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Crossroads E-Newsletter - October 9, 2014

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  • Crossroads E-Newsletter - October 9, 2014

    Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apost. Church of America and Canada
    H.E. Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan
    Prelate, Easter Prelacy and Canada
    138 East 39th Street
    New York, NY 10016
    Tel: 212-689-7810
    Fax: 212-689-7168

    October 9, 2014




    The Providence community witnessed the centuries-old inspiring
    ceremony of ordination to the holy order of priesthood at
    Sts. Vartanantz Church in Providence, Rhode Island, last Friday and
    Saturday, October 3 and 4. The two-day ritual was celebrated under the
    auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Oshagan, who officiated over the
    Service of Calling on Friday and the Divine Liturgy and Ordination on
    Saturday. The participation of ten clergymen serving the Eastern
    Prelacy, as well as a number of guest clergy made the service even
    more moving and poignant.

    Deacon Harold Nazarian of Sts. Vartanantz Church in Providence, was
    renamed Gabriel and Deacon Diran Der Khosrofian of St. Asdvadzadzin
    Church in Whitinsville, was renamed Michael by the Prelate, who
    directed his words to the newly anointed priests telling them they
    became new men. `You bowed down as human beings and stood up as Men of
    God.' With rich biblical references His Eminence told Rev. Fr. Michael
    and Rev. Fr. Gabriel to be good role models for their followers with
    their service, love, faith and

    Der Michael and Der Gabriel are now observing their 40-day retreat
    under the fatherly supervision of Archpriest Fr. Gomidas Baghsarian,
    pastor of Providence's Sts. Vartanantz Church. They will spend this
    time praying, meditating, and studying. They will celebrate their
    first Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 9-Rev. Fr. Michael at
    St. Asdvadzadzin Church in Whitinsville and Rev. Fr. Gabriel at
    Sts. Vartanantz Church in Providence. Thereafter, Der Michael will
    begin his service as pastor of Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church and Der
    Garbriel will serve as assistant pastor at Sts. Vartanantz Church,

    A detailed press release about the ordination and more photos will be
    on the Prelacy's web page tomorrow.

    To see an article from the Providence Journal click here

    Archbishop Oshagan places his hands upon the heads of each candidate
    asking all to pray for the candidates.

    Dn. Diran Der Khosrofian and Dn. Harold Nazarian were remained Michael
    and Gabriel, respectively, to begin their new life of service.

    The clergy gather around the candidates.

    Rev. Fr. Gabriel is anointed with Holy Muron by the Prelate, as the
    anointed Rev. Fr. Michael stands at extreme right.


    Archbishop Oshagan will celebrate the Divine Liturgy and deliver the
    sermon at St. Sarkis Church in Dearborn, Michigan, this Sunday,
    October 12. During the Liturgy His Eminence will ordain Jeffery
    Naraian, Khatchig Kafafian, and Thomas Guerjikian as deacons and
    Yervant Bedigian as a sub-deacon.

    Following the Liturgy, His Eminence will preside over the banquet
    celebrating the 52nd anniversary of the parish.


    Archbishop Oshagan will preside over the gathering of the clergy
    serving the Eastern Prelacy at a retreat of renewal, reflection, and
    meditation, as well as discussions on specific topics of interest. The
    clergy will gather at St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson,
    Pennsylvania, this Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (October 13, 14,

    Topics to be explored during the conference will include a final
    review of Holy Week services that have been a focus of attention
    during past gatherings, and the directives of the National
    Representative Assembly, the 100th anniversary of the Armenian
    genocide, the forthcoming pontifical visit of His Holiness Aram I, and
    the `In Defense of Christians' summit that took place in Washington
    last month.


    Bishop Anoushavan will preside over the Divine Liturgy at Soorp Khatch
    Church in Bethesda, Maryland this Sunday, October 12. The Liturgy will
    be celebrated by Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian, pastor; Bishop
    Anoushavan will deliver the sermon. Following the Liturgy the Vicar
    will present a reflection on the `Holy Translators of the Fifth
    Century and Armenian Culture Today.'


