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Congressman Valadao, Armenian Community Celebrate Ghazir Rug Display

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  • Congressman Valadao, Armenian Community Celebrate Ghazir Rug Display


    Congressional Documents and Publications
    November 18, 2014

    Rep. David Valadao (R-CA) News Release


    Washington - Today, Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-21) and
    Congressman Adam Schiff (CA-28) joined with the Armenian Assembly of
    America, the Armenian National Committee of America, fellow Members
    of Congress, and many others from the Armenian-American community
    for a press conference recognizing and celebrating the display of
    the Armenian Orphan Rug at the White House Visitors Center.

    Last week, the White House announced their decision to display the
    Armenian Orphan Rug, also known as the Ghazir Rug, as part of an
    exhibit at the White House Visitors Center. The exhibit, entitled
    "Thank You to the United States: Three Gifts to Presidents in Gratitude
    for American Generosity Abroad," will display the artifact which
    was woven by orphans of the Armenian Genocide given to President
    Calvin Coolidge in 1925 as a symbol of gratitude for American aid
    and generosity during the genocide.

    Since taking office, Rep. Valadao has worked together with members of
    the Armenian community to encourage the White House to display the
    rug. He and Rep. Schiff led a letter along with 31 other Members of
    Congress to President Barack Obama last year urging the Administration
    to allow exhibition of the rug.

    Congressman Valadao stated, "My Congressional District is home to a
    very large Armenian population that has a very strong presence in our
    community. The Armenian Orphan Rug is a shared piece of American and
    Armenian history that should be available to the public. I am excited
    my colleagues and I were able to help secure the public display of the
    rug so that others may learn about an important part of American and
    Armenian history. I appreciate the efforts of the Administration to
    ensure this artifact was made available at the White House Visitors
    Center. This morning, I even had the opportunity to view the rug
    in person."

    Congressman David G. Valadao represents the 21st Congressional
    District, which includes Kings County and portions of Fresno, Tulare,
    and Kern Counties.

    Read this original document at:

    From: A. Papazian