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Armenia: The Trio Establishes Offices Of The All-National Movement

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  • Armenia: The Trio Establishes Offices Of The All-National Movement

    Armenia: the trio establishes offices of the all-national movement

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    Nov 12 2014

    12 November 2014 - 10:58am

    By Susanna Petrosyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to Vestnik Kavkaza

    Two mass meetings on 10th and 24th of October and the decision of the
    three leading opposition parties on holding rallies in Liberty Square
    of Yerevan every Friday, made the political forces and society expect
    greater activation of the protest movement. However, there is a pause
    in the actions of the opposition, and this pause gave the authorities,
    the media controlled by them and some experts rise to draw conclusions
    about the uncertainty of the opposition (the "Prosperous Armenia"
    Party (PAP), "Armenian National Congress' (ANC) and "Heritage"),
    its unwillingness to make any real steps and the lack of necessary
    resources for the change of state power. In some media appeared a
    belief that the opposition should prove its sincerity by depositing
    deputy seats of its members.

    Hovhannes Mandakuni, the observer of "" believes this
    "commercial break" occurred because those three leading opposition
    parties (opposition trio) do not have any tactical and strategic
    far-reaching agreements.

    "I do not see any preconditions for holding early elections. Yes,
    the opposition is discussing the matter, but it's a tradition we
    have here - to talk about early elections. The opposition trio has
    no resources for enforcement authorities for the early elections,"
    - said the director of the institute "Caucasus" Alexander Iskandaryan.

    "Motives of the demands of changing the government are social, not
    political. And it is a fact that the social situation in Armenia is
    unsatisfactory for at least 20 years now" - says the Minister-Chief
    of the Government of Armenia David Harutyunyan.

    Nowadays, some experts and politicians are discussing the question of
    a possible split within the opposition trio on geopolitical grounds,
    referring to the multi-vectorness of belonging to this formation
    forces. In particular, they are referring to the fact that the
    PAP and the ANC are supporting Armenia's accession to the Eurasian
    Economic Union, and the "Heritage" party stands for Armenia's European

    According to Armen Badalyan, the expert on the political and electoral
    technologies, the opposition trio de facto is the unit which, unlike
    the existing de jure unit, assumes no recorded liabilities and certain
    limits in many issues, including the issue of geopolitical orientation:
    "At long last let's not forget that the opposition is not one party,
    but there different ones and they do have distinctions in interests
    and approaches. If there would bÑ~C a moment when all three of them
    will say the same thing, when there'd be no differences in their
    opinions, we may assume that the opposition trio has ceased to exist,
    and became a political corpse "- says the analyst.

    As for the trio itself, which seemed to be still and remain in
    stagnation, by the assurance of some of its representatives, at
    the moment, its most urgent task is to build a national movement
    headquarters across the country. Recall that during his speech at the
    rally program of October the 24th PAP leader Gagik Tsarukyan pointed
    the need of elimination of the country's current political monopoly,
    as well as a majoritarian system of the parliamentary elections. PAP
    leader noted that Armenia now is in need of power of a new quality and
    fundamental changes. According to Gagik Tsarukyan, if the demands of
    the people about the resignation will be ignored by the authorities,
    the people will pressure and oblige the government to hold early

    The activity of opposition has transformed from a public format into
    a hidden form, which suggests the beginning of a new, perhaps more
    tangible, step in the political struggle. According to the expert
    Vakhtang Margaryan, this created an exclusive situation where
    statements really do become actions.

    The opposition essentially offers two options for the authorities
    power shift: incremental option and "package" option. The first option
    is to conduct amendments to the Electoral Code as soon as possible,
    aimed at the elimination of the majoritarian system, as well as the
    holding of early presidential and parliamentary elections. Second
    option may be to hold early presidential elections. In both cases,
    the most important task of the opposition trio is to change the
    political situation in the country avoiding upheavals.

    From: Baghdasarian