    Archbishop Oshagan presided over the Divine Liturgy last Sunday at
    Sts. Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey. The Liturgy was
    celebrated by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian and Bishop
    Anoushavan delivered the sermon. Following the Liturgy, Bishop
    Anoushavan presented the prayers of St. Ephraim the Syrian in a
    program that also included students of the Nareg Saturday School who
    offered selections about Mesrob Mashdots and the Holy Translators.

    Archbishop Oshagan and Bishop Anoushavan with the students and
    teachers and administrators.


    In an uplifting Dedication Service following the Divine Liturgy on
    Sunday, October 5, the Sunday School teachers of St. Gregory Church,
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, committed themselves to God, before their
    students and the congregation to teach the message of the Gospel and
    the love of Christ according to the doctrine and creed of the Armenian
    Church. After reciting prayers, reading the Creed of Faith, hearing
    the Good News from the Book of Romans as it relates to teaching about
    Jesus and salvation, the teachers received blessings from Archpriest
    Fr. Nerses Manoogian, pastor. Der Hayr then presented each teacher
    with a beautifully engraved cross, saying `as the Cross is the symbol
    of the highest sacrifice made by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
    may God accept your sacrifice and dedication as you continue with your
    teaching this year.'

    Archpriest Fr. Nerses Manoogian with the Sunday School staff at
    St. Gregory Church, Philadelphia.


    The Saint Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, North Andover,
    Massachusetts, will soon begin a six-part adult Christian education
    course on the Nicene Creed, led by Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian,
    pastor. On that occasion, Dn. Shant Kazanjian, Director of AREC, was
    invited, this past Sunday, to speak briefly on the origin of creeds in
    general and the Nicene Creed in particular, highlighting the various
    purposes it has served in the life of the Church. As in the past, the
    Nicene Creed today functions as a badge of membership, as a summary of
    faith in an outline form, as a test for what is orthodox and what
    isn't, and as a syllabus for Christian instruction.

    Commentary on the Nicene Creed by Archbishop Zareh, published by the
    Eastern Prelacy, will be used as the text for the adult Christian
    education course.


    Vazken Ghougassian, Executive Director of the Prelacy, traveled to
    Armenia this week where he is conferring with the Prelacy sponsored
    `The Saint Nerses the Great Charitable Fund' about the various
    charitable projects in Armenia and Artsakh.

    Before returning to the United States, Dr. Ghougassian will travel to
    New Julfa, Iran, where he will participate in a series of events from
    October 18 to 22 celebrating the 350th anniversary of the Cathedral of
    All Savior's Monastery organized by the Diocese of New Julfa, under
    the auspices of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of
    Cilicia. Dr. Ghougassian is one of twelve scholars invited to
    participate in a conference on October 21. He will present a paper
    entitled `The Social, Administrative and Ecclesiastical Structure of
    the New Julfa Armenian Community in
    the 17th Century.'


    The Musical Armenia committee is accepting applications from young
    Armenian musicians who would like to be featured in a concert at
    Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall in New York City. Those interested
    in applying should visit the Prelacy's web site
    ( or click here

    The Prelacy inaugurated the Musical Armenia series in 1982 in order to
    promote the careers of talented young Armenian musicians from all over
    the world. Since then, the annual concerts have remained faithful to
    the objectives of the series. The 2015 concert will take place on
    Friday, March 20. Applications should be sent no later than October
    30, 2014.


    Bible readings for Sunday, October 12, Fifth Sunday of the Exaltation
    Isaiah 19:1-11; Galatians 2:1-10; Mark 12:35-44.

    While Jesus was teaching in the temple, he said, `How can the scribes
    say that the Messiah is the son of David? David himself, by the Holy
    Spirit, declared, `The Lord said to my Lord, `Sit at my right
    hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.' '

    David himself calls him Lord; so how can he be his son?' And the large
    crowd was listening to him with delight.

    As he taught, he said, `Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around
    in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and
    to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at
    banquets! They devour widows' houses and for the sake of appearance
    say long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation.'

    He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money
    into the treasury. Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow
    came and put in two small copper coins, which are worth a penny. Then
    he called his disciples and said to them, `Truly I tell you, this poor
    widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the
    treasury. For all of them have contributed out of their abundance; but
    she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to
    live on.'

    (Mark 12:35-44)

    For a listing of the coming week's Bible readings click here



    This Saturday, October 11, the Armenian Church commemorates the Feast
    of the Holy Translators, one of the most beloved feasts. There are, in
    fact, two such commemorations in our liturgical calendar. One is on
    the Thursday following the fourth Sunday after Pentecost, which can
    occur in June or July;
    the other is on the second Saturday of October.

    The October commemoration focuses on the creation of the Armenian
    alphabet (406) and on the accomplishments of the Holy
    Translators. Mesrob Mashdots, the founder of the alphabet, and
    Catholicos Sahag, together with some of their students, translated the
    Bible. Schools were opened and the works of world-renowned scholars
    were translated. Their work gave the Armenian Church a distinct
    national identity.

    In modern times the entire month of October has been designated as a
    =80=9CMonth of Culture.' Armenians throughout the Diaspora and Armenia
    mark this with cultural events not only in remembrance of the past,
    but in celebration of modern-day scholars, theologians, writers, and

    Specifically remembered this Saturday along with Mesrob and Sahag,
    are: Yeghishe, a renowned student of Sahag and Mesrob, who served as
    secretary to Vartan Mamigonian and who wrote the great history of the
    Vartanantz wars; Movses of Khoren, another student of Sahag and
    Mesrob, who is revered as the father of Armenian history; David the
    Invincible, a student of Movses, received most of his education in
    Athens, where he was given the title =80=9CInvincible' because of his
    brilliance in philosophy; Gregory of Narek, who is considered the
    greatest poet of the Armenian nation and its first and greatest
    mystic; and Nerses Shnorhali, a great writer, musician, theologian,
    and ecumenist.

    The holy translators, like stewards, were interpreters of the divine
    Scriptures by inventing letters by means of which are preserved on
    earth as living words for the shepherd flock of the New Israel, praise
    God with a sweet sounding hymn. They looked on the greatness of
    earthly glory as on darkness
    and having put their hope in the immortal bridegroom they were made
    of the kingdom of heaven; praise God with a sweet-sounding song. By
    the power of the Father's wisdom the uncreated existing One by means
    of their translation they made firm the throne of Saint Gregory,
    praise God with a sweet-sounding song. Saint Sahag having dressed in
    the new word, the holy scriptures, adorned the Armenian churches,
    praise God with a sweet-sounding song.

    (Canon to the Holy Translators, from the Liturgical Canons of the

    `After translating the book of Proverbs, Mesrop and his students began
    the translation of the New Testament. Translating the bible into any
    language is an enormous amount of work. It is especially daunting
    given the absence of any Armenian literature prior to the
    Bible. Contrast this with the translation of the Bible into
    English. The most famous English translation is the King James
    Version, completed in 1611. The earliest English Bible
    was produced by John Wycliffe in 1382. But even before Wycliffe, there
    was a tradition of writing in English from which Wycliffe and
    translators could draw familiar expressions and phrases. The Armenian
    Bible, however, is the first work of Armenian literature. In
    translating the Bible, Sahak and Mesrop and their disciples did more
    than just a translation.
    They in essence created a new written language that would be a source
    and inspiration for all of the Armenian literature that would follow.'

    (Light from Light: An Introduction to the History and Theology of the
    Armenian Church, by Michael B. Papazian)


    (Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee[ANEC])

    Completion of the first printing of the Armenian Bible

    (October 13, 1668)

    After more than two and half years of work, the printing of the first
    edition of the Armenian Bible was finished in Amsterdam (Netherlands)
    in 1668. The tenacious efforts of Voskan Yerevantsi, a bishop of the
    Armenian Church, had finally achieved an elusive target that had been
    pursued for several decades.

    Voskan (1614-1674) was the son of parents from Yerevan, who had been
    part of the deportation of Armenians from Eastern Armenia to Persia
    ordered by Shah Abbas I in 1604 and settled in New Julfa (Nor Jugha),
    the Armenian suburb of Ispahan founded by the Persian ruler. He
    studied at the monastery of All Saviors and, against the wishes of his
    parents, he was consecrated a celibate priest. After a few years of
    further study in Holy Etchmiadzin and Yerevan, he returned to New
    Julfa. Invited to Etchmiadzin by Catholicos Pilipos I Aghbaketsi in
    1634, he was appointed abbot of the monastery of St. Sargis in Ushi,
    where he took classes in Latin, philosophy, geometry, and astronomy
    from the learned Dominican monk Paulo Piromalli, a Catholic missionary
    in Armenia, and taught Armenian to him.

    In 1655 Catholicos Hakob IV Jughayetsi (1655-1680) sent his secretary,
    Movses Tzaretsi, to Europe with the aim of establishing a print
    shop. He did not find support in Italy and went to Amsterdam, where
    conditions were more favorable for printing, as the Netherlands were
    outside the sphere of influence of the Catholic Church. He was able to
    establish a print shop, but his
    attempt at printing the Armenian Bible ended in failure. Before his
    death in 1661, he asked his friend, the merchant Avetis from Jugha, to
    take over the print shop and continue his work. Avetis, at his turn,
    asked his brother, Voskan Yerevantsi, to come to Amsterdam. The latter
    had already been consecrated as bishop and was commissioned by the
    Catholicos to continue the task.

    The first page of the Gospel of Matthew from the first printed
    Armenian Bible of 1668.

    Bishop Voskan arrived in the Dutch port in 1664 and took over the
    direction of the `Holy Etchmiadzin and St. Sargis' print shop. Between
    1664 and 1669, he printed 14 Armenian books, including the first
    printed book by a living Armenian historian, the Book of Histories by
    Arakel of Tabriz (1669). He and his disciples Karapet Andrianatsi and
    Ohan Yerevantsi started the printing of the Armenian Bible on March
    11, 1666, which would result in a beautifully illustrated edition of
    21 x 26 cm. (8.27 x 10.23 inches) and 1464 pages. This achievement
    would become enough to give Voskan Yerevantsi a place of honor in the
    history of Armenian printing, following the first printer of Armenian
    books, Hakob Meghapart.

    Voskan moved his print shop to Livorno, Italy, in 1669, and three
    years later to Marseilles, France. He would print eight more books,
    including the first mathematical textbook, which was also the first
    printing in Modern Armenian, entitled Art of Calculus (Ô±Ö=80Õ°Õ¥Õ½Õ¿
    Õ°Õ¡Õ´Õ¡Ö=80Õ¸Õ²Õ¸Ö=82Õ©Õ¥Õ¡ Õ¶, 1675). He died on February 4, 1674,
    before the printing of the textbook was
    complete. His print shop remained active until 1686 and a total of 40
    books were printed.

    The original text of the Armenian Bible has had ten editions since
    1666 (the last one was printed in Vienna by the Mekhitarist fathers in
    1929). Very
    Rev. Hovhannes Zohrabian's edition, printed in Venice in 1805, is
    regarded as the most valuable by Biblical scholars.

    Previous entries in `This Week in Armenian History' can be
    read on the Prelacy's web site (


    (Prepared by the Armenian National Education Committee[ANEC])

    Don't Rub This on Anyone's Face

    If you still use a pencil to write, then you probably have an eraser
    around to rub out pencil marks. Because of such use, the elastic
    substance that came from tropical plants has been called rubber since
    the end of the eighteenth century.

    Something similar happened in Armenian: the elastic substance was
    called redeen (Õ¼Õ¥Õ¿Õ«Õ¶) and your eraser bears the same name
    redeen. Unlike English, however, the word had no relation with the
    of the eraser, but was created from a different source. It was the
    name of
    a substance that flowed from trees as a balsam or a medicine. Armenian
    medical books from the Middle Ages advised: `Redeen, which is a

    The word redeen probably entered the Armenian language through the
    translation of the Bible in the fifth century, and its source was the
    Greek word rhetine `pine resin.' Several other languages borrowed this
    word: Latin resina, Arabic ratinag, Farsi ratiyan.

    Of course, the Latin word sounds familiar. It is the indirect source,
    through Old French, for the current English word resin.

    But where does the Greek word, the common ancestor for Armenian redeen
    English resin, come from? That is one of the many mysteries that
    students of the language have not been able to solve so far.

    Previous entries in `The Armenian Language Corner' can be read on the
    Prelacy's web site (


    The crises in Syria, including the recent upheaval in Kessab, require
    our financial assistance. Please keep this community in your prayers,
    hearts, and your pocketbooks.




    ( AND

    Armenian Prelacy

    138 E. 39th Street

    New York, NY 10016

    Checks payable to: Fund for Syrian Armenian Relief

    Thank you for your help


    October 11-Armenian Friends of America presents Kef 5, 7:30-12:30,
    Michael's Function Hall, 12 Alpha Street, Haverhill,
    Massachusetts. Tickets $50; students 21 and under, $40. Proceeds will
    benefit Armenian churches of Merrimack Valley. Individually served
    mezza platters and pastries; musicians, Mal Barsamian (clarinet), John
    Berberian (oud), Bob Raphaelian (violin), Bruce Jigarjian (guitar),
    Jason Naroian (dumbeg & vocals). Advance ticket sales only. John
    Arzigian, 603-560-3826; Lucy Sirmaian, 978-683-9121; Peter Gulezian,
    978-375-1616, Sandy Boroyan, 978-251-8687.

    October 12-15-Prelacy Clergy Gathering for Reflection and Renewal at
    St. Mary of Providence Retreat Center, Elverson, Pennsylvania.

    October 18-Annual Armenian Bazaar, St. Gregory Church, 135 Goodwin
    Street, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts, 10 am to 7 pm. Favorite
    Armenian dinners including shish, losh, and chicken kebab and rice
    pilaf; stuffed grape leaves, cheese and spinach pie, pickled
    vegetables; traditional Armenian and American baked goods;
    raffle. Take-out available. For information: (413) 543-4763.

    October 19-St. Stephen's Church, New Britain, Connecticut, His
    Eminence Archbishop Oshagan will ordain Ara Stepanian as Deacon during
    the Divine Liturgy and preside over the parish's 89th Annual Banquet.

    October 25-St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley, Annual Fall Fair,
    10 am to 7 pm, at Jaffarian Hall, 158 Main Street, North Andover,
    Massachusetts. Shish, losh, and chicken kebab dinners, lentil and
    kheyma, vegetarian dinners, pastries, gifts, raffles. For information:

    October 26-Celebration of 80th anniversary of Armenian Weekly and
    115th anniversary of Hairenik, at home of Carmen and Avo Barmakian, 58
    Matthew Lane, Waltham, Massachusetts. Keynote speaker, Professor
    Richard G. Hovannisian, professor of Armenian and Near Eastern History
    at UCLA. Reservations by October 18, Heather Krafian, 617-932-1965.

    November 2-All Saints Church, Glenview, Illinois, 71st Anniversary
    under auspices of Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan, following the Divine
    Liturgy, at Shahnasarian Hall, 1701 N. Greenwood, Glenview, Illinois.

    November 6-Avak Luncheon, sponsored by St. Gregory Church, 158 Main
    Street, North Andover, Massachusetts, at noon. Speaker: Sonya
    Vartabedian, `Diary of a Community Editor,' reflections from Sunday
    School student here to award-winning journalist and editor of The
    Andover Townsman and Andover Magazine.

