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ANTELIAS: His Holiness Aram I Visits Iranian Officials

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  • ANTELIAS: His Holiness Aram I Visits Iranian Officials

    Catholicosate of Cilicia
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    His Holiness Aram I Visits Iranian Officials

    Antelias - 25 - 26 October 2014. On Saturday and Sunday His Holiness
    Aram I, accompanied by the diocesan prelates and representatives of
    church councils, met with Ali Larinjani, Chairman of the Parliament of
    Iran, and Dr. Abuzar Ibrahimi, the Director of the Islamic Culture and
    Relations Organization (ICRO).

    During their one-hour meeting His Holiness and Mr. Larinjani discussed
    the situation in the Middle East and Lebanon, and, together, they
    condemned terrorism. The visit ended with Chairman Larinjani expressing
    his appreciation of the contribution made by the Armenian community to
    Iranian society.

    At their meeting on Sunday, the Catholicos and Director General Ibrahimi
    discussed the importance of interreligious dialogue and the important
    contribution of the Armenian community. They then discussed the date of
    their next dialogue meeting to be held in Lebanon.

    At the end, His Holiness Aram I thanked the Director General for his
    kind words, and suggested that all interreligious and intercultural
    dialogues lead to cooperation and to a culture of living together.

    His Holiness Aram I Prays with the Faithful, Meets the Youth and
    Parishioners and Visits Organizations

    Antelias - 24 - 26 October 2104. His Holiness Aram I spent his last
    weekend in Tehran meeting with members of the community and praying with

    On Friday the 24th, he presided over the Holy Liturgy at St. Sarkis
    Church and preached on the Biblical verse, `I came that they may have
    life and have it abundantly' (John 10:10). He said that human beings
    are called to live their God-given lives according to the principles and
    ethical values taught by Jesus.

    On the same evening he joined St. Vartanantz parish in the neighborhood
    of Sardarabad for Canonical Prayers. Referring to John 10:15, where it
    is written that the good shepherd lays his life down for his sheep, he
    spoke of the importance of the relationship between the faithful and the
    servant church.

    After the prayers, His Holiness met the faithful, discussed their
    questions and blessed them.

    On Saturday 25 October, Caholicos Aram I visited all the Armenian
    schools in Tehran. Archbishop Sebouh Sarkissian introduced the
    Catholicos and spoke of his strong support for Armenian schools. After
    the students presented a programme of Armenian poetry and music, His
    Holiness spoke, referring to the Armenian school as the sustainer of
    Armenian culture and its values and urging parents to send their
    children to Armenian schools. At the end of the program, the Catholicos
    met and held discussions with the teachers.

    After visiting the schools, the Catholicos went to the offices of ALIK,
    Armenian daily newspaper, where he met with the editorial board,
    representatives of the Armenian Cause committee and the representatives
    of the members of the Central Committee of Armenian Revolutionary
    Federation (ARF) Political Party.

    His Holiness thanked the members of the Editorial Board of Alik and
    everyone who is working for the just cause of the Armenian people. He
    said, `We must go beyond writing and speaking now; it is time to take
    legal action against Turkey.'

    The visit ended with a luncheon in honor of His Holiness.

    After his visit to ALIK, the Catholicos and his entourage went to the
    Raffi Center, the Sipan Cultural Association, where they attended a
    presentation by the Pert Dance group from Armenia. His Holiness Aram I
    thanked all the organizations for their important work in safeguarding
    Armenian culture; he also thanked the members of the dance group for
    their presentation.

    In the evening, the Catholicos joined the faithful for Canonical prayers
    at St. Tarkmanchatz Church. In his message, he spoke of the important
    historical role of the Armenian Church as the safe refuge for the people
    in difficult times and the source of moral and cultural values at all
    times. He then urged the faithful to go to Church regularly and shape
    their lives on these values. Once again he met with the faithful for
    discussion and to give them his blessings.

    On Sunday 26 October, His Holiness Aram I presided over the Holy Liturgy
    at St. Gregory the Illuminator Church in the Zeytoun neighborhood of
    Tehran. Afterward, Bishop Sebouh Sarkissian, Prelate of Tehran,
    introduced the community and their activities, and His Holiness spoke,
    emphasizing that faith and good works must go together. He concluded
    with the following words from the Gospel of James: What good is it, my
    brothers, if a man says he has faith, but has no works? ... is that
    faith able to save him? (James 2:14).

    After meeting the faithful and blessing them, the members of the Parish
    Council held a luncheon honoring the Catholicos.

    On Sunday afternoon, His Holiness Aram I met with the youth at the
    Prelacy of Tehran. After the youth introduced their activities,
    Catholicos Aram I expressed his confidence in the Armenian youth and in
    their ability to face difficult challenges. He then urged them to remain
    attached to the Armenian spiritual and cultural values and to
    participate in the life of the community. He concluded, `Our youth
    have a great contribution to make and they have a crucial role to play
    in our life as community.'

    On same evening, he was the guest of honor at a farewell dinner offered
    by the Diocesan Council of Tehran. Speaking on behalf of the Armenian
    community in Iran, Mr. Eduard Papakhanian, President of the Council,
    said that the visit had invigorated the community and strengthened their
    ties with the Holy See of Cilicia. In his concluding message, His
    Holiness Aram I said, `Antelias belongs to the people, and the aim of
    the Catholicosate is to respond to the aspirations and needs of
    Armenians.' He then invited people to stay in the Church and share
    their concerns.

    At the end of the dinner, His Holiness Aram I decorated Mr. Heno Der
    Ghougassian with the insignia of Knight of Cilicia for his contribution
    to the construction projects of St. Mary's Monastery in Bikfaya

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