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Armenia Will Leave Eurasian Union

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  • Armenia Will Leave Eurasian Union


    Hakob Badalyan, Political Commentator
    Comments - 11 October 2014, 11:09

    Hence, about an hour before the national rally of the non-governmental
    forces of Armenia the presidents of the Eurasian Union member states
    signed with Serzh Sargsyan the treaty on the Eurasian Union which
    actually resolved the issue of sovereignty of Armenia and actually
    also the issue of government of Armenia.

    Nobody appeared in an awkward situation, including the non-governmental
    forces. The latter can go on to say: "well, we said it would be

    A lot has been said about what membership to the Eurasian Union
    means though concerns about protection of the state from fall and
    dangers can never be too many. So, despite the signing of the treaty,
    the deep disaster that is awaiting Armenia within the Eurasian Union
    must continue to be unmasked in Armenia.

    In Armenia a very small part of the society resisted. In fact, the
    key parliamentary forces supported the Eurasian Union unanimously.

    As a next step, the treaty must be ratified by the National Assembly.

    Two options are possible. Either the option of the CSTO treaty on
    non-implementation of cooperation with third countries over military
    infrastructure without Kazakhstan's permission when both governmental
    and non-governmental forces of the parliament approved it, or the
    option of the December 2 deal with Gazprom when the non-governmental
    forces made a galactic noise but then forced the new government to
    revise the deal on selling Vorotan Cascade to the American company
    instead of the deal that actually transformed Armenia to Gazprom's

    One thing is clear. There is no doubt that the Armenian parliament
    will ratify the deal, especially that the opposition has announced that
    this is not an important issue. Saying no to the constitutional reform
    has been announced as important. By the way, the mentioned reforms
    envisaged referendum on membership to supranational bodies. It is not
    ruled out that under a certain situation this Constitutional amendment
    could be the singular circumstance that stems from the interests of
    Armenia and the society in that constitutional adventure and may later
    be applied retrospectively to withdraw Armenia from the Eurasian Union.

    Armenia will certain leave the Eurasian Union, whether the old
    Constitution or the new Constitution. The Eurasian Union does not
    have a future though it is not an excuse because it may collapse on
    Armenia's head. In addition, it may collapse at once or gradually come
    to pieces. Mistakes will be inevitable in the Eurasian Union because
    this union is devoid of an axis, logic and shared interests and will
    most probably jeopardize Armenia more because it is the weakest link
    in the union.

    Nevertheless, the entire process of the Eurasian Union had an
    invaluable positive effect for Armenia, even though it sounds
    impossible. The process of the Eurasian Union actually did what
    should have been done at the beginning of independence, at least in
    the first decade. The process of the Eurasian Union resulted in an
    indirect lustration.

    The post-Soviet and post-Warsaw Pact experience showed that after the
    collapse of the Soviet empire the countries which initiated a legal
    process of lustration achieved success and breakthrough. There was
    not a legal process in Armenia but there was a political lustration,
    which is very important and may be an important starting point of
    restoring independence and sovereignty of Armenia.

    The result will depend on the Armenian society. Or, more exactly,
    it will depend on the Armenian society how painful the process will
    be for Armenia and what place and role Armenia will have in the area
    of global competition.

    Because if Armenia does not leave the Eurasian Union, the process of
    formation of the new world order will pull Armenia out of it. The
    issue is what contribution the Armenian society will have in that
    process because the size of the losses of Armenia will depend on the
    size of that contribution.
