evening, he observed a Sunday School class for children,
    led by parishioners Alex Shafiyev and Erik Mirzoyan. Later he led an
    adult's Bible study on the Sermon on the Mount.

    On Sunday, Fr. Abdalian celebrated the Divine Liturgy and visited
    homebound parishioners.

    Upcoming events

    ** Upcoming Parish Events

    Church of Our Saviour | Worcester, MA
    The Church of Our Saviour of Worcester, MA, will host its annual Fall
    Festival on Friday, November 7 (5 to 9 p.m.) and Sunday, November 9
    (12 to 4 p.m.). Enjoy Armenian food and baked goods, live Armenian
    music on Sunday, a Kids Fair (all evening on Friday and from 1 to 3
    p.m. Sunday), raffles, a country store, and other activities. Click
    ( iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information

    Sts. Vartanantz Church | Chelmsford, MA
    On Friday, November 7, Sts. Vartanantz Church of Chelmsford, MA, will
    host a lecture titled "What You Should Know About the Divine Liturgy"
    by the Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findkyan, professor of Liturgical Studies
    at St. Nersess Armenian Seminary and director of the Diocese's Krikor
    and Clara Zohrab Information Center. The evening begins with dinner at
    6:30 p.m. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    On Sunday, November 9, Sts. Vartanantz Church will present an
    Instructed Divine Liturgy-a unique educational opportunity for
    parishioners to experience the badarak with a live, step-by-step
    commentary. The service will begin at 10 a.m. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer.

    On Friday, November 14, Sts. Vartanantz Church will sponsor a Wine and
    Beer Tasting, from 7 to 9 p.m. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Church at Hye Pointe | Haverhill, MA
    The Church at Hye Pointe of Haverhill, MA, will host an Autumnfest on
    November 7 and 8. Enjoy Armenian food, raffles, and a country
    store. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church | Providence, RI
    Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI, will host its 84th
    annual Food Fair and Bazaar on November 8 and 9. The event will
    feature traditional Armenian food, raffles, a silent auction, games
    for kids, arts and crafts displays, and other activities. Click here
    ( iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Church of Southwest Florida | Naples, FL
    The Armenian Church of Southwest Florida Mission Parish will begin its
    2013-14 season of services and activities on Saturday, November 8. The
    Rev. Fr. Hovnan Demerjian will celebrate the Divine Liturgy, beginning
    at 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church (3901 Davis Blvd. in
    Naples). For more information about the mission parish, contact Carole
    Meghreblian at (239) 348-3804, or via e-mail at
    [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) .

    St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church | Wynnewood, PA
    St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of Wynnewood, PA, will celebrate its
    annual Founders' Day on Sunday, November 9. Each year the community
    gathers on Founders' Day to remember the individuals who founded the
    parish and to honor current stewards of the church. This year, the
    parish will honor Elizabeth Barsamian, Kosrof Pakhtigian, Zevart
    Shakarjian, and the late Diran Shakarjian. A requiem service will be
    held during the Divine Liturgy. A luncheon and program will follow
    services. Click here
    ( ocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Gregory the Enlightener Church | White Plains, NY
    The Women's Guild of St. Gregory the Enlightener Church of White
    Plains, NY, will sponsor a `Wine & Cheese Tasting Night' on Friday,
    November 14, beginning at 7 p.m. Wine enthusiast Derek Kruizenga will
    serve as the master of ceremonies that evening. Click here
    ( iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for reservation information.

    St. Leon Church | Fair Lawn, NJ
    Pianist Kariné Poghosyan will give a concert at St. Leon Church of
    Fair Lawn, NJ, on Friday, November 14. Titled "Remembrance and
    Rebirth: A Concert Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide," the program will include works by Komitas, Khachaturian,
    Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, and Liszt. Click here
    ( iocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for ticket information.

    St. Leon Church is sponsoring a five-week course for high school
    students on Armenian life in the 100 years since the Genocide of
    1915. Sessions will be held on Monday evenings, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.,
    beginning on Monday, November 10. Instructor Khatchig Mouradian will
    guide participants as they discover the Armenian cultural heritage,
    political life, and activism of the past century through multimedia
    presentations, textual analysis, and discussion. Mr. Mouradian, a
    Ph.D. candidate at Clark University, has lectured widely on the
    Armenian Genocide and its aftermath. Click here
    ( ese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for registration information.

