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Western Prelacy News - 11/07/2014

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  • Western Prelacy News - 11/07/2014

    November 7, 2014
    Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
    6252 Honolulu Avenue
    La Crescenta, CA 91214
    Tel: (818) 248-7737
    Fax: (818) 248-7745
    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Monday, November 3, 2014, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
    Prelate, traveled to Antelias, Lebanon, to join the Bishops of the Holy See
    of Cilicia Brotherhood for the upcoming Bishops' Synod to be held in
    Etchmiadzin next week.
    The Synod will be presided over by H.H. Karekin II, Catholicos of
    All Armenians, and H.H. Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia.
    Items on the agenda include the canonization of victims of the Armenian
    Genocide and various theological and ecclesiastical matters. The Prelate is
    a member of the Canonization Committee. The previous Bishops' Synod, the
    first in six centuries, was held in the September 2013.



    The weekend of November 1, 2014 was a historic one for the Fresno
    parish family as the community gathered to celebrate the centennial
    anniversary of the consecration of Holy Trinity Church with Episcopal Divine
    Liturgy and a gala banquet.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, arrived in Fresno on
    Saturday, November 1st to preside over the festivities. He was accompanied
    by Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian and Deacon Khatchig Shannakian. Executive
    Council Chair Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian and members Mr. Vahrij Pilavjian and
    Deacon Mark Shirin participated in the weekend's events.
    On Sunday, November 2nd, the Prelate celebrated Divine Liturgy and
    delivered the sermon at Holy Trinity, assisted at the altar by Fr. Boghos,
    parish pastor Rev. Fr. Vahan Gosdanian, and deacons.
    Prior to the Prelate's sermon, on behalf of the parish, Fr. Vahan
    welcomed His Eminence and thanked him for joining the community on this
    special occasion.
    The Prelate first thanked God for the day and congratulated the
    community, wishing for Holy Trinity Church to remain the heart of the
    community for centuries more. He greeted the Executive Council members,
    parish delegates, board members and all the dedicated servants, and also
    Sunday School youth who were present. Noting that the previous day was All
    Saints' Day, His Eminence wished for the virtuous conduct and deeds of our
    martyrs and holy fathers to inspire us all in our faith and service. The
    Prelate then turned to the day's reading from the Gospel of Luke, a lesson
    on hearing and putting into practice the Word of God. He exhorted the
    faithful to be like our saints and the champions of our faith who heard the
    Word of God with their physical and spiritual ears, received it into the
    depths of their hearts, and rooted Christ in their souls where their faith
    matured and produced plentiful fruit that shaped our faith and nation.
    Disciples of Christ are commissioned to share the good news of the
    Gospel with others so that the Light and Truth of Christ can illuminate the
    world, said the Prelate. Our saints did just this, he said, they positioned
    the lamp of God's Word at the core of their lives, allowed it to light their
    path and the path of our nation, and through their faith and dedicated life
    of service, showed us the true meaning of being Disciples of Christ. In
    their ideal example, let us too proclaim His Word proudly and boldly,
    especially to our children by focusing on their spiritual development and
    instructing them to be receptive to His Word, so that it may sink deep into
    their hearts and take root in their souls from a young age, and one day bear
    fruit for His glory and for the splendor of our Church and nation.
    Concluding his sermon, the Prelate prayed for God to bless the
    memory of the Church founders who served with faith and devotion in the
    example of our saints, and urged for their legacy to encourage the faithful
    in their service with reinforced faith and commitment. During the requiem
    service, prayers were offered for the souls of the founding generation and
    all past pastors, delegates, board members and servants. At the conclusion
    of the service, the Prelate was escorted in a procession to the site of the
    Church cornerstone where a plaque indicates the construction of the Church
    in 1914, a year before the Armenian Genocide. Thanksgiving prayers were
    offered at the site. The service came to a close with Cilicia and the
    Armenian national anthem.

