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Armenian Armed Forces Are Getting Ready

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  • Armenian Armed Forces Are Getting Ready

    Armenian Armed Forces Are Getting Ready

    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 09 November 2014, 00:16

    Armenia and Artsakh are holding a big military exercise in accordance
    with the military cooperation plan of two states. The military
    exercise is one of the regular components of activities of the armed
    forces and is implemented in accordance with plans, and spontaneity is
    very seldom, considering issues relating to organization of
    large-scale drills.

    On the other hand, this large-scale military exercise of Armenia and
    Artsakh is being held in an interesting period. A few days ago, the
    Azerbaijani foreign minister Mammedyarov announced that the necessity
    of a new Sargsyan-Aliyev is not ruled out in the forthcoming period.
    The previous meeting was on October 27 in Paris, under the aegis of
    the French president. During this meeting, according to the press
    release of the French president's administration, the sides agreed to
    have the next meeting next year in New York.

    If such agreement is reached, it means that France and the United
    States at least are not planning a new Sargsyan-Aliyev meeting. Hence,
    Mammedyarov's statement means that there can be a meeting that will be
    either unplanned or simply agreed with Russia, which also can take
    place under certain unplanned circumstances. And another period of
    escalation in the region can be such a circumstance. By the way,
    recently the minister of defense of Armenia has announced about
    escalation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani line of contact.

    In this respect, the large-scale joint military training of Armenia
    and Artsakh can be seen as an answer to Azerbaijan's statement, and
    the Armenian forces are preparing not to be startled.

    At the same time, the region is facing new challenges, namely the
    developments in Georgia. The issue that seemed to have been crossed
    out of the agenda has been brought back: is Georgia facing the
    Euro-Atlantic or Eurasian integration? The vivid supporters of the
    Euro-Atlantic line are leaving the ruling coalition and government,
    while the United States is expressing concerns about Georgia's
    commitment to the Euro-Atlantic path.

    The ex-minister of defense Irakli Alasania has announced openly that
    that the Euro-Atlantic line is undergoing an attack serving the
    Russian interests. It is possible that it is just an external reason
    to avoid defeat in the domestic situation which is not an actual
    problem. However, the expression of concerns by the United States is
    evidence to risk of a U-turn.

    Although, deep inside the risk is bigger. Instability in Georgia will
    eventually allow Russia to achieve full occupation of Georgia, which
    had been prevented by Sarkozi and was left midway during the war in

    Instability in Georgia cannot be outside the regional package because
    the Caucasus is too small, with interwoven interests to be limited to
    Georgia, and Turkey and Azerbaijan will certainly expect support for
    mutual freedom regarding the issue of Artsakh for supporting Russia
    regarding freedom of actions in Georgia.

    In this respect, the large-scale military training of the armed forces
    of Armenia and Artsakh is also urgent in the context of developments
    in Georgia which are far from signaling vaster instability in the
    region but currently developments are too dynamic, which requires
    equally fast and far-reaching reaction of the Armenian side.

    The military training of the Armenian armies is adequate to current
    developments. At the same time, the Armenian armed forces have bitter
    experience, especially that this experience showed that aside from its
    core duties the armed forces have to perform foreign political
    functions. Interestingly, the training precedes NATO week in Armenia.

    In the context of regional realities and interests, NATO and Armenia
    are natural allies because they are largely interested in stability in
    Georgia which is essential to maintaining the regional status quo.
