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Ready To Take Charge: PAP Leader Reveals Presidential Ambitions

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  • Ready To Take Charge: PAP Leader Reveals Presidential Ambitions


    POLITICS | 10.10.14 | 10:11

    Leader of the non-governing Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Gagik
    Tsarukyan, who also heads the National Olympic Committee of Armenia,
    made a surprise statement about his readiness to run for president at
    a joint press conference with the visiting head of the International
    Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach, in Yerevan on Thursday.

    Tsarukian's remarks came on the eve of a joint anti-government rally
    of the PAP with two other opposition parties - the Armenian National
    Congress and Heritage.

    "I have four or five candidates on my mind for a presidential
    election, who are decent persons and can put the country on the path
    of development and settle issues," Tsarukyan said when asked by a
    journalist to comment on the speculation that he was going to run
    for president.

    "If my political partners and the public nominate one of them, then
    I will be ready to support and stand by him. And if my political
    partners and the public decide that they need me and my candidacy
    at that difficult moment, then I will be ready for that as well,"
    he added.

    The PAP leader did not specify whether he was talking about regular
    or pre-term elections. Instead, he said that if elected president,
    he would swiftly improve the situation in the country.

    "Within several months pressing problems would be solved and the
    country would be put on the right path and basis ... In all areas
    people would feel that in their day-to-day life and work," Tsarukyan

    The next presidential election in Armenia is not planned until 2018
    when the second and last term of current president Serzh Sargsyan
    expires. But before that Sargsyan's ruling Republican Party intends to
    change the Constitution turning Armenia into a parliamentary republic
    where the main decision-making will be done by the parliamentary
    majority and powerful prime minister, while the president's role as
    head of state will largely be symbolic.

    The PAP and most other opposition forces are against the reform and
    the matter is likely to feature prominently during today's rally
    in Yerevan.
