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Kathy Leach On Armenia's EEU And EU Ties

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  • Kathy Leach On Armenia's EEU And EU Ties


    Tuesday 25 November 2014 09:59
    Photo: Photolure

    UK Ambassador to Armenia Katherine Leach

    Within "Ambassadorial Lecture Series", UK Ambassador to Armenia
    Katherine Leach had a meeting with the students of the American
    University of Armenia (AUA) on November 24.

    Katherine Leach recounted about EU, spoke about Armenia-EU relations
    and cooperation carried on within Eastern Partnership, touched upon
    the crisis in Ukraine and the referendum in Scotland, etc.

    Upon the students' request, the Ambassador also touched upon the
    escalation of tension in NK conflict zone and the downing of Artsakh
    helicopter by Azerbaijan.

    Mediamax presents excerpts from the Ambassador's speech.

    Armenia-EU ties

    Negotiations launched over Association Agreement with Armenia, Georgia,
    Ukraine and Moldova were long-lasting and quite painstaking.

    >From the very beginning EU wanted Armenia to realize it and to act
    committed to it. I believe it's exactly why Armenia's September 3,
    2014, decision by which Armenia stated its desire to join the Eurasian
    Economic Union was a surprise for many. But it's Armenia's choice and
    our present task is to find out ways to go beyond it and to move ahead.

    The letters exchanged between Armenian and EU representatives
    in Vilnius in November 2014 showed that the parties are eager to
    persist with cooperation in human rights protection, justice reforms
    and other sectors. Negotiations over these issues are underway. But
    most importantly, Armenia should not "get oblivious" of EU's being
    a large and complicated organization, which on the one hand settles
    issues within itself - among its member states, and on the other hand,
    attempts to set a broader agenda of economic integration with various
    countries around the world. Thus, the best a country can do when
    developing ties with the EU is to have a clear vision of what they
    want and to formulate what they expect from it. Even if the agenda
    of those "wishes" is not large, it has to be clear.

    The passing year was quite hard for Armenia. The country was involved
    in negotiations over EEU membership and therefore it was hard for
    it to present its EU expectations. Armenia will complete its EEU
    membership process in 2015, and I hope that following it we will be
    able to specify our tasks and cooperation areas. We feel Armenia's
    eagerness and will to continue cooperation with the EU and are ready
    to support it.

    Armenia's EEU membership decision

    Armenia's EEU membership decision was no longer a surprise for us. We
    understand that Armenia is a vulnerable state with limited capacities.

    Relations with Russia are of strategic importance for Armenia and
    security-related issues are a determining factor. The incidents that
    occurred over the passing year made Armenia's decision clearer for us.

    Azerbaijan's downing of the helicopter

    The United Kingdom joined the calls of the international community
    and backed the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. We supported
    the parties to come to terms on the return of the bodies of the pilots
    through the mediation of the International Committee of the Red Cross

    We understand that Karabakh Forces have conducted special operation,
    and presently the bodies of the crew members have been returned to
    their families.

    UK's economic interests in Azerbaijan

    British Petroleum is one of the largest investors in Azerbaijan and in
    this regard, we often wonder about UK's role in this region. I tend to
    give the same answer - pursuing economic interests in Azerbaijan we do
    realize the importance of the peaceful settlement of NK conflict. We
    know what disastrous consequences the resumption of military actions
    might have in terms of local residents, economy and investments. It's
    not beneficial for anyone. It is for this reason that we voice our
    concerns and back the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. To
    this end, British Minister for Europe David Lidington paid a visit to
    Armenia and during his meetings in both Yerevan and Azerbaijan said
    that the peoples of the two countries should be prepared for peace
    and not war.

    Yekaterina Poghosyan
