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ANKARA: Opposition Warns Turkish Government Of WWI Lessons

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  • ANKARA: Opposition Warns Turkish Government Of WWI Lessons


    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Nov 15 2014


    Answering a question from a journalist about reports claiming U.S.

    President Barack Obama has changed his strategy on Syria to prioritize
    the removal of Bashar al-Assad, to aid in the fight against the
    Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet
    Davutoglu said on Nov. 14 that this would be the "correct thing to
    do," adding that it is something the Turkish government has long
    demanded. Davutoglu also said he would raise the issue with Obama
    when they meet during the G-20 conferences in Brisbane, Australia.

    But by that time, perhaps because of a mistake by one of Davutoglu's
    advisors, the CNN report that was cited by a number of pro-government
    media outlets had already been denied by U.S. Defense Secretary
    Chuck Hagel and the White House. They said there had been no change
    of focus in the anti-ISIL fight in the U.S.'s strategy.

    This could be a new example used to build criticism against Davutoglu's
    Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) government for getting too
    involved in the Syrian civil war, which has devastated the country
    since 2011. On Nov. 13, military talks between Turkish and American
    officials in Ankara resulted in an agreement suggesting that Turkey
    would train some 2,000 members of the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA)
    in Turkey. The FSA was established three years ago with the aim of
    toppling al-Assad, before the emergence of radical Islamist groups
    like al-Nusra and ISIL.

    In another words, Turkey agreed as a NATO country to give training
    to rebel forces of a neighboring country on its own soil, whereas the
    U.S. will train mostly Kurdish rebel forces not in its own territory,
    but in the territory of another of Turkey's neighbors, Iraq. In the
    past, Ankara used to rightfully criticize Syria and Iraq for hosting
    the leadership and militants of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party
    (PKK), which has been carrying out cross-border attacks in Turkey
    since 1984.

    This last example shows how the political perspectives and balances in
    the region have been dramatically changing in line with the security

    At almost the same time as Davutoglu was speaking to Turkish reporters
    in Brisbane, Kemal Kılıcdaroglu, the leader of the main opposition
    Republican People's Party (CHP), was giving the opening speech of a
    conference in Istanbul titled "The 100th Anniversary of World War I."

    "Those who are bringing the whole Middle East and our country to the
    brink of war seemingly lack the wisdom to draw lessons from history,"
    Kılıcdaroglu said, adding that Turkey must "remain loyal to the
    peace-oriented foreign policy of Turkish Republic's history."

    He elaborated that with the perspective and lessons drawn from World
    War I, the Turkish government of the time managed to keep the young
    and weak Republic away from the damage of World War II by staying
    out of it. The CHP leader suggested that the government should stick
    to the principles Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish
    Republic, who coined the phrase: "Peace at home, Peace in the World."

    Turkey entered WWI on Germany's side not as a matter of national
    interest, but more, according to many historians, as the result of an
    adventurist nostalgia in the days of the failing Turkish empire of the
    Ottoman Dynasty, pushed by the ruling Committee of Union and Progress
    (ITP) and its leader Enver Pasha.

    Despite the heroic resistance shown in Gallipoli in 1915, for example,
    or the resistance in Kut, Iraq in 1916 against invading forces, the
    Ottoman army lost the war, together with the Germans, leaving tragic
    pages behind, including the forced deportation of native Armenians
    by the ITP government in 1915, which led to massacres. Following a
    humiliating armistice in 1918 that marked the invasion and occupation
    of Turkey by Greek, British, French, Italian and Armenian armies,
    (the Russians had withdrawn after the 1917 revolution), a War of
    Independence was started by Ataturk. The victory brought about a
    regime change, and the Republic was established in 1923.


    From: Baghdasarian