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Truism Against Another Hysteria

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  • Truism Against Another Hysteria


    Friday, 10 October 2014 15:55

    The period between late July and early August of this year was marked
    with sharp escalation of tensions on the line of contact between the
    armed forces of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan, which was caused
    by the activation of provocative actions by the Azerbaijani party. A
    special place among the hostile actions of the Baku regime is occupied
    by the penetration into the NKR Karvachar region by a three-member
    sabotage and intelligence group, which was neutralized thanks to the
    operative measures by the Karabakh security services.

    As is known, two saboteurs - Dilham Asgerov and Guliyev - were
    captured, but the third member of the group - H. Hasanov - resisted
    during the detention and was killed. On October 2, the NKR authorities,
    through the mediation of the Stepanakert Office of the International
    Committee of the Red Cross, handed his body over to representatives
    of Azerbaijan.

    Unfortunately, the subversive group managed to commit a number
    of crimes, killing and wounding a few citizens of the NKR. The
    Prosecutor's Office of the Republic launched a criminal case on these
    facts, according to which the actions of Dilham Asgerov and Shahbaz
    Guliyev are qualified as the heaviest crimes. As reported by the NKR
    Prosecutor's Office, the investigation is completed and the case is
    brought before the court, which will make the appropriate verdict.

    It should be noted that from the beginning of the criminal history
    Azerbaijan, in its usual manner screaming, tried to present the failed
    diversion as a harmless pilgrimage of civilians, full of nostalgia
    for the "native land". It isn't even confused by the fact that the
    "tourists", whom it presents, including from international platforms,
    as innocent hostages, were armed with machine guns and equipped with
    modern technical means designed for committing sabotage-reconnaissance
    and espionage activities. And now, once the mass media have reported
    about the upcoming trial in the NKR against the mentioned members of
    the subversive group, a new wave of hysteria has risen in Azerbaijan.

    On October 8, the Azerbaijani MFA press service issued a statement
    saying that "the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh regime has no
    legal basis for a trial against the citizens of Azerbaijan". Here the
    sacramental question "Who are the judges?" automatically arises. Are
    they the authorities of the country, the short history of which is
    full of massacres committed with animal cruelty against the Armenian
    peaceful population in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad, Maragha, and other
    settlements? The country, which unleashed a war against the NKR, with
    the use of banned weapons of mass destruction against civilians? The
    country where the murder of a sleeping man is equaled to heroism? The
    country, the current president of which publicly states that the
    murder of an Armenian is not considered a crime in Azerbaijan? Another
    confirmation of this is the recent killing of Armenia's citizen Karen
    Petrosyan in the Azerbaijani captivity without charge or trial, while
    he indeed got lost and found himself in the enemy's territory. And
    today, the Foreign Ministry of this barbaric and terrorist state, which
    has long despised the norms of the civilized world, hypocritically
    states certain legal bases, which the NKR allegedly lacks. Maybe
    the criminal leadership of Azerbaijan, which is stained with blood,
    considers that the trial over the criminal saboteurs should be held
    in Baku? Knowing in practice about the current "rules of law" there,
    we can consider the question as rhetorical, if not absurd.

    As for Nagorno-Karabakh, it has the legal bases for a trial over the
    Azerbaijani subversives. First, they committed the crime against the
    citizens of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and therefore the trial
    over them will be held in the NKR. We have to remind the Azerbaijani
    "followers of legality" of the legal truism - the trial should be
    held where the crime was committed. And it is known to be committed
    in the territory, which, in accordance with the Constitution of the
    NKR, is under its jurisdiction. It is no accident that the "Budapest
    murderer", who had hacked to death a sleeping Armenian officer,
    was tried in Hungary, where he had committed the murder.

    And there is another fact to be brought to the notice of the
    Azerbaijani screamers. The democratically elected legitimate
    authorities of the NKR intend to administer the justice over the
    terrorists in accordance with the norms of the civilized world, unlike
    the criminal ruling regime in totalitarian Azerbaijan, where a captive
    is killed without a trial. From the beginning of the current stage of
    its national-liberation struggle and then after the declaration of
    its independent statehood, Nagorno-Karabakh acted strictly within
    the law, and it has never broke this principle. You can be sure
    that it will act similarly this time too. For the simple reason that
    punishment without trial contradicts the essence of the NKR statehood,
    the first article of the Constitution of which reads as follows,
    "The Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is a sovereign, democratic, legal,
    and social state". And this article has been conformed by the more
    than 20-year history of its independence.

    In the meantime, the dock should be taken by the enemy saboteurs,
    against whom the investigation has irrefutable evidence.


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress