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Blackmail On Europe

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  • Blackmail On Europe


    16:38 - 10 / 10 / 2014

    Armenian web-site and have presented series of
    materials which told about activities of Azerbaijani President's
    administration with assistance of former human rights defender,
    journalist Eynulla Fatullayev.

    Especially, the administration creates dummy NGOs in the European
    countries and sponsors their left-anarchic and anti-Semitic movement to
    destabilize situation in the EU countries and damage the authorities
    of those countries which accused Azerbaijan in mass violations of
    human rights. Creation of the European Information Human Rights
    protection Center (EIHRC) based on grant (sponsored by the state
    assistance council of Azerbaijani president) is presented as an
    example. Especially, the organization had an aim to blackmail the
    European political figures (Martin Schulz, Thorbjørn Jagland and so
    on). Here you can find more information on the case.


    At the same time, "Golos Armenii" ("Armenian voice") newspaper
    published detailed article on the theme on October 7 and 9. The
    article is entitled "Blackmail on Europe".

    "The situation reminds us absurd theatre: Aliyev's regime which
    for years has been under international critics for its human
    rights violations and the international human rights defenders and
    organizations call on to put sanctions against it, now sponsors "an
    independent monitoring" about the human rights' situation in other
    countries... And then the same "independent" media gauges the European
    (and not only) governments for human rights violations in order to
    justify own crimes", the newspaper writes.

    The newspaper also notes that EIHRC showed its anti-Semitic and
    anti-European activitiy in a short time. The organization assisted
    radical Islamic moods and destabilization of situation in various
    European cities, especially in France in summer and recently in Germany
    (Hannover). Organization director Thomas Piltz wrote about this on
    his Twitter page.

    Besides this, as the newspaper informs, the organization sponsored by
    Azerbaijani President not once expressed dissatisfaction towards human
    rights' organizations in France, especially, connected with "Nicola
    Sarkozy case". (

    "Golos Armenii" also writes that Hannover actions meant the beginning
    of the so called "reluctant monitoring" by the Center which, according
    to Azerbaijani plan, should occupy the Great Britain, Switzerland,
    Germany, Norway and Denmark.

    "It is obvious, that on one hand Aliyev regime signs important
    contracts with the West on energy export and poses itself as the
    Europe's saver from cold and hanger and on the other hand, it sponsors
    activities of various extremists inside the European Union. On the
    one hand, it swears Russia and Israel "to love forever" and on the
    other hand it sponsors anti-Russian and anti-Semitic actions. In the
    EU countries Azerbaijan becomes the sponsor of radical Islamists
    and left-anarchic movement and in his native country it assists
    anti-Russian and anti-Semitic moods. One can suppose that such
    activities by Aliyev regime must be examined more seriously by those
    governments where it acts", the newspaper concludes.

    From: A. Papazian