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Incumbent authorities must leave - Bagrat Asatryan

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  • Incumbent authorities must leave - Bagrat Asatryan

    Incumbent authorities must leave - Bagrat Asatryan

    17:00 / 07.11.2014

    On October 10 Armenia signed the agreement on membership to the
    Eurasian Economic Union. conducted an interview with the
    former chairman of the Central Bank, economist Bagrat Asatryan on what
    to expect from economically declining Russia, what Armenia will
    benefit or what difficulties it will face.

    - Mr Asatryan you have mentioned many times that the Eurasian Economic
    Union will not be a viral structure, that it will not function, while
    our authorities claim that it is a new big market with wide
    opportunities which will promote our economic development. Which is
    more realistic?

    - In general the Eurasian Union still remains a political project in
    case of Armenia as its economic significance for our country is tiny.
    Russia and the members of the Union do not have and cannot have any
    economic interest in Armenia. Take for instance the volume of
    trade-economic relations. We have them with Russia but very small with
    Belarus and Kazakhstan.
    They claim that we will have brilliant future, but it is not so with
    the simple reason that we are separated from the united territory. If
    we were joined, the opportunities would have been much wider while
    today the whole communication with the member states is being
    implemented through narrow mountainous road which may collapse and put
    us in complicated situation. The alternatives ways are very expensive.
    It means that the prior thing is the communication means, the lack of
    reliable land road. This issue is not being discussed today.

    - Can the Armenian producers stand the competition?

    - We have registered one negative factor - the high transportation
    price. As to the guarantees and prerequisites for the Armenian
    producers to appear in beneficial situation, this issue is rather
    complicated. First, Belarus, Russia and partially Kazakhstan
    essentially differ from Armenia regarding the economic principles. The
    state's participation in the economy in these countries is
    significant. The state is behind Russian producer with quite serious
    resources. Today, for instance, Russia's financial system is facing
    some issues and the state immediately says that it will provide
    assistance. Is this possible in Armenia? Of course not, as we do not
    have such opportunities.

    - Which is Armenia's hope?

    - There is no serious project, division of work, establishment of new
    production or restoration of old ones, moreover, there were no
    investments in the enterprises handed to Russia within the framework
    of Property for Debt deal. I have not heard of any program aimed at
    development of the sphere. The hope probably is that the Armenian
    businessmen will find their place in these markets due to their
    flexibility and mainly in food market, in the sphere of reprocessing
    the agricultural products, but there are some risks here too agreed
    with the economic policies conducted in these countries.

    - Which are they?

    - For instance in the beginning of the year Russia's national currency
    devaluated by 1/3, the same happened with the national currency of
    Belarus and Kazakhstan while Armenia has stabile currency. In such
    conditions the Armenian producers do not have comparative competition
    privileges. And there are a number of such things which must at least
    give food for thought. Under the political pressures Armenia follows
    this way but the authorities must solve some issues. Which is the
    guarantee that the same Armenian businessman will not leave Armenia
    for these countries where better conditions are created?

    - What steps must the authorities undertake for solving the mentioned issues?

    - Our economy is more liberate and now it will face economic system
    with state's participation and it is obvious that our system will have
    some issues. It is necessary to work out approaches for economic,
    currency policies which will make entrance to the new system without
    losses or even with benefit.

    - If to consider the reduction of living conditions of the people, the
    increase of the unemployment rate, what will happen with Armenia?

    - Among the domestic issues the economic one is not a priority. The
    country is buried in injustice and self-willingness if not to say in
    crime, starting from forming political power through wide-spread
    violations of the Constitution till the governance principles. Armenia
    has become a country for minorities - oligarchs, the invaders of the
    political power, low-quality managers who are not even able to
    understand the existing issues and moreover to propose solutions. And
    all know where this situation can lead to.

    - It is claimed that Armenia will have 250 million USD income from
    general customs fees. Which is your forecast?

    - There are issues here too. Armenia joins the union in condition of
    sanctions imposed against Russia. As a result of these sanctions the
    imports to Russia have reduced. That is to say the sum of the
    collected customs fees will gradually reduce. How is it possible for
    Armenia to benefit in such conditions? Russia is not in bad condition
    but under the sanctions it is a declining economic unit and we must
    realize it. Russia states that in the upcoming three years it will
    have zero economic growth, its financial opportunities will
    essentially reduce which already affects and will continue affecting

    - It appears that the living conditions of people may become worse.

    - We already face it. The reduction of private transfers negatively
    affects people's living conditions. We are not only going to the worse
    but we do it not being prepared to it anyhow as the authorities in our
    countries are weak, are of low-quality.

    - What must be done to change the situation in our country?

    - First of all it is necessary to restore legality.

    - Do you see any prerequisites for it?

    - Of course. I see the prerequisites in the square where this demand
    is being put. The incumbent authorities who are buried in flaws must
