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Best must be appointed to government posts - Harutyun Mesrobyan

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  • Best must be appointed to government posts - Harutyun Mesrobyan

    Best must be appointed to government posts - Harutyun Mesrobyan

    14:02 * 09.11.14

    In an interview with, management expert Harutyun Mesrobyan
    expressed the confidence that the cabinet reshuffle will not produce
    any results because the gravest problems remain unsolved.

    The higher is the post the lower is the probability of a worthy
    candidate being appointed, Mr Mesrobyan says.

    "Any competent merger is a good idea. However, when the entire
    government system misarranged no reforms can produce any results. We
    have a high number of ministries and their personnel, and
    deteriorating management in Armenia. Since 1991, negative selection
    has marked our state government system (that is, not the best
    candidates have been appointed to government posts - ed.). ôhe higher
    is the post the lower is the probability of a worthy candidate being

    "Merging the Ministry of Emergency Situations with the Ministry of
    Territorial Administration is wrong. The former deals with emergency
    situations and its structures are organized following entirely
    different principles than other ministries' structures. The two
    ministries' are different in terms of their style of work and essence.
    It [the Ministry of Emergency Situations] is more like a paramilitary

    "By way of illustration, our government system is like an overturned
    car. Even if they remove one of the wheels and add one more engine to
    it, it is not going to move. If we cannot select the best candidates
    for government posts, the rest has no sense. Lee Kuan Yew, godfather
    of the Singapore miracle, visited Russia in 2007. Different people
    were introduced to him as 'one of the best financiers in Russia.' When
    he inquired about their employment, they said they worked for
    different companies. And Mr Lee Kuan Yew asked 'why is this one
    working for a private company, but not for the government if he is one
    of the best?'

    "Positive selection has to do with standards and the set of values a
    person has to meet to be appointed to a government post. The best must
    be appointed and corrupt ones must be convicted. The entire government
    system must be reformed.

    "One more problem is lacking demand in Armenia. If we do not demand,
    patriots and highly qualified professionals will not be appointed.
    Yes, we have professionals, but they have never been sought after. An
    oligarchic government system has always been the most uncompetitive
    throughout the world, and the situation will not improve if this
    problem remains unresolved. The oligarchic government system
    disregards professionals and creates monopolies, choosing the easiest
    way. What is the reason for imports exceeding exports in Armenia? It
    is because it is much easier to import and sell at a high price than
    to produce. What production can be in question if an oligarch can
    import and earn much money? Why run the risk of investing in

    "So as long as the aforementioned major problems remain unresolved, no
    good intensions will produce any results."

    Armenian News -
