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There Is One Way Not To Get Lost - Believe In God - Arthur Elbakyan

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  • There Is One Way Not To Get Lost - Believe In God - Arthur Elbakyan


    12:40 / 14.11.2014

    Actor, screenwriter, director and producer Arthur Elbakyan presented
    his new "My Insane Shakespeare" performance in New York City's Theatre
    Row on October 13 in the sidelines of United Solo Theatre Festival.

    The performance was a big success and was additionally presented on
    the same stage on October 19.

    In this performance Elbakyan plays the main character who finds
    himself in a mental hospital where the main developments are being
    unfolded. Betrayed by his friends and allies, the hero starts
    analyzing life, love, hatred, draws parallels between nowadays and
    the days of Shakespeare. As a result the hero comes to the conclusion
    that human relations and values have not changed during the time. The
    performance shows how a person appearing in difficult situation finds
    inner strength to live, love and create.

    - Mr Elbakyan, after 20-year pause you have decided to come up and
    chose solo performance, why? Has a lot been gathered inside you wanted
    to share with?

    - You have already given the answer to the question. Painting, film,
    book, theatre are the ways of self-manifestation. If nothing has
    gathered, if you do not have anything to say, you will not paint,
    you will not stage, you will not write. I am such a person. I cannot
    play or stage just for doing it, just to fill the list of the roles
    I have played and the works I have staged. You need a pause, but this
    pause is conventional. During the pause I create as well. The pause is
    important to define what you are going to say. And finally this pause
    is necessary for deciding the right place and time of the meeting.

    When this all met in one point the place and time have become clear
    for me and I came back. As to why solo performance, I can say that
    there were few reasons with the main and decisive one being the piece I
    wrote during this time. It coincided with the proposal to participate
    in the United Solo Theatre Festival I have got, and I have decided to
    stage it and play in it. Besides, I have not tried this genre before,
    I did it and it was a success.

    - "My Insane Shakespeare" premier took place on a New York stage. How
    did you learn about the festival and how did you decide to present
    your performance there?

    - One of my American partners hinted me to participate in the
    festival. He knew about my piece. As far as the piece was already
    translated into English for printing I sent it to the festival
    and received an invitation to participate in it. United Solo is the
    biggest theatrical festival of solo performers. It is being conducted
    not only in the USA, but in Europe as well. This year was jubilant
    for the festival, it celebrated its 5th anniversary expanding its
    borders during this period. In the sidelines of the festival 130
    performances from 6 continents were staged in the Theatre Row. The
    jubilee was a success.

    - How do you rate the participation in the festival? What did it give
    to you?

    - The participation in the festival was really important for me as
    my comeback took place in New York, in the sidelines of one of the
    authoritative festivals. It really gave a lot to me. Besides giving
    an opportunity to get new acquaintances, contacting with different
    art figures, the festival was a good chance to present the Armenian
    theatre and the Armenian language to the foreign audience, to the
    participants of the festival. Thanks to it the foreign audience and
    different theatrical figures got acquainted with me, I have received
    working invitations and invitations to stage performances in the
    international market.

    - Why "My Insane Shakespeare"? Do you see Shakespeare in yourself,
    or do you see Shakespeare's characters and the life he presented in
    everyday life?

    - For me the people surrounding us are Shakespeare heroes. Their fates
    are very much alike the ones of the Shakespeare heroes. Believe me,
    we are living Shakespeare's life, we just do not pay attention to it
    while in Shakespeare's works you can find the answers to the questions
    we face in our lives.

    - The core of your performance is a human being and his way to
    self-recognition. Have you found the formula of understanding yourself?

    - The important thing is for the human not to apart from himself. We
    must hear ourselves everyday, we must speak with ourselves and be
    frank in our answers. And no matter how cruel the answers are we must
    listen to them. We have to do it. I have never accepted the idea of
    making concessions for yourself. The important thing is to understand
    why you were born and why you live in this world.

    - Which is the limit between insane and real worlds? What does a person
    need not to get lost in these worlds and to find his/her mission?

    - According to my hero, the drawn limit between the sensible person
    and an insane has been erased. There is just one way not to get lost -
    belief in God. Believe, and God will hint you what your mission is.

    Believe in God and recognize yourself, there is no other secret.

    - Which is the driving force of life for you, and which are your
    prior values?

    - The driving force of life was and will be love. Love is everything.

    Love theme is eternal. The basis of our life is love. The prior values
    of life are written in the Bible. My Constitution is the Bible.

    - You live outside of Armenia for many years, but I think that you
    follow the cultural developments taking place here. In your opinion
    are valuable theatrical works being created here?

    - I do not want to give any assessment to the events in the cultural
    sphere as for doing it, it is necessary to be there, see, participate
    and only than express an opinion. While here I just receive information
    which is not complete. I am not aware of everything but I am always
    in touch with my friends and I am sincerely happy with their success.

    - What new performances are you going to present in near future?

    - I will enumerate only those which are certain. Soon, a serial movie
    will be shot by my scenario at the order of one of the Russian TV
    Channels. I hope I will be engaged in the shooting of the movie.

    Besides, in one of the biggest US cities exhibition of my canvases
    will take place.

    Currently negotiations are being held with big American producer
    group over shooting a movie on the basis of "My Insane Shakespeare".

    Besides, presentation of the book I have written will soon take place.

    - Will you perform "My Insane Shakespeare" in Armenia?

    - Answering to your first question I have said that it is important
    to decide right time and place of the new meeting. I think this day
    will come.