    St. Leon Church will host a `Silent Art Auction' sponsored by the Fund
    for Armenian Relief and the ACYOA Central Council on Saturday,
    November 22. Photographs from children at the FAR Children's Center in
    Yerevan will be on display. All proceeds from the auction will
    benefit the Children's Center. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Mary Church | Hollywood, FL
    St. Mary Church of Hollywood, FL, will host `Persian Night' featuring
    the singer Armin on Saturday, November 15. Traditional Persian cuisine
    will be served. Click on the following links to view a flyer
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    and to purchase tickets
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)

    Soorp Haroutiun Church | Orlando, FL
    Soorp Haroutiun Church of Orlando, FL, will host a Food Fest and
    Bazaar on Saturday, November 15, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Enjoy Armenian
    food and music, displays by arts and crafts vendors, and more. Click
    ( cese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Holy Trinity Church | Cambridge, MA
    The front plaza of Holy Trinity Church of Cambridge, MA, will be named
    the `Garabed Bagdasar and Haiganoosh Hagopian Hollisian Plaza' in a
    dedication ceremony on Sunday, November 23, at the conclusion of
    church services. A a pre-Thanksgiving Day luncheon will follow. Click
    ( E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    for more information.

    St. Thomas Church | Tenafly, NJ
    The Cultural Committee of St. Thomas Church of Tenafly, NJ, and the
    Society of Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR-NJ) will present a screening
    of the movie Music to Madness: The Story of Komitas on Sunday,
    November 23, beginning at 1 p.m. A talk with writer and director David
    Robert Deranian will follow the screening. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    St. Mary Church | Livingston, NJ
    St. Mary Church of Livingston, NJ, will host an ACYOA Reunion Dance on
    Saturday, November 29, beginning at 7:30 p.m. The evening will be held
    in the church's Haroutioun and Siranoush Toufayan Hall. Enjoy music by
    the Gostanian Ensemble and reconnect with old friends. Reservations
    are required by November 22. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to view a flyer for information.

    Leadership Conference

    ** Register for the ACYOA Seniors Leadership Conference
    The ACYOA Central Council is looking forward to sponsoring the ACYOA
    Leadership Conference from November 14 to 16 at the Don Bosco Retreat
    Center in Stony Point, NY. The conference will give young people an
    opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills while exploring the
    topic `Know Thyself: Responding to Life's Challenges.' The Very
    Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan will serve as conference chaplain.

    Young adults ages 18 and older are encouraged to participate. The
    ACYOA Central Council will cover all costs related to lodging and
    meals. Click on the following links to view a flyer
    f7cd87ee&e-c95f2b8c&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    and to register online
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)

    For more information, contact Jennifer Morris, the Diocese's director
    of Youth and Young Adults Ministries, at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) , or Lorie Odabashian, the
    department's coordinator, at [email protected]
    (mailto:[email protected]) .

    ** EVENTS
    Zohrab Center

    ** Book Talk at the Zohrab Center
    Anna Astvatsaturian Turcotte will present her book,
    Nowhere: A Story of Exile, at the Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information
    Center on Thursday, November 13, beginning at 7 p.m. The book tells of
    her family's experiences during the anti-Armenian pogroms in Baku,
    Azerbaijan, in the late 1980s and early `90s.

    The presentation will be held in Guild Hall of the Diocesan Center
    (630 Second Avenue, New York City). It is free and open to the
    public. Click here
    ( =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    to visit the Zohrab Center blog for information.

    Rouben Mamoulian
    A young Mamoulian at work in the studio.

    ** Mamoulian Weekend at the Museum of the Moving Image
    The Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, NY, will host a `Rouben
    Mamoulian Weekend' in honor of the late Armenian-American film and
    theater director, from November 7 to 9. Several Mamoulian films will
    be screened, including the Oscar winning
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Queen Christina, and Applause, which was
    filmed in Astoria in the late 1920s.

    The weekend celebration is presented in partnership with the
    Anthropology Museum of the People of New York and the Armenian
    Cultural Resource Center at Queens College. Click here
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    for ticket information.

    For an introduction to Mamoulian's life and career on Broadway and in
    Hollywood, see Mamoulian: Life on Stage and Screen
    ( 3aa2e2c3e9&utm_source=Eastern+Diocese+E-Newsletter&utm_campaign=32ee6ef947-September_4_20149_4_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term =0_3f0172fcf2-32ee6ef947-159688434)
    , by David Luhrssen (of our St. John the Baptist parish in Greenfield, WI).
