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Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide: Sai

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  • Turkish Intellectuals Who Have Recognized The Armenian Genocide: Sai


    November 20, 2014

    By Hambersom Aghbashian

    Sait Cetinoglu is a Turkish scholar. His interests include The Young
    Turks, The Committee of Union and Progress (CUP) and Kemalism. He has
    published many original articles based on research of the National
    Archives in Turkey.(1)

    According to, Sait Cetinoglu, author of
    The Malta Documents and Economic and Cultural Genocide, 1942-1944,
    and an organizing member of the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative
    that hosted the "1915 Within Its Pre-and Post-Historical Periods:
    Denial and Confrontation" conference which took place in Ankara on
    24th April 2010, highlighted the dangers that still exist in Turkey
    for those that seek to expose the genocidal realities of the past. He
    added "What happened at the conference which we organized in Ankara
    showed how difficult and dangerous is discussing the topic. Despite
    the fact that we faced tremendous obstacles, we as socialists of Turkey
    discussed this question for two days with oppressed people, socialists
    and poor people of Turkey, and scholars from Turkey and abroad."(2)

    According to The Armenian weekly (April 28, 2010), "On April 24, as
    genocide commemoration events were being held one after the other in
    different locations in Istanbul, a groundbreaking two-day conference
    on the Armenian Genocide began at the Princess Hotel in Ankara. The
    conference, organized by the Ankara Freedom of Thought Initiative,
    was held under tight security measures. The conference attracted
    around 200 attendees, mostly activists and intellectuals who support
    genocide recognition. Among the prominent names from Turkey were Ismail
    Besikci, Baskin Oran, Sevan Nishanian, Ragip Zarakolu, Temel Demirer,
    and Sait Cetinoglu."(3)

    According to Lilit Muradyan "Radiolur", April 25, 2013, " 10 Turkish
    intellectuals visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial on April 24 to
    pay tribute to the memory of the innocent victims. Ali Sait Cetinoglu,
    a Turkish intellectual and the founder of the Free University system of
    Turkey, which publishes brochures presenting the real and undistorted
    history to the Turkish society said at a meeting with Armenians today,
    shared his pain for the greatest crime of the 20th century and said it
    was an honor for him to stand in front of representatives of a nation,
    which survived the great calamity and thrived." "I have devoted my
    live to revealing that evil. I declare we must not believe the masks
    of the Turkish authorities and their calls for friendship between
    the two nations. What we should believe in is their actions" said
    Cetinoglu and addressed a question to all attendees: "Have you asked
    the Turkish intellectuals you met before where their grandfathers
    were in 1915? Will you ask from now on?"(4)

    In a long Study/Article titled "Foundations of non-Muslim Communities:
    The Last Object of Confiscation", Sait Cetinoglu mentioned that
    "During the process of 1915 Armenian Genocide, the immovable properties
    belonging to Armenians who left or entrusted them to their neighbors
    were looted and/or sold by those who turned war conditions as a
    ground of opportunity. These properties naturally were seized by
    powerful locals. With decree number 1457-246/7, which was enacted in
    25 January 1925, those who had seized these properties became entitled
    to get deed titles in a short period of time. The main character of
    the measures introduced after expulsions during the 1923 Population
    Exchange is that they were systematic measures aimed at disturbing,
    expulsing and deporting non-Muslims and that they systematically
    followed each other.(5)

    Sait Cetinoglu presented a paper on "The Mechanisms of Terrorizing
    Minorities: The Work Battalions and the Capital Tax [Varlik
    Vergisi] in Turkey During World War Two". He detailed the manner
    in which the tax was designed to intentionally "exterminate the
    economic and cultural existence ... of the non-Muslim minorities,
    ...[to] loot their properties and living means and, in parallel,
    to Turkify the economy of the country. This tax", he clarified, must
    be assessed as "a continuation of the tradition of the Committee of
    Union and Progress and has the structure of an ethnic cleansing"
    mechanism. "The government of that time, through this law that
    implemented the Capital Tax, achieved in great part its aim of acting
    to destroy the minorities economically and culturally in order to
    promote ethnic homogenization." This genocidal initiative, following
    in the tradition of the Committee of Union and Progress, he noted,
    followed other terrible actions against minorities. The anti-Jewish
    pogroms in Thrace in 1934, the intimidatory campaign "Citizen Speak
    Turkish" and the mobilization of work battalions for the 'minorities'
    during 1941-42.(3)



    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress