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ANCA Leaders Consult With Menendez And Royce On Syria And Iraq

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  • ANCA Leaders Consult With Menendez And Royce On Syria And Iraq


    10:53, 10 Oct 2014

    The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) recently held
    consultations with the chairmen of the Senate Foreign Relations
    Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee on a broad range of
    Armenian American policy priorities, including the welfare of Armenian
    communities amid a worsening ISIS crisis, an increasingly strained
    U.S.-Turkey relationship, and growing instability throughout the
    greater Middle East.

    In separate meetings with Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and
    Representative Ed Royce (R-CA), ANCA leaders discussed the threat
    posed by Turkey-backed ISIS aggression in Syria and Iraq, and the
    welfare of Armenian and other at-risk minority communities in the
    region, as part of the larger landscape of Armenian American concerns.

    In each meeting, key points included efforts to end White House
    complicity in Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide prior to the
    centennial of this crime, U.S. legislation seeking Turkey's return of
    Christian churches, the security of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, and
    the further strengthening of U.S.-Armenia relations. These meetings
    are part of the ANCA's ongoing engagement with policymakers in the
    White House, State Department, and Congress on the full range of
    Armenian American advocacy priorities.

    "We thank both Chairman Menendez and Chairman Royce for sharing their
    insights, for working with us to explore principled and pragmatic
    solutions, and - most importantly - for exercising their thoughtful
    and decisive leadership on issues of urgent concern to the Armenian
    American community," said ANCA Board Member Raffi Hamparian, who
    took part in both meetings. "With so many crucial challenges facing
    the Armenian nation - and so much room for improvement in the Obama
    Administration's deeply flawed policies on these issues - we place
    special meaning on our relationships with friends in Congress, and
    look forward to working in cooperation with legislators from both
    parties and across our country to advance our shared interests and
    common values.

    In April of this year, Chairman Menendez led the Senate Foreign
    Relations Committee's successful adoption of the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution (S.Res. 410), the first such action by a Senate Committee
    in more than two decades. On the House side, in June of this year,
    Chairman Royce spearheaded the adoption in the Foreign Affairs
    Committee of H.R.4347, the Turkey Christian Churches Accountability
    Act, a bipartisan measure to help secure Turkey's surrender of stolen
    Armenian and other Christian Church properties. Chairman Royce also
    led an April 24, 2014, Congressional delegation to Armenia, where he
    joined with House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Democrat Eliot
    Engel (D-NY) and fellow Committee members David Cicilline (D-RI),
    and Lois Frankel (D-FL) in marking the Armenian Genocide at the
    Dzidzernagapert memorial.
