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Valley Voices: Fresno State student explores her Armenian birthright

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  • Valley Voices: Fresno State student explores her Armenian birthright

    The Fresno Bee, CA
    Nov 7 2014

    Valley Voices: Fresno State student explores her Armenian birthright

    By Marine Vardanyan

    Birthright Armenia. Those two words represent a program that is beyond

    Last summer, I had the amazing opportunity of experiencing Armenia in
    its entirety -- not as a tourist, but as an Armenian, returning to her
    roots on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

    Birthright Armenia helped make my dream into a reality -- to return to
    Armenia with a purpose. I wanted to immerse myself into the Armenian
    life and build connections with young Armenians who share the same
    love, faith and vision for the country.

    Birthright Armenia is a program that empowers young diasporans, ages
    20-32, to travel to Armenia as interns and volunteers in their desired
    fields. Not only does Birthright Armenia connect the participants to
    internships, but it also provides opportunities to gain unique insight
    into Armenia through forums, socials, community service projects,
    language lessons, and excursions.

    >From meeting with Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan, to visiting the
    21st century Ayb School, to cleaning up a park in Hrazdan and driving
    a tractor with a wagon full of Birthrighters through a village in
    Karabakh, Birthright Armenia truly made my summer an adventure full of
    bright memories and new lessons.

    An incredibly special part of my experience was meeting and connecting
    with volunteers from all over the world, ranging from Germany, Egypt,
    Argentina and more. We danced together, sang together and learned

    I encountered both Armenians and non-Armenians with fascinating
    stories and backgrounds, each unique, yet sharing the same passion for
    making a difference in Armenia. My journey with Birthright Armenia
    gifted me with long-lasting friendships that I will forever cherish.

    Birthright Armenia also connected me to CivilNet, an organization that
    provides online advocacy news and journalism in Armenian and English,
    covering local, regional, and international stories.

    As an intern, I was given the opportunity to work on a variety of
    assignments alongside journalists such as Maria Titizian and Salpi

    Every morning, I awoke with excitement for what awaited me at my job.
    I strolled down Tumanyan Street towards Northern Avenue, happily aware
    of the sunlight, of the tall buildings, and active life surrounding
    me. The assortment of tasks, the spontaneity of each workday and the
    atmosphere of the office made CivilNet an ideal place that I grew to
    love dearly.

    On my first day, I was sent out to cover a protest at the Afrikyans
    Home, a historic site that the municipality recently demolished.

    On my second day, I translated an Armenian video report about the
    border-village of Chinari, which regularly experiences Azerbaijani
    gunfire, and recorded the English voice-over. Afterward, a viewer
    donated $3,000 to the family featured in the video.

    I translated numerous articles and helped with several news stories.
    Some involved going out of town, for example, to a village in Armavir
    province for a first-aid class and to the village of Teghut in the
    province of Lori.

    CivilNet welcomed me with open arms and made my internship an
    eye-opening experience.

    My assignments, interactions, and adventures allowed me to uncover the
    issues in Armenia along with gaining real-life experience in

    Birthright Armenia has much to offer, however, it is how one takes
    advantage of the opportunities that produces the unforgettable and
    amazing experiences.

    To all my Armenian peers, I encourage you to look into this program.
    Allow yourself to be inspired, expose yourself to the new and unknown,
    and trust in your ability to make a difference.

    Whether it's for a few weeks or a few months -- do yourself a favor by
    joining Birthright Armenia. I promise that you will not be

    Marine Vardanyan is a Fresno State senior majoring in public health
    and minoring in Armenian studies and mass communications and
    journalism. She is the president of the Armenian Students
    Organization, editor for the Hye Sharzhoom student newspaper and radio
    host for the 90.7 KFSR Hye Oozh Show. She was born in Armenia and was
    graduated from Duncan Polytechnic High School in Fresno.

    From: Baghdasarian