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Moscow Tries To Increase Its Influence In Georgia

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  • Moscow Tries To Increase Its Influence In Georgia


    GHN News Agency, Georgia
    November 11, 2014 Tuesday

    Alik Eroiants: Moscow tries to increase its influence in Georgia

    Armenian edition "Lragiri" published interview with Armenian Alik
    Eroiants who talks about relations between Georgia and Armenia and
    about geopolitical threats.

    GHN offers short version of interview.

    Question: According to materials published in Russian media in the
    project of Russia-Abkhazia and Russia-South Ossetia is considered that
    in case of destabilization in Georgia Russia can reach the border
    of Armenia with the motive to protect population of Georgia. Is it
    possible and is it directed against relations of Armenia and Georgia?

    Alik Eroiants: "Such kind of picture is exaggerated. If even Russia has
    such kind of task it is very tough to realize it, because it touches
    not only Moscow, Tbilisi and Yerevan but whole region. Of course the
    situation can be changed in the future - considering Euro Atlantic
    integration of Georgia Russia can increase pressure but capturing
    Georgian territories is not real. It is not depended only on the
    wish of Russia because there are factors of US and European Union
    that play role in this issue.

    Some people can remind about August 2008 and say that Russia invaded
    Georgia, but today it is not real. It is different case that Moscow
    tries to increase its influence in Georgia. While the Presidency
    of Mikheil Saakashvili Tbilisi was against Vladimer Putin, but new
    government has multi vector and balanced politics: on one hand it
    continues the course of Saakashvili to the west and on other hand
    it tries to make relations with Russia better. Such kind of politics
    serves interests of Georgia because the west advices Tbilisi to solve
    relations with Russia too."

    Question: Georgia is striving to join European Union, Armenia agreed
    to join Eurasian Union. Will it create problems in relations between
    Georgia and Armenia?

    Alik Eroiants: European Union and also Eurasian Union in relations
    with Georgia is not connected with Armenia issue. There can be
    problems in economic relations but high level ties between Tbilisi
    and Yerevan will make these risks neutral. I don't think that Russia
    wants to make tensed relations between Georgia and Armenia; it can
    be only beneficial for Turkey and Azerbaijan. I want to say that
    while implementing balanced politics by the government of Georgia
    Tbilisi also notices that influence of Turkey and Azerbaijan grows
    in Georgia, however they understand also that such kind of situation
    will create problems. That's why Georgia will maintain good relations
    with Armenia. Question: There is political crisis in Georgia: those
    who left ruling coalition say that the government puts European way
    under the question. Brussels and Washington also agrees with. Do you
    think the same?

    Alik Eroiants: The impression that Georgia seems changed its European
    course and turned to Eurasian is exaggerated, however the political
    processes in Georgia confirms that the processes will be more
    slow. It is underlined not only by Washington and Brussels but also
    by Tbilisian officials including the President. This is result of the
    politics of Bidzina Ivanishvili who stated that this is necessity to
    solve relations with Russia. This thesis is confirmed with the fact
    that Irakli Alasania was dismissed exactly with this context. He was
    with official visit in Europe and without agreement with the Premier
    was negotiating about purchase of arms with France and Germany. May
    be it was the reason of dismissal of Irakli Alasania. The leader of
    "Free Democrats" was leading independent politics without agreement
    with the Prime Minister. The same we can say about the former Minister
    of Foreign Affairs Maia Panjikidze. It is clear that the situation is
    tough, there is intergovernmental disagreement. But I can't say that
    in Georgia there is political crisis. Yes, some Ministers resign but
    others will be appointed and it means that the government controls
    the situation.

    Question: The party of Mikheil Saakshvili expressed readiness to
    relate with Irakli Alasania under the "name of European course,"
    however "Free Democrats" are not hurry to make agreement on. Is it
    possible to strengthen the opposition and to hold early elections?

    Alik Eroiants: "After dismissal of the Ministers in the government
    there raised issue to maintain Parliamentarian majority, however soon
    it became clear that majority will not turn into minority - there
    are other parties in coalition. If Republicans and "Free Democrats"
    will join National Movement crisis will be more complicated. Many
    things are depended on "Georgian Dream" - what kind of steps it will
    make in the future."
