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Finding Peace For Nagorno-Karabakh - OpEd

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  • Finding Peace For Nagorno-Karabakh - OpEd

    Eurasia Review
    November 7, 2014 Friday

    Finding Peace For Nagorno-Karabakh - OpEd

    The conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan, is
    one of the bloodiest and most intractable to emerge from the breakup
    of the Soviet Union, making peacebuilding even more imperative.

    By Tugce Ercetin

    The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh - a region claimed by both Armenia
    and Azerbaijan - has existed since the end of the WWI, but it was
    after the collapse of the USSR that the conflict turned violent, with
    war between Armenia and Azerbaijan in 1992. This has gained
    Nagorno-Karabakh international attention as countries in the region
    have an active stake in the solution of the conflict. The dispute
    between Armenia and Azerbaijan became the one of the bloodiest and
    most intractable clashes to emerge from the breakup of the Soviet

    The conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh is the greatest obstacle to
    security and stability in the South Caucasus and the involved parties
    did not resolve it. Bilateral conflict relations have not stabilised
    the region, as there are many third party interests at play, often
    overshadowing national interests. For instance, Nagorno-Karabakh is
    influential in relations between Armenia and Turkey, while Turkey
    shares a closer relationship with Azerbaijan.

    Nagorno-Karabakh is within the international borders of Azerbaijan
    over a total area of 4,800 square kilometres. For countless ethnic
    groups, the territory has been a transit and settlement zone for
    thousands of years, resulting in innumerable territorial conflicts,
    campaigns of conquest and ethnic dislocations. Both the Azeris and
    Armenians claim ownership of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Various
    immigrations and mutual attacks have often resulted in negotiations
    reaching a deadlock. Consequently, both sides claim legitimacy due to
    fear that they would be an ethnic minority within the region.

    Between 1992 and 1994 Armenia and Azerbaijan went to war over
    Nagorno-Karabakh. The dispute has been characterized by violence and
    is based on frozen interethnic issues in the Caucasus region.
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict still potentially dangerous and negotiations
    continue, but a solution has not been found yet. Mutual dehumanisation
    of the enemy makes confidence-building and improving relations
    difficult. Enhancing cooperative agreements and encouraging attempts
    of second track diplomacy can ameliorate the lack of economic,
    cultural and social contact between the two communities.

    The Caucasus Research Resource Centre identified the current views on
    a resolution between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh.
    They found that 23% of the Armenian people and 10% of the Azeri think
    that the issue will never be resolved. The study indicates that the
    prospects of conflict are becoming an integral part of their country
    and have increased since the ceasefire agreement in May 1994.

    The main problem arises from political and historical assertions that
    have emphasised ethnicity and the shifting sovereignty of Karabakh.
    According to Armenian perception of history, the Albanians were
    converted to Christianity and "Armenianised" at a very early stage.
    Azerbaijan argues that the region is Islamised and originates from a
    Turkish population from Azerbaijan. Within the Nagorno-Karabakh
    region, the population is predominately Armenian, and is governed by
    the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, an independent but not internationally
    recognised state.

    Economic and cultural perspectives deepen the conflict by entrenching
    hostile beliefs about the other side. Armenia is one of the most
    isolated countries in the region, making it considerably weaker and
    poorer than its neighbours. The area's strategic importance is
    dependent on the extraction and export of Caspian oil, often
    exacerbating regional polarisation.

    For relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Analytical Centre on
    Globalization Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) plays a key role, and
    therefore Programme Manager Hasmik Grigoryan responded to my questions
    explaining the region, issues, and recommendations. She helped to
    identify the situation and discussed their activities as

    What is the main primary focus of your institution?

    Established in 2002, ACGRC works as both a think-tank and an advocacy
    group, promoting democratic values, strengthening civil society and
    the rule of law in Armenia, development of free market economy,
    regional integration and peaceful resolution of regional conflicts.
    ACGRC supports public sector reforms and development of good practices
    in local governance, disseminates knowledge on legal issues, produces
    expert assessments and analysis of conflict transformation and
    regional cooperation issues. It also supports initiatives that aim
    towards forming an atmosphere of trust and stable peace in the South

    Could you please give some details regarding your projects? What areas
    do you focus on generally?

    ACGRC focuses on different areas. One of them is European integration,
    political situation in post-Soviet territory, Eastern Partnership,
    raising awareness of European values, Armenia-NATO relations, conflict
    resolution and trust building. Further areas are: Armenian-Turkish
    relations; Armenian-Azerbaijani relations; and trilateral cooperation
    between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. ACGRC works in these fields
    through organising conferences, workshops for students, through

    This interview aims to illustrate efforts on reconciliation and peace
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia in relation to the Nagorno-Karabakh
    question. Therefore, can you explain what kind of projects and
    organisations are included?

    ACGRC has organised a number of workshops between the youth of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan and also organised conferences between historians of
    Armenia and Azerbaijan. ACGRC has published books analysing history
    textbooks of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The main aim of these
    projects is trust-building, hearing each other and constructing

    Did you notice any kind of change in terms of peace and reconciliation
    between both communities after they have been involved in the outlined

    By engaging in the projects a large number of people, from both sides,
    developed better connections with each other and networks of peace
    were enlarged. Participants made joint statements and spoke on TV or
    wrote in media calling to solve conflict through peace and compromise.
    Also the participants of the projects try to show their opinion and
    common results of the meetings to the Armenian and Azerbaijani
    governments and international actors.

    The crucial part relies on ACGRC highlighting the definition and
    reason for the conflict to both local and international peacebuilding
    parties. It is important that tolerance and interactions foster peace,
    helping to create possible awareness and changing perceptions.
    Conflict between both countries is defined as lack of trust and
    tolerance, lack of connections and interaction, tensions on the
    border. No people-to-people contacts. No will to understand each other
    and go for compromises. Though it is a frozen conflict but with civil
    and military victims and injured people.

    The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan is still significant as it
    influences neighbouring countries and security in the region. It seems
    that dialogue between conflicting communities can overcome
    misperceptions and if people can interact with each other, it can be
    the beginning of peaceful approach. Civil society is much more
    beneficial when national interests are looking for humanity and

    Tugce Ercetin is working towards a PhD in political science, and has
    both a Bachelor's and Masters degree in international relations.

    This article was originally published by Insight on Conflict and is
    available by clicking here.

    The post Finding Peace For Nagorno-Karabakh - OpEd appeared first on
    Eurasia Review.