    November 7-8-9-Rouben Mamoulian Film Festival, 7 pm, at the Museum
    of the Moving Image in Astoria, New York. Sponsored by the
    Anthropology Museum of the People of New York, the Armenian Cultural
    Educational Resource Center Gallery at Queens College, and The Museum
    of the Moving Image. Opening night and reception will feature Love Me
    Tonight, the 1932 musical comedy film produced and directed by
    Mamoulian, with music by Rodgers and Hart, starring Jeanette MacDonald
    and Maurice Chevalier. For tickets and information:
    [email protected] or 718-428-5650.

    November 7 & 8-St. Stephen's Church, Watertown, Massachusetts, 58th
    Armenian Bazaar, 10 am to 9:30 pm at Armenian Cultural & Educational
    Center, 47 Nichols Avenue, Watertown, Massachusetts. Meals served from
    11:30 am to 8:30 pm (take out is available). Enjoy delicious meals,
    Armenian pastries, gourmet items, arts and crafts, books, raffles,
    attic treasures. For information: 617-924-7562.

    November 15 &16-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Providence, Rhode Island,
    Armenian Fest 2014 at Rhodes-on-the-Pawtuxet, Broad Street, Cranston,
    Island. Largest indoor festival in Rhode Island. Delicious shish and
    losh kebob, chicken and kufta dinners and Armenian pastry available
    all day. Live dance music. The Mourad Armenian School and Providence
    Hamazkayin dance groups will perform on Saturday and Sunday at 5
    pm. Hourly raffles, silent auction, country store, gift baskets,
    flea-market, arts and crafts. Main raffle prizes worth total $2,700.
    Fun for all ages. Free admission, parking and valet. For information:
    401-831-6399 or

    November 21, 22, 23-Sts. Vartanantz Church, Ridgefield, New Jersey,
    Annual Bazaar, Food Festival, and Hantes. Mezze and Kebab dinners
    (chicken, shish, luleh); dessert table and trays of home-made
    delicacies; Boutique
    Booths; Chinese Auction; Supervised Game Room for children;
    Pre-packaged Monte, Sou Buereg, Kufteh, and Lehmejun; Take-out
    available; Live Music for dancing and listening. Traditional Kavourma
    dinner on Sunday served immediately after church service. For
    information: 201-943-2950.

    December 6-Armenian Winter Dessert Festival, Soorp Khatch Church,
    Bethesda, Maryland.

    December 6-St. Asdvadzadzin Church, Whitinsville, Massachusetts,
    Annual Bazaar at Christian Reform Church, Whitinsville, 10 am to 5 pm.

    December 7-Ladies Guild of St. Stephen's Church of New Britain and
    Hartford, Connecticut, will host a Wine Tasting Party at noon in the
    church hall, 167 Tremont Street, New Britain. A wine talk and tasting
    will be provided by Taylor Brooke Winery, Woodstock, Connecticut,
    owned by Linda Varjabedian Auger.

    December 7-8th Annual ANC Eastern Region Banquet, Ritz-Carlton Battery
    Park, NY. Freedom Award Honoree: former Manhattan District Attorney
    Robert Morgenthau and the Morgenthau family; Vahan Cardashian Award
    Honoree: ANCA activist Alice Movsesian. Tickets are $250. For
    reservations and information, please visit or

    December 12-Children of Armenia Fund (COAF) 11th Annual Holiday Gala,
    Cipriani 42nd Street, New York City. Cocktails and Silent Auction, 7
    pm; Dinner & Program, 8 pm; Dancing & After Party, 10 pm. For tickets
    and information or 212-994-8234.

    February 9-11, 2015-Ghevontiantz gathering of clergy serving the
    Eastern Prelacy.

    March 13-15, 2015-`Responsibility 2015,' International conference for
    Armenian Genocide's centennial at Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York,
    featuring prominent historians, policymakers, authors, and
    artists. Organized by the ARF Eastern US Centennial Committee, under
    the auspices of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee of America,
    Eastern Region. for information.

    October 5-9, 2015-Clergy gathering of Eastern, Western, and Canadian

    Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy's web

    To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox,
    add [email protected] to your address book.

    Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please
    credit Crossroads as the source.

    Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about
    their major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:
    [email protected]
