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Ruben Mehrabyan. `ErdoÄan's Turkey will not move a finger.'

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  • Ruben Mehrabyan. `ErdoÄan's Turkey will not move a finger.'

    Ruben Mehrabyan. `ErdoÄ?an's Turkey will not move a finger.'

    October 11 2014

    On October 10, 2009, in Zurich, the foreign ministers of Armenia and
    Turkey signed the Armenia-Turkey protocols and presented to the
    parliaments of the two countries for ratification. Months after
    signing of the protocols, President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan,
    suspended the ratification process in the parliament, saying that
    Turkey is not ready to continue the process without preconditions. The
    official Yerevan announced that Armenia is discussing the issue of
    recalling the Armenian-Turkish protocols. The official Ankara still
    associates the normalization of relations with Armenia with Karabakh
    conflict. Ahead to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, is
    the new government of Turkey able to make any essential move towards
    normalization of Armenia-Turkey relations? The expert for the Center
    of `Political and International Studies', Ruben Mehrabyan, in the
    conversation with `Aravot', mentioned, `ErdoÄ?an's Turkey will not move
    a finger to make any essential more towards the Armenia-Turkey
    relations. It will happen only in the presence of its clear political
    order in Turkey. At present, it is not visible and its trend is not
    even seen in the near future. The situation can be changed in Russia
    in case of change of regime in Azerbaijan, in case of significant rise
    in the presence of the US and allies in the Black Sea, also in case of
    some internal processes in Turkey related to Kurdish problem, when
    Armenia's closed border will begin hampering Ankara in its
    calculations. I deliberately did not mention the possible settlement
    of the Nagorno-Karabakh and the fact associated with recognition of
    the Armenian genocide, internationally.'

    Read more at:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress