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Prince Andrew secretly flies to Azerbaijan for meeting with the pres

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  • Prince Andrew secretly flies to Azerbaijan for meeting with the pres

    Prince Andrew secretly flies to Azerbaijan for meeting with the president
    By Rebecca English for the Daily Mail
    14 November 2014

    Prince Andrew faces international censure after flying out yesterday
    on a secret visit to meet the controversial president of Azerbaijan.

    The Queen's son flew out of the UK on a private jet for talks with
    billionaire despot Ilham Aliyev, who has been repeatedly accused of
    appalling human rights abuses.

    It is understood that the royal will stay in the capital, Baku, until
    Sunday and his 'private' four-day trip includes at least one face to
    face meeting with the leader. When visiting Azerbaijan Andrew is known
    as 'the dear guest'.

    His visit was not publicised in the list of official royal engagements
    in advance and last night Buckingham Palace would only say: 'By long
    standing convention we do not confirm or comment on private travel by
    members of the Royal Family.'

    However it is understood that taxpayers are not being forced to foot
    the bill for the jolly, aside from the cost of security.

    Details of the trip only emerged after a British Government source
    tipped off the pressure group, Platform, which campaigns against
    social and environmental abuses associated with the energy industry.

    Its spokesman, Emma Hughes, accused the prince of having a 'cosy
    relationship' with President Aliyev and demanded to know in what
    capacity he was visiting Azerbaijan.

    Andrew was forced to give up his globe-trotting royal role as a UK
    trade envoy in 2011 after years of public criticism.

    While his efforts were lauded by some respected names in the business
    community, he was also repeatedly accused of wasting taxpayers' money
    on chartering costly private jets and helicopters - including £387,000
    in his last few months in the job.

    Some of his business trips were also noted to coincide with golfing
    trips or private holidays.

    The prince also faced scrutiny over claims he was 'cashing in' on
    connections he had developed through his role including the sale of
    his Berkshire home for £15 million - £3million over the asking price -
    to the son-in-law of the controversial Kazakhstan president, a
    personal friend and goose hunting partner.

    The final nail in the coffin was the furore over his close friendship
    with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire US financier who was convicted and
    jailed for soliciting prostitution from underage girls. The pair were
    photographed together in New York after Epstein had been released from

    During his decade as the UK's Special Representative for Trade and
    Industry he also forged a close relationship with the President of
    Azerbaijan, an oil and gas-rich former Soviet state.

    Officially, he has now met with him on 12 occasions, although it is
    believed that he has also enjoyed numerous private encounters too.

    In June 2009 Andrew spent an estimated £60,000 of public money on
    chartering a luxury private jet for a three-day visit.

    And in November 2012 the Mail revealed how the prince had even made a
    covert stop-off to visit the president en route to an official tour of
    the Middle East.

    On another earlier stay he was reported to have visited a luxury spa
    owned by President Aliyev, which employs a blind Russian masseur
    described as having the best hands in the world.

    And in 2013 this newspaper also revealed that Andrew had been given a
    valuable ornamental sword and a box of caviar by Aliyev when was guest
    of honour at his dinner table.

    The Prince is also friendly with the president's wife Mehriban, and
    her two glamorous daughters, one of whom, Leyla, is married to the son
    of a Russian oligarch and lives in a penthouse overlooking Hyde Park
    in London.

    The disclosures have added to the disquiet over the prince's
    relationships with the leaders of dubious regimes, as Azerbaijan is
    considered to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

    The regularity of his visits have also led media in the former Soviet
    state to speculate that the Queen's son may have business links to the
    oil-rich state, including a golf resort on the Caspian Sea. Buckingham
    Palace has vehemently denied this.

    News of his latest trip has attracted condemnation from pressure
    groups concerned by Azerbaijan's appalling human rights record.

    Aliyev, who inherited the presidency from his father, has been accused
    of torturing his political opponents, rigging elections and curtailing
    media freedom.

    Last October presidential elections were held in the country which saw
    143 political campaigners jailed. Videos also emerged of ballot boxes
    allegedly being stuffed by regime supporters.

    Prince Andrew is not the only high profile British figure who has
    close links with the Aliyev regime. This August it was announced that
    Tony Blair is being paid to advise the Azerbaijani government and
    several oil companies - including BP - on the PR challenges they face
    in building the Euro-Caspian Mega Pipeline, a huge gas infrastructure
    that will run from Azerbaijan to Italy.

    Emma Hughes, Energy Campaigner at campaign group Platform said: 'It's
    shameful that both Prince Andrew and Tony Blair are so chummy with the
    Azerbaijani autocrat.

    'There are hundreds of brave people in Azerbaijan fighting for
    democracy, yet our representatives are more concerned with caviar and
    gas deals.'

    From: Baghdasarian