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ISTANBUL: The impact of midterm elections upon Turkey and the Turkis

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  • ISTANBUL: The impact of midterm elections upon Turkey and the Turkis

    Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
    Nov 22 2014

    The impact of midterm elections upon Turkey and the Turkish community


    The impact of U.S. midterm elections is still under discussion. While
    Democrats are in sorrow and bewilderment, the victorious rejoicing of
    the Republicans continues in every state. It has also been suggested
    that with this success, the Republicans will be even more motivated
    for the year 2016.

    The Republicans will be represented in the Senate with 52 seats to the
    Democrats' 45, while the former will also hold 243 congressional seats
    to the Democrats' 178.

    But what do the midterm elections mean for Turkey and the
    Turkish-American community?

    Many sectors in Turkey state that it is a good sign that the
    Republicans have won a majority in the Senate and Congress. U.S.
    Speaker of the House John Boehner said both during a visit to Turkey
    and in meetings with representatives of the Turkish-American community
    that they would not bring the so-called Armenian Genocide bill to the
    agenda in 2015.

    When we look at the Senate, Robert Menendez, the chairman of the
    American Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, will leave his seat to
    Senator Bob Corker, who is a friend to Turks, in January. The grade
    given to Senator Bob Corker in the report card issued by the Armenian
    umbrella organization ANCA is a C, and he has never previously
    supported any drafts that were against Turkish interests.

    Another point to mention is the issue of the Middle East. One of the
    most important Republican senators, John McCain, and many of his
    colleagues have made statements supporting the opinions and strategies
    of Turkey regarding Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad. The Republicans are
    also stating that they will be applying pressure for a sharper and
    stronger strategy due to the unclear strategy of President Barack
    Obama on the subjects of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
    (ISIL) and Syria.

    However, I must also say this: It is also being said that the
    Republicans are closer to Israel and the tension in Turkish-Israeli
    relations will cause a backlash in Washington.

    If we look at the midterm elections from the perspective of the
    Turkish-American Community, we can see that in many states where
    interest was very high, campaigning was conducted for candidates that
    are friends of Turkey.

    Indeed, I cannot move on without saying that Turkish lobbying
    activities have improved in the last five years and that the number of
    members in the Turkish Caucus Group in the American Congress has
    increased to 148. Even if this number has fallen to 130 as a result of
    those who retired after the elections, or failed to win back their
    seats, endeavors are already underway for this number to be increased
    to 150 in the 2015 term.

    As Turkish-American leaders begin to send letters of congratulations
    to candidates re-elected to local and federal administrations
    following the midterm elections, we can say that visits for new
    members to join the Turkish Friendship group will begin after

    2015 will be a busy year for Turkish-American relations. Whatever the
    case may be, Turkey and the U.S. shares common interests in many
    issues, and it would be wrong to expect that there would be a serious
    crisis due to the delicate balance with whichever party gains the
    majority vote.

    In this sense, let's not forget that the Turkish-American community
    will continue to be in a close relationship with both parties'
    representatives and that they will work even more seriously to prevent
    any unpleasant surprises.

    *Ali Çınar is the president of the Turkish-American Leadership Council.


    From: A. Papazian