    The centennial gala banquet was held on Saturday evening at the hall
    of the Fresno Convention Center, presided over by the Prelate and with the
    participation of Executive Council members and over six hundred guests. The
    evening began with welcoming remarks by Master of Ceremonies Ani
    Hovannesian, followed by the American and Armenian national anthems, and the
    invocation and blessing of tables by the Prelate. Centennial Committee
    Co-Chairs Michelle Asadoorian and Leslee Minas shared memories of the
    service of their parents and grandparents to Holy Trinity Church, signifying
    the continuity of service from generation to generation.
    During dinner, guests enjoyed musical entertainment by the Mazmanian
    family from San Francisco and a video presentation of the Church history.
    Artist Arev Petrosyan from Armenia presented the Church with a painting she
    had created for the occasion. Guests also enjoyed the centennial
    commemorative booklet published on this occasion.
    On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Chairman Mr. Varoujan Der
    Simonian thanked the Prelate and greeted the guests. His message focused on
    the blessings and successes of the past one hundred years. Echoing the words
    of His Holiness Aram I that "building a church is important, but becoming a
    church is more important," he commended the devotion of successive
    generations since the founding of the Church, expressed thanks to all for
    their enduring support and encouraged them to continue with the same
    Executive Council Chair Vahe Hovaguimian conveyed the Council's
    congratulations to the community. He noted that faith in our Resurrected
    Christ and allegiance to our Armenian spirit has kept the Armenian Church
    strong through the centuries, and called on the gathering to do their part
    in keeping the Armenian Church strong.
    Parish Pastor Rev. Fr. Vahan Gosdanian commended the dedicated
    service and support of generation after generation to the continuation of
    the Church, and thanked God for guiding them to the centennial celebration.
    The Prelate was then invited to deliver the evening's keynote
    His Eminence greeted and congratulated the parish members on the
    jubilant occasion, stating that as the first Armenian Church in the Western
    United States, in the past they were an inspiration to other communities who
    had a dream of having their own church, but they are still an example to our
    parishes that look to them as proof that it is possible not only to maintain
    but to flourish a church for over a century. The mission of maintaining a
    church is an ongoing one, stressed the Prelate, as continuous work is needed
    to draw in new faithful to the church and to ensure that our faith and
    heritage is bequeathed from generation to generation to ensure the
    perpetuation of our religious and ethnic identity. "This centennial
    celebration today, and the forthcoming 114th anniversary of the
    establishment of this parish, is a powerful demonstration of this
    community's faith and commitment to the liveliness of this church. The
    foundation for Holy Trinity was set long ago, but the torch lit by the
    founding generations at the start of the 20th century continues to burn
    bright owing to the faithful service of successive generations. Now we must
    do our best to guarantee that our successors keep the flame burning for
    generations more, toward the bicentennial and beyond, through renewal and by
    focusing on our youth," said His Eminence, and went on to speak about the
    importance of evolving with the times while remaining true to our roots and
    of properly instructing our youth who we will trust to carry on our faith
    and heritage.
    The Prelate stressed that the duty of maintaining a Church is not
    solely that of the leadership, it belongs to all, from the Pastor, to the
    delegates, board members, to the parishioners, each of whom collectively
    form the backbone of the Church. Thus, he noted that the day is a day of
    celebration but also an opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to this
    mission with renewed vigor, to keep Holy Trinity Church as strong as
    possible for as long as possible. His Eminence concluded by praying for God
    to safeguard the Church and all those who serve for its splendor.
    The official program concluded with the benediction and Cilicia,
    after which the evening continued with entertainment by Harout Pamboukjian.



    By the invitation of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of
    Fresno, on Sunday, November 2, 2014, hundreds gathered at the courtyard of
    Fresno State for the groundbreaking of the Armenian Genocide monument.
    Guests included clergy, elected officials, university officials, community
    leaders and members.
    H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, participated in the
    ceremony. He was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian and Rev. Fr. Vahan
    Gosdanian. Executive Council Chair Mr. Vahe Hovaguimian and members were in
    attendance, as well as Holy Trinity Church Board of Trustees members.
    The program began with the flag ceremony by Homenetmen scouts,
    followed by the American and Armenian national anthems by Keyan Armenian
    Community School students. Remarks were delivered by dignitaries and elected
    officials, Fresno State administrators, Armenian Genocide Centennial
    Committee members, and Monument Committee members.
    The groundbreaking was conducted by clergy, assisted by deacons and
    choir members. Community representatives and Keyan School students together
    brought forth the soil, collected from various regions in Armenia, for the
    clergy to bless.
    At the conclusion of the ceremony, the Prelate addressed the
    gathering, first thanking God for the opportunity to participate in what he
    referred to as a day of varied emotions. "We are filled with gratitude that
    this region, home to Armenians for nearly one hundred and fifty years, will
    finally have its own fitting tribute to the 1.5 million martyrs of the
    Armenian Genocide. We are proud, of the hard work of the Armenian Genocide
    Centennial Committee of the San Joaquin Valley and all those involved in
    implementing and carrying out this historic project. And we are empowered;
    empowered because this groundbreaking ceremony today sends a resounding
    message to Turkey and to the world that yes, one hundred years have passed,
    but the Armenian people will never forget, and we will not let the world
    His Eminence thanked Fresno State President Dr. Joseph Castro and
    the administration for allotting the site on their campus, and thanked the
    Committee members for their hard work in planning and implementing the
    project through which we will keep the memory, sacrifices, and legacy of our
    martyrs alive, he stated. "The groundbreaking of this monument here today
    inspires us to keep educating and keep hoping, driven by the Genocide
    Centennial motto 'we remember and we demand,' for the day will come that the
    Armenian Genocide will be accepted as irrefutable fact by Turkey, by the
    United States of America, and by all the peoples of the world," concluded
    the Prelate.



    On the weekend of November 1, 2014, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian, Prelate, was in Fresno to preside over the centennial
    celebration of the consecration of Holy Trinity Church. Given that the
    Prelate was unable to attend the official opening of the new Armenian
    Consulate in Fresno, His Eminence took the opportunity to pay a
    congratulatory visit to the newly appointed Honorary Consul, Mr. Berj
    Apkarian. He was accompanied by Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian and Rev. Fr. Vahan
    Upon their arrival at the Consulate, the Prelate and clergy were
    greeted by Mr. Apkarian, who gave them a tour of the offices and an overview
    of the work carried out there. The Prelate commended the opening of an
    Armenian Consulate in Fresno and congratulated Mr. Apkarian on his
    appointment. He wished him success in his new duties and presented him with
    the Prelacy memento.
    Mr. Apkarian thanked His Eminence for the visit and for the
    congratulatory letter he had send on the occasion of the official opening.



    On Sunday, November 2, 2014, the annual banquet of the Armenian
    National Committee of America - Western Region was held at the Beverly
    Hilton Hotel. The Prelate attended and conveyed his blessings and well
    wishes to the ANCA family and to the evening's honorees, who were; President
    Bako Sahakyan, Near East Foundation, Mr. Vahe Karapetian, CA State Senator
    Kevin de Leon, Mr. David Balabanian Esq., and ANCA grassroots volunteers.
    In his invocation and message, the Prelate noted that on the eve of
    the Armenian Genocide, it is imperative to intensify our efforts so that we
    can attain long overdue recognition and justice. Thus he asked for the
    Lord's strength, wisdom, and guidance upon the leadership, staff and
    volunteers of the ANCA so that they may lead the way to the fulfillment of
    our ultimate goals and dreams. The Prelate commended all of the evening's
    honorees as advocates of truth, justice, and human rights, and paid special
    tribute to the Near East Relief for their vital humanitarian support to the
    survivors of the Armenian Genocide, and to the orphans especially.
    Religious Council, Executive Council, and Ladies Auxiliary members
    were among the guests in attendance.
